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I Can Fly!!

January 18th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Nuther night at the gym. This time we played… I dunno – there really isn’t a name for it, so I’ll just call it Superman. You’ll see why in a second. Anyways the gym has two inground trampolines side by side, and then a third black one (the same type of tramp used for at-home tramps, only rectangular) and then a three foot wide section of floor, and then a foam pit. So visually

|=======| |=======|   floor   f |              |
|       | |       | |=======| l |              |
| tramp | | tramp | | tramp | o |     pit      |
|       | |       | |       | o |              |
|       | |       | |       | r |              |

Now the object of the game is to start bouncing on the first trampoline, take one bounce to the second trampoline, then fly over the third trampoline and the floor and into the pit. It’s about… I dunno… 20-30 feet?

Okay, viewing the video there are 4 segments. The first part is my friend Danny. He’ll demonstrate what not to do Next up I’ll show you how it’s done, and then you can see it first-person. Finally I threw in a trampoline back full twist just for kicks.

Superman (via MySpace Video)

There we go. It’s not much of a reference but I try, heh. The position you want to hold in order to make it is like Superman flying through the air.

Tune in next week when we play… Beltrope!! (these names will all make sense when you see them, I swear )

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All Set Up (for now…)

January 16th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Well I almost managed to get everything done tonight that I wanted to get done. I didn’t even start tweaking out XP yet, because after I finished my maintenence (see previous entry) I got down and dirty (literally – there’s sooo much dust in my room) and reorganized my desk and wiring to account for the new laptop, as well as for some other items I shall be adding in the future. Yep, I have a grand plan in mind here – must be prepared for the future .

So I’ve decided that my old laptop will be a file server, whereas my Aunt’s old desktop I’ll make into a media server. I saw a review of #1 DVD Ripper in MaximumPC’s most recent issue and with that in hand I shall go forth and copy my DVDs onto hard drive for streaming. It’s only got a meager 20 or so gig hard drive in there now but with hard drives costing only like a buck a gig these days, my storage woes shall be short lived indeed. Farther into the future (probably not until the end of this year) this’ll hook up to my 37″ TV (dunno exactly what kind yet – I only know that’s the biggest screen I can fit in my room).

So anyways here are some pics:

Just an establishing shot – the overall architecture 😛

Closer look and a peek under – I moved the subwoofer over to the right for better sound – it was thumping into the wood and wall on the left and the bass wasn’t getting out as well as it could.

Yep, all set up with dual monitor output courtesy of ATI’s HydraVision. MaximumPC to the rescue again letting me put up two desktop images.

I now need two power strips to feed juice to all the crap I have. Awright!! The empty socket on the right strip is there for a reason – that’s where my KDS CD storage tower will go when it gets here this week

I’ll be using this hub and XP’s internet sharing to give the old laptop and desktop some limited connection to the net to install updates and whatnot. Other than that of course it’s needed for the file/media sharing. Right now it’s just hooked up to the laptops, but an ethernet card from Ebay ($6!) is arriving in the mail soon for the desktop.

Yup, there’s the old girl in her place of rest. I’ll have to take her out over the weekend to reformat her, and then she’s going back there to stay

The laptop serves also to hide the mess of cables behind it. Those are two stacked Belkin hubs. I needed the extra ports for my new KDS CD tower. Ironically when I build my new desktop I’ll prob have enough ports in the thing to not even need a hub. Go figure.

So yea. My other plans include getting a second 172x, which will go in the empty space to the right of the laptop. In the short term it’ll be the output monitor for the old laptop and desktop via a KVM switch (also with the keyboard and mouse on the tray below the desk). In the long run however when I build my new desktop (probably not until after the summmer) I will use both monitors for the new desktop and keep my laptop as a single monitor – possibly use MaxiVista to make it a third monitor.

So hopefully in a year and a half I’ll have everything I want. Not a bad timescale.

