Blade Edge

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Great Day

November 5th, 2004 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Finally had an awesome day. Got my bike back, went kite flying, trained hard at the dojo, and saw The Incredibles.

There were like, 30mph wind gusts today, so I had to hit the beach, of course. I wish some one had been there to take pictures. I was getting like 8 second hang times! That may not sound long, but count it off in your head and you’ll see. One jump, I went so high I looked down past my feet to see the ground. It’s the highest I’ve ever gone, and I know it cause it’s the only time I’ve ever become even slightly worried of the possibility of not coming down again. Seriously. but I did. Hard. I coasted back down as normal, but then the wind gust died about 5 feet above the sand, so I had to roll out. Got sand all over me. I wanted to leave then and rush home for a shower before work, but no way was I packing up after that and leaving, expecially since all the people at the beach had seen me bite it. So I took the kite up again and did some more jumps. Gotta save face you know. I barely had enough time to get home, shower and get to work.

The Incredibles was awesome. I won’t ruin it for anyone, but the main thing about it is this: people get killed. Being a Pixar movie, this is a new step for them. I mean you see people get smashed by large objects, shot, blown up… there’s no blood or body parts of course but it’s just cool. This is also Pixar’s first PG rated movie, so the adult-oriented inuendo is even more obvious than in their previous movies. This added a lot to the humor and overall story, which was great. Definetly a must-see x2!!

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A Cruel and Unjust World

November 4th, 2004 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So I get up at 10am to be ready for my bike parts to come in. I get the call and rush over to the shop, pick up the parts and fly down to my buddies shop. We discover that I missed ordering a part – oh teh nos!!1 So I rush back up to the Kawi dealer and luckily (finally, some luck!) they have the part in stock. So I rush back down to my buddies shop, we fix the bike….

And it starts raining. Pouring.


So yea, it kinda SUCKED!! Peh, such is the luck I have. Fortunately it’s supposed to be clear tomorrow and the following week, so I can pick up the bike before work tomorrow afternoon. I normally wouldn’t mind riding in the rain, especially after not having ridden for so long, but those wet leaves…. man you just don’t mess with them. So I wait. Dammit.

Anyways, I noticed today that my laptop screen seems to have recovered somewhat, somehow. For those not in the know, check out this entry. Here’s the updated pictar:

So as you can see, the right side cleared up a lot more. Pretty interesting. Still rather useless though Oh well, I’m still liking my new Samsung

Anyways, nothing exciting to report programming-wise. Just running through my existing code and tidying stuff up. We may have another programmer come on the team, so I want to make sure all my stuff is well-documented and clean so he can pick things up faster.

Too tired to work out tonight. I got more GDBucks bet on me tho so I guess I’m double-timing it tomorrow Seeing The Incredibles will help me feel strong enough tho! Can’t wait, I’ll definetly post my review here.

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Okay, I Needed That

November 3rd, 2004 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

There’s nothing more I enjoy than writing a tale of fiction. Especially when it involves lots of death and destruction. I was extremely tempted to just leave my entry at that, just to see people’s reactions, but unfortunately (or fortunately) I have other things to say tonight. Oh well.

So I got an email today, from a guy from Ionforge. Seems he read about that bug I mentioned in an earlier entry and was wondering what the deal was. He also offered to help me with some aspects of the application. Very cool. I guess I keep forgetting how many people read this journal.

Bill Gates, pay me $1 billion now!!

Uhm, anyways since I have 33 GDBucks bet on me so far, I figured I might as well stop procrastinating and start working out. I only have a 10lb dumbbell, so that means lots and lots and lots (and lots) of reps. I started out small tonight, 5 sets of 50 on each arm. I didn’t time it either, tho I will in the future. My original plan was to watch a Stargate SG-1 episode every night while working out, starting from season 1 episode 1. The only flaw, I realized tonight, was that my friend still has my season 1 DVD box set. DOH! So instead I watched a movie while I did my reps. It was a comedy. How smart of me. You have any idea how hard it is to lift weights whiel laughing? No, not smart at all.

So I’ll get my box set back tomorrow and start my daily regimen. Since each episode is roughly 45 minutes long, it’ll be a good timer for my workout. I’m thinking in that amount of time I can get in 10 reps of 50 on each arm, 100 pushups and 25 handstand push ups. For starters anyways. It’s been a while since I’ve worked out like this after all. Maybe I’ll toss in some abs later on in the month.

