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GDC 2005: Graft Grab Part 3

March 11th, 2005 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Here’s my haul for Day 4. There were a ton of CRM mouse pads at the authors party, so I picked up a few, then I ran down a few more cool things from the show floor while I was on it before it was open that morning.

Since I was one of the first 25 people to the IGDA luncheon, I got a free book from CRM, so I of course picked up the newly printed GPG5. Oh yea baby.

Then, while at the FATE preview, DaveRM told one of the people there that he was snatching a poster, so after the event was over he got first dibs, but I got seconds, and so I swiped this druid guy with cool particle effects eminating from his hands.

Last day today. Let’s see what I can snatch up!

Part 2

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GDC 2005: So You Wanna Be A GDNet Reporter? (pt 3)

March 11th, 2005 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Soi t’s 3am once agains and we’re still chuging away, dont; you worry. Penty of stuff to post up still ,oh yeas – plenty of stuff you betchas… plety of… stuff…

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GDC 2005: So You Wanna Be A GDNet Reporter? (Pt 2)

March 10th, 2005 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Hey look, it’s 3am!! Damn, we have to wake up in 4 hours?! What? We’ve been up since 7am? Still want my our job?

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GDC 2005: Graft Grab Part 2

March 10th, 2005 ·

I heard talk that people wanted to try and knock me off the throne, so I went on a swag snatching spree today at the Expo. I shall remain King I tell you!!

Flashlights, beaners and chip clips seem to be the “in” thing this year. Not that I’m complaining – I like all that stuff. Why are the Sony balls red tho? Hmmm. You’ll notice that Sony Online Ent and Intel have the same pens. It gave me great pleasure to point this out to them both seperately and watch their reactions

Part 1

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GDC 2005: White Gorilla Spotted!!

March 10th, 2005 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Well, there’s one mystery debunked. I managed to track down the white thing on the show floor, turns out to be some kind of gorilla – it was handing out these bananna things. I dunno, saw it from a distance. When approached for questioning it seemed to see me coming with the white Press ribbon and took off. I only got a pick of its backside but it’s pretty clear this time.

So does that mean the black one is some sort of gorilla too? What’s with the wings tho?? Maybe they’ll fight when they run into each other sometime…

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GDC 2005: It has wings?!?

March 9th, 2005 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So I was riding up the escalator earlier today to the third floor when I happened to glance over at the IGF booths, since I knew I would be hanging out there later, taking shots of the teams at their booths. So I was looking down, when I noticed a tall, black figure standing at one of the booths, playing a game.

Interesting. I still can’t quite make out what it is… the photo was taken from quite a distance and I didn’t have it set for taking shots from that far, hence the continued bluriness (yes, I am a horrible photographer). I do notice those white things on its back. Look like wings? I got on the down escalator as soon as I reached the top, but I had to walk around to the far side (they had three going up, and only one going down at that time), so by the time I got back down, it had vanished once again.

Anyways, I didn’t notice people screaming or panicking, and no security guards were rushing to apprehend it, so I guess yesterday was an overreaction fabricated by my imagination or something.

Still no sign of the albino one… Oluseyi’s currently attempting to track it down…

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GDC 2005: Graft Grab Part 1

March 9th, 2005 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Since there’s not a lot of handouts during the first two days of the conference, I’ve combined them for my first graft grab post.

Highlights include the MS folio in the upper left, this year’s Developer Day handout. I just signed up, grabbed it and ran – didn’t feel too bad tho since it was 4pm and there were only like 10 left. Screentoons hat from my buddy Karthik and a new IGDA t-shirt.

And, of course, the fantabulous GDNet pen.

Oh, also note the XNA – no more DirectX bags…

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March 9th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

I swear upon all that is holy that what I am about to tell you is completely true – no lies, no embellishments. This is not some gimmick or anything of mine. I still can’t beleive this happened. The odds?!? Good lord… Anyways, as I was walking from the Havok party to the FierceDeveloper party, a group of guys passed me on the sidewalk. One of them stopped me and asked, “Do you know where Gary Street is?” I stopped and thought, but my mind suddenly seized up when I realized the one of the guys standing literally a foot in front of me was none other than Bill Murray himself. He was wearing a light brown trench, his hair was kinda mussed and had this completely expressionless face on. It looked like he was stoned or just really exhausted. He just stared straight ahead, not making eye contact – which, in hindsight, I figure is what stars usually do to try and prevent people from talking to them. I got the hint, got over my initial shock, and answered his… friend? Agent? “Uhmm… uh… you mean Geary Street?” (the street by my hotel). The guy shook his head, “No, Gary Street”. I replied “Uhm… no, sorry.” He said thanks and the group moved on. Bill never flinched, always stared straight ahead, even tho I was staring at him while talking to the guy. So they just left me standing there, still stunned. I wanted to do something you know? Shake his hand, get his autograph… take his picture – something!. But all I could do was look back and utter “Bill Murray…” A guy at the rear heard me and tossed a look back over his shoulder that cleary said “oh yea, baby!”

At this point I completely lost my mind and started calling everyone I knew. I had seen Bill Murray! In the flesh!!

Wow. I’m not someone who’d die to meet Bill Murray, but seeing any sort of major Hollywood actor such as him is an experience no matter what, especially when he’s standing a foot in front of you trying not to be noticed . This made my week!

Holy crap!1!!pne

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GDC 2005: Sasquatch Spotted at GDC???

March 8th, 2005 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

It was around lunch time, and I was walking towards the Press Lounge, when all of the sudden people started screaming. I looked around and saw a couple of people pointing behind me. I turned around and saw… what the heck did I see. It all happened too fast… luckily I still had my camera out since I had just run into a couple of buddies, so I pulled off a couple of shots as quick as my cam would take them. Unfortunately, I had it set to no flash since I was coming from a tutorial session, so it took a time lapse photo for better lighting. Of course, it doesn’t quite work for for action shots now does it? Crap. The… thing vanished down a utility corridor and security couldn’t seem to track it down.

What was it? How’d it get loose in convention center? Will it maul anyone? (oh please, how awesome would that be? ). Stay tuned for further announcements as we attempt to track down the beast!

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GDC 2005: Pineapple Meets Untimely End: Story @ 11

March 8th, 2005 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

It seems that an innocent pineapple serving as a decorative center peice became the victim of a brutal slaughter tonight at the FierceDeveloper party.

Mike Sweeney (CheapAssGamer), with an evil glint in his eyes, prepares to tear into the hapless pineapple while Dan Brady (NJ Chapter) looks on with… interest?

Coray Seifert (Large Animal Games) lends a hand to the slaughter

American Pineapple

Muahaha! It’s time to feast!

In related news, GDNet reporters DaveRM and Sande Chen were also seen in possession of a pineapple when leaving the party. The current whereabouts of this kidnapped pineapple are presently unknown.

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