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Minty Fresh

January 16th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So I’m just about done setting up my laptop. I finished moving all mt files off my old laptop last night (this morning actually, if you want to get technical), I just defragged it a little while ago, and now I’m finishing up my Spyware and Antivirus scans. Nailed a few suckers that managed to creep on over the past three or four days. I have Panda Antivirus, ZoneAlarm, Spybot and Ad-Aware all running 24/7 in my tray to provide me with the most protection possible. I’m willing to sacrifice some cycles in order to avoid some major disasters down the line. Best to nip these things in the bud. After this last spyware scan (it’s the third spyware app I have, Spy Sweeper. I have three, and they’ve all detected spyware in their scans, which proves that just having one isn’t enough), I’m going to run Disk Cleanup to get rid of all the temp files I ammassed while installing all my downloaded apps, among other things.

I’ve also set up tasks in Outlook to keep me from letting the comp get clogged up:

daily – download new antivirus definitions for Panda
weekly – Full anti-virus/-spyware scans (Spyware scanners update before scans)
monthly – Run Disk Cleanup, back up files and defrag

This is all thanks mainly to some great reference articles from MaximumPC magazine.

So my next step after this last spyware scan completes is to tweak out XP. Not totally – I’m not going to skin it or install like a bajillion tweak utilities (ie XTeq Setup, TweakXP, etc) – just TweakUI and some registry settings and Service modifications.

After that I should be ready to rock and roll! I’m going to hold off reformatting my old computer until next weekend – I want to make sure I have everything transferred over, and the best way to do that is use this comp for a week. If I don’t need to go back to the old comp for anything, I’m set. In the meantime tho I’m going to shut it down and hook the Samsung up to my new lappy for some dual-display goodness. Mmmmmm….

Random Note

Kinda somewhat funny thing happened today. I had unplugged the speaker cable from my old laptop and put it in the new one. As I was defragging I started hearing the high-pitched scraping sound (at least that’s what it sounded like). But it was very soft. So at first I thought my speakers were generating noise, so I turned them up – no change. Then I realized it was coming from my old laptop. I leaned down by it and the noise defined itself into what sounded like the hard drive scratching along like mad. I almost freaked out because I though it was on its way to a critical drive failure when I realized it was… playing out a beat. Yup, my screen was closed and the teeny speakers were pumping out Mona Lisa Overdrive (Matrix II CD) in tinny tones.

So yea, scary, then funny, then stupid.

Whoops – scan’s done. Back to work!

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Constantine will be good!

January 14th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Well I’m finally almost up and running on my new laptop. It’s taking me quite a while, mostly because I’m still doing work on the old laptop while setting up this one and that’s when I’m at home and not at work or out socializing. But I just finished setting up Outlook today – the major bump was importing my 400MB PST file I save a lot of emails, hee hee. I’ll finish up this weekend with customizing all my apps and tweaking out XP. After that I have to reformat my old laptop so I can use it to stash files. Same with my Aunt’s old desktop.

Spoiler Alert

So I saw Elektra tonight. It was a let-down unfortunately. The story just never seemed to really manifest itself into anything worthwhile, and the action wasn’t as cool as I thought it would be. After seeing films like Crouching Tiger, Hero and House of Flying Daggers, I can no longer stand these close-in blocked out fight sequences where all you see are flashes of combat. This is obviously to hide the ineptitude of the fighters themselves. You’d think Jennifer Gardner, with 4 seasons of Alias under her belt, would at least know how to fight. Yeesh. The worst part was her killing the agents of The Hand. Take this one guy – he gets shot with a shotgun and brushes the pellets off his chest with nary a scratch. Elektra’s sai snap when she tries to stab him in the back. And yet, he gets killed by a tree falling on top of him. Did I miss something?? And the lead guy can move incredibly fast, yet he manages to spear himself (at least that’s what it looks like to me, didn’t seem like Elektra did much) on Elektra’s sai. I find it hard to pick out any redeeming qualities… there were a couple of funny lines in the movie, and Terrence Stamp’s blind man act was pretty cool, but overall…. blech.

End Spoiler Alert

So anyways this is like the third movie me and my friends have seen that’s sucked to some degree or another. Alexander sucked (actually that heralded in a whole new level of suck for us), White Noise wasn’t scary at all, and now Elektra was a major let down. Therefore in order to keep our spirits up, my friends and I have concluded that Constantine (starring Keanu Reeves) will be good. It will! We swear! (We hope)

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Fight Night

January 11th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Tuesday night at the gym baby. Oh yeaaaa!