So yea. That’s about all that went on today. I tried to code, but I’m getting really stressed out about not having my bike. Hopefully I’ll finally get it back tomorrow, I can ride with my buddies all night, and then be nice and relaxed to code all weekend. And now that I don’t have to work at GA, my weekends are looking to be much more productive.

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The Big Red Massacre

November 3rd, 2004 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So I walked into the Parts and Services shop at the Big Red Kawasaki dealer near me. I had ordered the mini bike upgrade parts in the early afternoon the previous day from them, and they told me that they would have it overnighted. It was 2pm. I stepped up to the counter and produced my receipt. I asked the sales clerk, “Did my order come in yet?” He checked over my receipt and disappeared into the back of the shop. A minute or so later he came back out, shaking his head. “Sorry, but it seems like they got all the parts together at the warehouse but didn’t have time to ship it yesterday. Or something. It should be in tomorrow morning.” I nodded my thanks and walked out of the shop.

Only a minute later I walked back in, weilding my katana, a cold fury seething through my body. 2 weeks! These morons have been holding up my order for nigh upon 2 weeks! First they shipped the wrong part regular ground, then they refused to accept orders over the phone, making me have to go there in person, in leiu of my mechanic, who didn’t have time to make the trip himself since his shop is over half an hour away.

The sales clerk stared at me rather dumbly as I swept his head from his shoulders. The fountain of blood splattered the ceiling, and the sound of his body crashing against the counter brought out another guy from an office in the back. He tried to duck back in and reach for the phone, but he wasn’t fast enough, as I flipped over the counter and launched a kick into his face. As he staggered back into the door jamb, my cold steel ran through his heart.

The lack of witnesses in the shop spared me any more victims, but the red cloud of anger had not yet evaporated from before my eyes. Leaping out of the door, I ran across the parking lot to the sales shop. Channeling my chi power, I forgoed the door and instead blasted out a window with the palm of my hand. Whipping my blade around, I swung it at the neck of the nearest sales clerk, stopping it micrometers from his skin. The poor fool fainted. From his desk I grabbed up a key. Sheathing my sword on my back, I swept across the show room floor. A lone brave soul attempted to block my path. With a jab to the throat, I crushed his windpipe. Leaving him to fall to his knees, begging for air, I hopped up onto the display stand and straddled a jet black 2004 ZX1000 Ninja. With a twist of the key and throttle, the bike roared to life. Popping the clutch, I shot off the display stand and broke through another window.

And so off I rode into the sunset, leaving death and destruction in my wake. And forever more the event was known as The Big Red Massacre.

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Crappy Day

November 2nd, 2004 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

I had to go to the stupid Kawasaki dealer and beat them over the damn head today in order to get them to ship the blasted part I need to repair my bike. It’s been sitting in my friend’s shop for 2 weeks now god dammit. I’m so pissed off at having to drive my car around and spend so much money on gas. If those parts don’t come in tomorrow, since I had them overnight them, I’m probably going to snap. I want my f***ing bike back now!!!

It was even worse since the gym I go to to hang out with my buddies was closed today for some stupid reason, I guess cause most of the schools have off for some teacher’s convention week or something. So they were all out riding their bikes, and I got to stay home and be without. %$#@%#!!

Okay, I guess it wasn’t all that bad. I did finally sell my kiteboard and accessories for $350. I definetly need the cash. Then I also finally figured out how to diff files in Evolution and how to use Productions properly. I wish they had a better tutorial. Now I can finally get down to work.

But not tonight. I’m still kinda depressed and aggravated. Not the best attitude to code in, in my experience. I’ll prob end up breaking something.

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Back In Training

November 1st, 2004 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So I finally put my yellow belt back on and bowed onto the dojo floor again last night after about a year and a half away from training. Felt good to be back. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, especially since I’m still in such great shape from Great Adventure. Still, I had the sweat pouring down my face by the end of class, and my shirt was soaked. I did a review of my basic Kata (form), so I still got that down pat. I’m not even really that sore, though my legs were starting to get quite heavy towards the end, I could barely snap my side kicks out level. Need to work on that.

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Well, It Was a Good Run….

October 31st, 2004 · Stuntwork

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

And so it ends. Six months of doing shows is now over.

