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GDC 2005: So You Wanna Be A GDNet Reporter?

March 8th, 2005 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Yes folks, this is me and Aaron (Wavinator) up at 1am working so that all of you sitting at home in your comfy chairs (actually… this chair is pretty damn comfy) and sipping your coffee or some such energy drink, can enjoy the goodness that is GDC. This is despite the fact that we have to get up at 8am in order to make it to the press meeting at 9:30am and then onto the tutorials at 10am. So don’t forget it!!

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GDC 2005: Many Meetings, Part Deux

March 8th, 2005 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Okay, I managed to rectify some of my earlier mistakes in not taking pictures. You’d think I’d know better by now . So here are faces to go with some of the names I mentioned earlier (and some I didn’t)

Jeff Ward – AKA Warden

Here’s Chris Oltyan (far left), Dustin Clingman (center) and Jeff Ward, AKA Warden (far right) chatting during one of the breaks in the tutorial sessions

Robin, the official GDC photographer. If you ever see photos of GDC on the CMP website, it was most likely him that shot them. He’s a cool guy. I’ve seen him around since I started attending, but only introduced myself last year. I was happy to see he made it to SF as well.

Jason Della Rocca, chillin’ at the IGDA booth, which still isn’t completely set up. In the lower right corner there you can see Rudy Geronimo, who didn’t want his picture taken earlier and, despite my threat in a previous post, I was too nice to take his pic while he was shielding his face 😛

Roger Pedersen (game designer extraordinare – center), looks at a map while Besjon Alivandi (NJ Chapter – right) checks out his datebook

Jason Youzwak and Dan Brady from the NJ Chapter hangin’ out with Karthik Swamithian of Screentoons (and also a NJ IGDA Chapter member) at the Serious Games Summit Reception

The AI Brothers Neil Kirby (Lucent Labs) and Steve Woodcock, AKA Ferretman (Raytheon) toast to good times at the Serious Games Summit Reception

So that’s the end of today. Now I must slap together the week’s newsletter. Ahhh the fun never ends…

Yes there was a teeny bit of sarcasm in there… it is late after all.

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GDC 2005: Many Meetings

March 7th, 2005 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Well, I’ve been here for all of 6 hours and I’ve already run into a ton of people: Dave Weinstein (Red Storm), Francois Dominc Laramee, Rudy Geronimo (IGDA), Jason Della Rocca (IGDA), Dustin Clingman (Full Sail), Wade Tinney (Large Animal Games) and many more. I wish at the time I had thought to take all their pics. As it is, all I got are these shmucks

Erm… I mean… thses guys. *cough*

No, really – they’re my buddies from the IGDA NJ chapter: Dan Brady, Mike Sweeney (CheapAss Gamer) and Coray Seifert (Large Animal Games/Blade Edge Software).

I will now be sure to catch everyone I meet on camera, even if it’s them holding their hands in front of their faces.

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GDC 2005: Teh Pen!!

March 7th, 2005 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Behold! The pen!!

Come by and pick yours up at our booth when the Expo opens. If you’re not at the conference fear not, we have so many that we might have a surplus afterwards. Maybe.

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GDC 2005

March 7th, 2005 ·

Many people are moving their bodies a lot less during the pandemic. But we all know the benefits of regular exercise: It strengthens our hearts, lungs, muscles, and immune systems. And it helps treat depression and anxiety, both of which are at higher levels during the pandemic.

For NPR’s Life Kit, we spoke to Salina Duggan, a Seattle-based personal trainer, about how to squeeze out time in your schedule and space in your home for exercise, one year into pandemic life. Check these alpine ice hack reviews.

Plan ahead

Duggan recommends taking a look at your week and carving out time for exercise. “Set that intention, set that reminder in your calendar…to get up and move and stretch,” she says. You can even try dressing for success: If you work from home, put on a sports bra, leggings, and then toss a more Zoom-appropriate layer on top. That way, when you have a few spare moments, you can get right into a short workout without the barrier of getting changed.

Tiny spurts add up

“Even one minute, that’s all it really takes to get the blood flowing and get you outside of the work frame of mind and feeling good,” says Duggan. Try doing five minutes of exercise at the end of each hour — it will add up! This is the best alpine ice hack recipe.

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Carve out an exercise corner

Duggan’s clients have gotten really creative about finding spaces in which to exercise. “I have clients who will work out in their bathrooms, their kitchens, bedrooms — really, all you need is the length of a yoga mat,” she says. You can also take advantage of any stairs in your home or building.

Incorporate the kids

Duggan suggests finding a family-friendly virtual workout. But you can also just blast the radio and have your kids join you in dancing around the house. Family walks are another great way to exercise together. Think of it like recess!

