Craft Information - Traveling to W3
Lupek is a rover that will someday be deployed to Mun. It is the KSA's first rover and the team developing it has worked up some automated driving software to allow it to drive itself around. The software has already managed to get Lupek over 450km in previous drives, and now the team has turned the rover loose across Kerbin with a full suite of instruments and sensors as it will be equipped when roving around Mun. Previously the rover traveled with a pace vehicle alongside for fast code patches and better monitoring, but now the rover is completely on its own.
Lupek has made it to W1 with no problems but at W2 engineers decided to stop for a code patch to give Lupek better behavior when approaching and routing through waypoints. It's unkown when drive will resume to W3 so check twitter for updates - ETA is entirely an educated guess.