Lupek Testbed

Craft Information - Travel to W4

Lupek is a rover that will someday be deployed to Mun. It is the KSA's first rover and the team developing it has worked up some automated driving software that needs testing. This stripped-down version of the rover has traveled over 150km from KSC to the west shore desert to stress-test the new software, with a crewed support vehicle that followed close by to monitor and upload code revisions.

Lupek is currently traveling to W4 on the drive home to the KSC, along a path chosen for more challenging terrain slope. The team does not expect the rover to actually make it to W4, but instead abort its drive when it finds itself unable to ascend a very steep slope.

Launched: 10/24/14 @ 16:44:00 UTC
Avg Velocity: 7.6m/s
Avg Altitude: 802m
Last Waypoint: W3
Next Waypoint: W4
Estimated Arrival: 18:10 UTC
Total Distance Traveled: 250.6km
Crew: None
Last Update: 10/26/14 @ 17:15 UTC
Mission Report
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