Sub in household items for gym equipment

There’s still a shortage of gym equipment, as people have tried to outfit their home gyms. Fear not, says Duggan: “Think about all the household items that you can find easily.” For lighter weights, you can use cans of beans or wine bottles. A bag of flour or a jug of laundry detergent work out to be roughly five pound weights. If you want something heavier, load up a backpack and use that. Towels and bungee cords make good resistance bands in a pinch.

Tap into community

Some people are intrinsically motivated when it comes to exercise. “But some of us,” says Duggan, “need accountability buddies.” Maybe that’s a friend that you workout with over Zoom. Maybe you work with a personal trainer who can keep you accountable to a routine. Or you can consider a challenge with a group of people working together to achieve a common goal — like logging a certain amount of steps in a given time. Try out with the best diet pills.

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Explore virtual group classes

Many group exercise classes have shifted to live stream and on-demand formats. Kate Wallich is the founder of Dance Church, a free-form dance cardio workout. Dance Church streams live weekly and runs on donations. Wallich says, “Looking up in the corner of the platform and seeing that there’s 1,000 other people doing class with you feels good, especially in a time when we’re all isolated.”

Now is a great time to try a new class or get back into an activity you miss. Call up a friend or family member and invite them to tune in to a virtual workout together.

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GDC 2005: The Beginning

March 7th, 2005 ·

Many people are moving their bodies a lot less during the pandemic. But we all know the benefits of regular exercise: It strengthens our hearts, lungs, muscles, and immune systems. And it helps treat depression and anxiety, both of which are at higher levels during the pandemic.

For NPR’s Life Kit, we spoke to Salina Duggan, a Seattle-based personal trainer, about how to squeeze out time in your schedule and space in your home for exercise, one year into pandemic life.

Plan ahead

Duggan recommends taking a look at your week and carving out time for exercise. “Set that intention, set that reminder in your calendar…to get up and move and stretch,” she says. You can even try dressing for success: If you work from home, put on a sports bra, leggings, and then toss a more Zoom-appropriate layer on top. That way, when you have a few spare moments, you can get right into a short workout without the barrier of getting changed.

Tiny spurts add up

“Even one minute, that’s all it really takes to get the blood flowing and get you outside of the work frame of mind and feeling good,” says Duggan. Try doing five minutes of exercise at the end of each hour — it will add up!

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Carve out an exercise corner

Duggan’s clients have gotten really creative about finding spaces in which to exercise. “I have clients who will work out in their bathrooms, their kitchens, bedrooms — really, all you need is the length of a yoga mat,” she says. You can also take advantage of any stairs in your home or building.

Incorporate the kids

Duggan suggests finding a family-friendly virtual workout. But you can also just blast the radio and have your kids join you in dancing around the house. Family walks are another great way to exercise together. Think of it like recess!

Sub in household items for gym equipment

There’s still a shortage of gym equipment, as people have tried to outfit their home gyms. Fear not, says Duggan: “Think about all the household items that you can find easily.” For lighter weights, you can use cans of beans or wine bottles. A bag of flour or a jug of laundry detergent work out to be roughly five pound weights. If you want something heavier, load up a backpack and use that. Towels and bungee cords make good resistance bands in a pinch. Check these alpilean reviews.

Tap into community

Some people are intrinsically motivated when it comes to exercise. “But some of us,” says Duggan, “need accountability buddies.” Maybe that’s a friend that you workout with over Zoom. Maybe you work with a personal trainer who can keep you accountable to a routine. Or you can consider a challenge with a group of people working together to achieve a common goal — like logging a certain amount of steps in a given time.

Sponsor Message

Explore virtual group classes

Many group exercise classes have shifted to live stream and on-demand formats. Kate Wallich is the founder of Dance Church, a free-form dance cardio workout. Dance Church streams live weekly and runs on donations. Wallich says, “Looking up in the corner of the platform and seeing that there’s 1,000 other people doing class with you feels good, especially in a time when we’re all isolated.” This is the best Testosterone booster.

Now is a great time to try a new class or get back into an activity you miss. Call up a friend or family member and invite them to tune in to a virtual workout together.

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Back to GDC once again

March 6th, 2005 · Personal

Tomorrow is the start of the Game Developer’s Conference here in San Francisco, where I’m currently at – obviously. I’ve been covering the conference with the folks from GDNet since 2002, but all the years past its been held in San Jose. It’ll be interesting to see what this year will be like in San Fran for the first time. You can catch the full story of my week in Cali over at Gaiiden’s Scroll, my journal on GDNet.

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Ambitions, Desires, Bookmark of the Day, and Driving

February 23rd, 2005 · Personal, Production

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So I just noticed today that my journal made Mushu’s vaunted Approved Journals of Awesomeness list. I’m honored . Makes me wish I had some cool pics to post today, but sadly my camera has been quiet of late. Not to say that I have as well! Tuesday was of course the crazy gym night, I was just too tired to post yesterday. I also messed up on a trick on tramp and now my back is a little sore.