But it was fun, every day. Sure it was hot as hell during the summer and cold as hell this past month, I’ve been sore in more places than I thought imaginable, I’ve been tired, I’ve been bruised and battered – but once I walk through those museum doors out onto the stage it doesn’t matter anymore. All that matters is the show, and making it look good for the audience that showed up to see us do our thing. Yea, my back hurts, but I take the falls anyways. Okay, my leg is a little sore, but that doesn’t mean my kicks should be lower. Performing is tough, but you know it’s worth it when you get comments from audience members and even from your own cast that what you did looked real. “Man you were taking those falls!” Yea, and I got hurt on some of them. “Did you really get kicked in the face?!” Well, I try not to and make it look like I did, but it does happen from time to time. Stuff like that. You take your blows and keep on moving. Yea there have been shows where I’ve come close to limping off stage due to a bad fall or a misplaced kick, but it’s worth it when you have a crowd on their feet with applause. We even had a show with bleacher-pounding!

Yes, it was a good run indeed. Would I do it again? Hells yea! I’m already guaranteed a spot next year if I want it when the time comes. So wht’ll I do until then? Well, of course I’ll still be coaching and doing game development, but I also hope to land some small TV/commercial stunt jobs in the area in the meantime. so hopefully I’ll have more stuntwork stories to post!

Here’s the final pictography:

Kat (Catwoman) finds there are no more Sweet Tarts in the candy bucket. D’oh!

Ahhh… my trusty henchman boots. With me till the end. I’ve had them since rehearsal, and have had to replace the laces on one. The outsteps have gotten the worse wear – I still don’t know where the hell those holes in the ankles came from, but they go almost all the way through the boot!!

Gearing up backstage for our last show. Me (Ratso, AKA Henchman #1). Eric (Smiley, AKA Henchman #2) and Charley (Joker) form the cabal of baddies. You’ll notice I’ve picked up yet another scrape on my head. This one I have no clue where it came from 😛

Ahhh night shows… this is the beginning, with us coming out of the museum and the Joker floating above in his balloon

Nope, no safety rope kids. Batman (Jake) has to climb up the cargo net and into the balloon while floating 25 feet off the ground and with Joker taunting him. Sweet stunt!

Us henchmen fighting Robin (Drew) by the Batmobile while the Joker’s laser in the balloon shoots wild and blows stuff up.

The big finale! Dumb kids always asked us if that was real fire. Of course it is!!

The cast

Kat stole the catsuit for a Halloween party last night, and got busted. Since our boss is so cool, he got her off the Grand Theft charges Six Flags wanted to push for and she only got a written warning. Lucky girl.

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October 30th, 2004 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Well, I finally got tired of stealing my sister’s camera to take pictures – and crappy ones at that. So I got up this morning and shot over to Best Buy to purchase my new digicam. I ended up getting a Sony Cyber-shot with 4.1 megapixels and movie capture. It’s like the one my friend Coray has that I used to take pics at GDC after I broke my sister’s camera (oops). I liked the Sony camera a lot when I was using it (my sister has a Fujifilm Finepix), so that was one of the reasons I got it. The other was so I could use the Sony memory stick. Since I have a Vaio laptop, I can just pop out the memory stick and pop it in the reader slot on my laptop rather than have to attach the USB cable. Faster too. I’ve been realizing lately how much I really need a good camera, so many great moments have happened in my life in just the past few months that I wish I had a record of, like being able to take a picture with Jason last nite in addition to the autograph for example. I also want to be able to take pics of my stunt jobs for my portfolio. The camera, by the way, was $250. Makes me wish I had John’s $400+ credit

So what pics have I taken so far? Well, here’s a pic of the autograph I got from Jason in case you guys thought I was lying

And here are two shots of my desk, cause desk shots are always cool

I’m gonna have a lot of fun with this thing

**NOTE** Brinkster is moving to a new and improved server farm, so these pics will be down from roughly 11pm Sat – 1pm Sun. This goes for the rest of the pics I link to in this journal.

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I Met a Power Ranger!!!