So this guy I met online a few weeks ago showed up at the gym again tonight. He had emailed me earlier that he was working in his backfalls, so I had just the game for him to play: The Backdrop Game. The idea is simple: you have to jump backwards off a mat that’s placed next to the trampoline, land on your back, and bounce back to your feet on top of the mat. After you do that, you add another mat, and another, and another, etc. We had a pile of mats about 6 feet high at the end. Sure, 6 feet isn’t that big a deal (I did a 20-25 foot back fall off a building during the Batman show) but onto the trampoline?

Movie 1
Movie 2

After we played that we strapped on our armor and fought once again, only this time I had my camera at the ready! Too bad I didn’t have more room after taking the videos of the back fall game, I missed some pretty funny stuff. Anyways you guys can finally see how we fight, all armored up and swingin! I like the last one best, hee hee.

Movie 1
Movie 2
Movie 3

So yea, next week I have another game to play with my new buddy Steve – it’s awesome having someone new to show all this stuff to, cause otherwise we never really do it ourselves anymore since it’s stuff we’ve done many times before. Thanks Steve! 😛

And in other news, I had the worst spyware attack in my life today. I visited a site to get a codec pack and all the sudden SpyBot’s registry watcher app starts notifying me of registry changes up the whazoo. I quick close Firefox and load up S&D for a scan. 104 results. Holy crap!! I’ve managed to wipe out all but 2 of them – they load up with Windows so when S&D runs when windows loads it’s too late to remove them cause they’re in memory. I tried removing them in Safe Mode but even tho S&D says it got em, they’re still there. Crap! I’m going to try AdAware and hope it has a utility to scan during boot, not when Windows loads up. If anyone else has any suggestions I’d appreciate it.

Damn. I’ve never been infected this bad before. Well, I suppose it had to happen sometime…

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Freakin Fiasco

January 10th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So if you read my previous post, the saga continues after I get home from work at around 7:30 pm. My first order of business is to get online with Sony tech support and make sure I have to start from Disc 6 every time the damn recovery system burns me a bad CD. Turns out that I do. Wunderful. By the way after my last post and before I went to work the recovery utility screwed up my second to last CD. Well screw that, I’ll just have to do it the slightly harder way.

So I start reinstalling the OS. The laptop shipped with XP Home SP2, and I was installing XP Pro SP1. The comp balked at that while in Windows but when I booted from CD it was fine. So I reformatted the entire hard drive and installed a nice fresh copy of XP Pro. However when the comp rebooted for the first time I got hit with a boot menu that gave me the option of booting into XP Pro or XP Home. WTF??

So I figure, eh no biggie – I’ll just edit the boot menu options in Windows so it automatically chooses the Pro version. Next hurdle was figuring out how I was going to get the drivers installed now that I had no recovery CDs and thus no internet connection. Luckily I had a wireless USB adapter that I was using with my old comp that I installed in the new one to get me online to get the drivers from Sony’s website. Sweet. So I get all the drivers installed and have talked through tech support again to see if I could get rid of the boot menu all together (they told me to send an email. Whatever). Then when I tried installing SP2 the download kept hanging.

By this time it was getting onwards of midnight, and I was beginning to get a little cranky. So I threw my hands up in the air and reinstalled XP Pro all over again. Sure, I mighta over-reacted a bit, but at least it solved all my problems. When the comp rebooted after the reinstall the XP Home ghost was no more, it booted straight into XP Pro. Good, that was just nagging me.

To make my downloads faster I took the comp downstairs to sit on the couch and be almost right under the router. I also reset the router to clear its brain up. That helped a bit too. Since installing drivers and updates is boring and tedious, I popped in the LotR: RotK Special Extended Edition DVD and watched it on my TV (not on my laptop) while I worked.

So I guess the night turned out aiight after all. I’m still at it – installing updates and apps until I can’t keep my eye open any longer. I guess I’ll get a bit more done before I catch a few hours sleep.