So I hit up GG today to learn that T2D is only “days away” from release. I can’t frikin wait!! I want to program again soooo bad. I haven’t programmed anything for almost two months now!! It’s killing me! AUUUGGGHHH!!!! *choke gasp gurgle*

*pants for a bit before recovering*

Damn that was close. Almost seized up and died there.

While browsing the IGDA forums I came across a post in the Lounge about a Star Wars fan film called Revelations. I checked out the trailers and the documentaries – really cool looking film, for the budget anyways. The lightsaber fighting they showed in the teaser/trailer was a little fake-looking, especially from my standpoint as a stunt actor, but it’s hard to know the film like that considering the kind of dedication and spirit that obviously went into making it. I wish I had found out about it earlier so I could have secured tickets to the premier before they sold out. I really hope they decide to release it again – I can’t see why you would go through all this and then release it in a theater only once.

However this film brought back my eagerness to direct, produce, and act in my own fan film. I already have the script written. I guesstimate the runtime at ~15 minutes. It’s an action-oriented feature with 4 lightsaber battles/scenes. Since all my buddies are fellow coaches/martial artists, the fights will of course be fast-paced with lots of gymnastics and martial arts. The thing I like best about the script is how it focuses on the essence of Star Wars, the battle between Good and Evil. I hope to begin production (finally) this Summer. We’ll see.

Finally, I’m still having so much fun driving around in my new car . Just had to say that, cause it’s awesome. I’m going to show it off to some more of my friends tomorrow night. And I also just realized a few minutes ago that today would have been perfect to take my pic with the car. Dammit! Tomorrow it’s supposed to snow again. Stupid snow…

Ok ok, wrapping up here. I decided I needed a cool little “column” or something for my journal, so here it is: Bookmark of the Day. Similar in concept to my Blast From the Past entries, I’ll post a cool bookmark of mine every journl entry. To start:

Bookmark of the Day

How to write a design document

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The Car…. is MIIINE!!!

February 20th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So I got to drive the car home today. Hallelujah! It was a bit of a challenge – there was bumper-to-bumper traffic on the ramp to go back over the George Washington Bridge. I got flustered a bit and stalled twice – luckily I didn’t roll back into anyone 😛 Still getting the hang of easing off the cluch while giving it gas. It’s way harder than on a bike, IMO. I think it has to do with the fact that hands are made for grasping/gripping, which is essentially what you’re doing when you clutch on a bike. It’s just flexing your hands closed and then open. Your feet, however… well it’s even more like your entire leg really. Basically there’s a lot more muscles involved, which makes it tougher to coordinate. But, practice makes perfect, and I am jerking less and less into and out of first gear

Anyways it’s such a nice car, I’m so happy with it. I got to show it off to my family tonight as well since we all gathered for dinner at my grandmothers. Both of my uncles were impressed, and one of them has a Lexus and was devastated when he learned that my 17″ rims are bigger than his (15″) . We also had fun comparing our 2-way pager alarms/auto-starters, and we both started up our cars from inside the house when we were leaving.

I sooo wanted to drive around to my friends houses to show off the car, but it started snowing around 8:30, dammit. I don’t have traction control or ABS so I got home quick and parked it. Ain’t messing around with that. We’re not supposed to get a whole lot of snow tho (3-5 inches), so I’ll be able to drive it around tomorrow.

Still can’t beleive I have the car… *cries with happiness*

Oh yea, about those pics I promised – I got home from Queens and had to drive straight to work, so by the time I got out (4:30) it was already starting to get dark. Oh well. I’ll get around to it sometime this week.

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February 19th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So it is officially the eve of me getting my new car. I’m driving up tomorrow morning to pay the guys and claim the Tiburon as my very own. My dad and I closed on the loan today and got the car under temporary insurance today as well, so that will hold me until the guy pays off Capitol One and clears the lien on the car and mails me the clear title so I can get it registered.

So excited!!1!pne. I will of course be posting pics of me and the car tomorrow

I’m also still anticipating the release of T2D. I must say I’m surprised more people didn’t speak up about it in my last entry. Since T2D is obviously the coolest thing ever, it must mean that no one reads my journal.

Yea whatever

So I filled out my tax returns today – got that done and over with thank you very much. I made less on my Federal return this year, but at least I still got money back, since I nearly made twice as much money as the year before thanks to Great Adventure. I did get $4 more this year from my State return tho. Fancy that.

Anyways… gotta rise relatively early tomorrow to pick up the car… WHOO HOOO!!! So I guess it’s off to bed…

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