October 29th, 2004 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So tonight my dojo, BKG, had its 31st Annual Banquet. It’s a gala affair, and we get people from all over the country, since we have a dojo in Texas, and two in Cali. Anyways, one of the people in attendance was none other than Jason David Frank, who plays Tommy Oliver – the green, white and black Power Ranger (among others). Turns out he’s involved with BKG over in California. I watched the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers when I was a kid, and so getting to meet one of them is extremely cool. J’s a great guy, really peppy, full of energy. I read somewhere that he was a known prankster on the Power Rangers set. I can beleive it. He’s got those shifty eyes that never stop moving around and you can just tell he hates sitting still. Anyways he got promoted tonight to 6th Dan, the rank of Kyoshi, so congrats to him! He was signing photos, so I got one of course. He also gave me his contact info, so hopefully that’ll bring me in some stunt jobs in the future, since he’s still well-connected with the stunt industry out west.

So besides that high note of the day, I didn’t do much else besides drive my family to the airport for their trip to London. So I have the house all to myself now muahahah!! . Wish I had had time to test out Katana. Oh well, I should be able to get on that tomorrow night after work.

only two more days of Great Adventure!!

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Render Madness

October 28th, 2004 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

man, I finally got some time to just sit and code for like 8 hours straight. Thursdays, I’ve found, are my best coding days. Mondays I do the GDNet newsletter, Tuesdays I’m out with the guys, Wednesdays I generally get in some good coding too, but yesterday I had to ride with my buddy out to PA to sell his bike. Thursdays though… Thursdays I usually don’t do anything except code. Wunderful!

So yea, I finally finished my huge render code overhaul for Katana. *phew*. It was quite an ordeal. I probably ripped out a couple hundred lines of code, edited and stuck back in only half that, which is good. My scene render function is now half the size it was originally. I don’t think I ever fully explained how I was rendering before. Here’s the breakdown:

I came up with the idea of using intermediate surfaces, called viewports, to cut down on render times. I also have scenes, with subscenes. A scene is a collection of subscenes, and a subscene is a collection of objects. This lets me, say, define a “Game Menu” scene, with subscenes “Main Menu”, “Options”, “Credits”, etc. Now, in order to render a subscene, it has to be assigned a viewport. A subscene can have more than one viewport. The objects that belong to that subscene are rendered onto the viewports, which in turn are rendered onto the screen. This gives me a lot of rendering flexibility, For instance, I can make a split screen game simply by creating two viewports into the main game subscene, and have one viewport’s world coordinates offset to show the location of the second player. Additionally, objects can be rendered to the screen using world, viewport, or screen coordinates. So if I have a map, in order to scroll the map, I’d have all the objects in the map viewport set to world coordinates, and then update the viewport’s world coordinates, which will make it seem like the world is scrolling. Stuff like that. Viewports also keep track of whether they are “dirty” or not, i.e. if they’ve been moved on the screen or an object on them has changed. In this case the viewport is re-rendered, otherwise, it’s just blitted straight to the main surface. It’s kinda like a cheap dirty rectangle trick – the only downside is that even tho you may be blitting a single surface rather than 25 individual objects, you still have to clear the screen for each frame.

Anyways, in order to store all these subscenes and objects and viewports and the layers for rendering order, I was using a bunch of maps and lists up the whazooo. To get an object layer, I’d first have to find the subscene from a map, then the object from that subscene from another map, and then the layer object from a third map… good gravy right? All that iterator grabbing had to have been playing havoc on my render times.

So now I’ve encapsulated the process better. I used to store all this in the scene manager class, but after I realized that objects are really contained within viewports, the viewport object class handles it’s own scene objects, while the scene manager handles the viewports. So to render a scene, the scene manager calls the viewports, which call their objects, which update and render themselves. Wheee.

So yea, it was a pretty big overhaul. I seriously wasn’t expecting to get all the errors out and have a clean compile at the end of the night, but I managed to indeed do that 30 minutes ago. I was forced to comment out my std::list sort() functors due to some error I can’t even begin to fathom at 4am and after hours of straight coding. So screw that until tomorrow, heh. Plus it’s the sort functor for the object and viewport layers, so I don’t even need it to test the new render code. I can live without layers for a bit.

Okay, so testing the new render code tomorrow, see if I gain any frames. Here’s hopin. I also got to use Evolution some more, since I had to check out all the files I had to modify. Good stuff. I even had another team member connect successfully to the Evolution server on my machine – after I told stupid Windows Firewall to not block the port I’m using .

Now…. it’s high time for bed, since I gotta be up to drive my family to the airport.

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