What a fiasco.

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New Family Member

January 10th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So the stork stopped by my house today and dropped off a little bundle of joy. Okay okay it was really the FedEx truck but… you know.

Yup, my new laptop is finally here. First order of business? Wipe it clean and reinstall my copy of Windows XP Pro to get all this factory crap off. The hitch? Seems Sony is cutting back on costs by no longer including recovery CDs with the computer (my last VAIO laptop had them). This means I have to burn them myself. Crap. So I get to disc 3 of 6 (it goes backwards for some reason) and up pops a disc write error. Okay, no problem – I’ll just pop in a new disc. But it doesn’t let me. Nooooo, I have to restart the computer. Okay fine. So I do and I go back into the CD Recovery app and restart the burning process…. from disc 6. %$#$%@%!!!

So I just wasted 4 CDs. Great. Freakin great. Yea I cursed and kicked the wall under my desk for a while.

So here I am still burning CDs and I have to leave for work in an hour. I should finish just in time (barring anymore write errors), but I was hoping to have had the OS reinstalled before going to work, then coming home and installing all my apps.


But I’m still happy just to finally have it. It’s got a Mobility Radeon 9700 so I can finally do some decent computer gaming (it’s been a while). I’m still irked at this stupid manual CD labor tho.

Here are some shots. This is the entire PC family living at my desk

The new laptop is in the center, and my old one is up on the shelf under the tissue box. Since the screen is broken it’s hooked up to the monitor on the left. And my aunt’s old PC is down in the bottom, I’m going to hook that up to the monitor to reformat it and set it up as a webserver or fileserver or something, then do the same for my old laptop and then hook the monitor up to the new laptop for dual display goodness.

And here’s the new baby. She’s a beaut

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Holy Freaking Crap!!

January 6th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So yea, third entry of the day I know. But after posting my last entry, I noticed I still had a tab open to my order status page for my laptop. So just for kicks I hit the refresh button to see if maybe it had been at least processed and scheduled for production. Now, I last checked this page four hours ago and went stark raving mad when it listed my laptop order status as In Process, which meant it hadn’t even been built yet. Four hours later?


It’s scheduled to arrive on the 10th since the bastards don’t ship on weekends. Weh. Still, I am now

happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy !!!

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January 6th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll


So I checked online for the order status of my new laptop and it seems the 256MB memory sticks they need for my model (I’m having two sticks to make 512MB) is on back order with no project ship date as of yet. The projected ship date for the laptop is the 10th! Arrrgh!! I placed the order on the 31st of Dec! Luckily I have the 2-3 day shipping option, so once it finally ships I won’t have to wait like another week for it to actually get here. But still…

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Coaching Isn’t Always Easy…

January 6th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

This is mainly a brain dump for my future self, should I ever encounter this problem again that I’m having right now with one of my students. So read on if you’re a teacher of some sort – otherwise you can probably skip this entry unless you like psychiatry. I don’t, but looks like I’ll have to apply myself to it anyways…

So okay, one of my older girls (~13 years old) has recently developed what I will classify as a “mental illness”. This is the first time in my 4 year coaching career that I’ve had a student take a step backward for no apparent reason. She learned how to do a front flip on trampoline at least a year ago, and has done them on floor from a punch and off beam with a spot. This past summer she learned a barani, which is a front flip with a half twist. Three weeks earlier, she somehow decided that she can no longer do a regular front flip. Today she flat out refused to do a front flip by herself and went home crying after I refused to spot her or let her do anything else on trampoline until she did her front flip by herself again.

Now let’s look at the symptoms. I was able to chat with her online before she went to bed and at least found out why she was scared to do a front flip – she thought she was going to land on her head. Now, this is a reasonable fear when doing front flips. However it is not reasonable when you have been doing a front flip perfectly for over a year. The only time this should be a problem is 1) you’re learning the trick for the first time and are not yet confident in your ability to execute it properly or 2) you bail out of the trick (for whatever reason) and land badly and get injured or extremely shaken up. Neither of these things can be applied to her.

