Craft Information - Slope Avoidance
Lupek is a rover that will someday be deployed to Mun. It is the KSA's first rover and the team developing it has worked up some automated driving software that needs testing. The software has already managed to get Lupek over 260km in previous drives, and now the team has some new code to test in Lupek's slope avoidance routines. Previously, an aborted slope ascent resulted in the rover tumbling uncontrolled backwards down the slope. As before, a crew vehicle will pace the rover as it drives autonomously.
After driving for 47.2km Lupek finally hit a slope that was too steep - 19 degrees - and successfully aborted its attempt to climb further, slowly backing down to level ground and parking to await further instructions. The team conducted a few more tests with various parameters and have now packed Lupek up for the trip home to analayze all the new data.