I simply cannot understand at this time what could cause such a massive break of self confidence. I allowed myself to spot her for one flip, and she executed the flip perfectly. I know without a doubt and as a coach that she can still do this trick. My opinion, however, seems not to matter in this case as she still refuses to beleive in herself.

I also won’t accept the idea that she is scared to land on her head. At least 3/4 of the other tricks she does, be it on floor, bars or beam, all carry the possibility of her landing on her head if she somehow screws up. If that’s so, why will she do all those other tricks she’s been doing for months or years and yet not do a front flip that she’s been doing for an equal amount of time? Unfortunately this was something only recently realized (I’ve spent some good time tonight pondering this), so it will have to be ammo for me to use next time we talk.

Another idea that also struck me was a relation. She’s obviously not understanding how, from my point of view, this could seem so odd a behavior. So here’s the similar scenario that would seem odd and non-understandable to anyone:

Bob: Hey Dave can you go down those stairs and grab some wine from the basement?
Dave: I don’t go down stairs anymore
Bob: Why the hell not?
Dave: Because I’m afraid that I’ll trip and land on my head at the bottom
Bob: What?!? How long ago did you decide this?
Dave: Just a few weeks ago.
Bob: And you’ve been walking down stairs you entire life up until then?
Dave: Yep.
Bob: And have you ever tripped and landed on your head?
Dave: Well… no, but I’m afraid now that I might. I can’t go down those stairs. Sorry. You have an elevator?

When you look at it that way, it’s very hard not to stare at Dave and wonder what the hell is going on inside his head.

I’m very concerned about this behavior and the fact that it can happen like this. As I said earlier, she’s still doing the rest of her tricks, but what’s to stop her from suddenly thinking “good lord, if I don’t get my hands under me during my back handspring I could land on my head?” and then she won’t do back handsprings anymore. Since I still have not deduced a reason for this behavior, I’m afraid that this could happen since I have no idea what’s causing it and thus I don’t know how to prevent it. It’s obviously fear overriding self confidence, but how did the fear all the sudden become so real that it’s hindered her in doing this trick?? I can’t explain it without some past injury or event all the sudden surfacing in her head. I asked her to tell me honestly if something had happened to her, and she said no. I’ll have to ask her again in person though to deduce whether she really is telling the truth or not.

I just need to get her to understand that she can’t fear things that haven’t happened. Can you imagine going through life fearing things that might happen? You wouldn’t drive because you’re afraid you might get in an accident. You wouldn’t walk anywhere cause you’re afraid you might get hit by a car, or mugged by someone. You wouldn’t fly in an airplane cause you’re afraid it might crash. Etc etc. And even if these things do happen, you just have to realize that they don’t happen all the time. You’re not going to get into an accident everytime you drive to the grocery store, you’re not going to fall down stairs everytime you walk down them, and you’re not going to land on your head everytime you do a front flip.

I’m tempted to distill all this and write her a letter, but I’d rather say all this to her in person rather than online or through an email. I just needed to get my thoughts organized.

I think my final major hurdle will be forcing all this into the fragile mind of a 13 year old girl. Goodness gracious. I’ve personally had experience in all these things: I’ve landed on my head countless times, I’ve fallen down stairs, I’ve been in an accident – so it’s easy for me to see all this and realize that we can’t be controlled by fear, or even rational thought at times (I certainly wouldn’t jump off a 30 foot high ceiling beam into a foam pit if I thought rationally). We have to believe in what we know we can accomplish. We have to believe in ourselves.

It’s amazing how much the mental state of a person dictates his or her actions. I’ve done some pretty crazy stuff that other people would balk at doing – like a 3/4 back flip off a vertical wall beam 5 feet above the floor onto a trampoline – because I have confidence in myself at being able to do it and I am prepared to suffer the consequences should my actions result in personal injury. Not many people are like that I would guess.

So okay, I guess I’ve dumped all I had to say on this matter for now. It’s always comforting to be able to understand yourself and the actions that you take, and certainly frustrating not understanding others and why they have to think the way they do. I’ll show her the path to enlightenment tho – even if I have to smash it into her with a steel mallet. She will do that front flip again. I swear it!!

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