Blade Edge

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w00t new job!

November 30th, 2005 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

While I can’t really talk about it yet, starting tomorrow I will be in charge of a new venture by the Game Institute. While I’ve been involved with GI since they started back in early ’01, this is my first paid position with them. Obviously it has to do with online learning, but that’s about all I can say right now. However I think it’s something a lot of people here at GDNet will be interested in, as well as the rest of the game development community. Hopefully I’ll be able to announce something by mid-Dec, I definitely plan on launching this new venture at the start of the new year. So stay tuned!!

In other news I got my bike back from the shop today with its brand new front tire. I got on the thing and almost tipped over. I had totally lost feel for a proper front tire. My old one was so bald that I had to manhandle the steering forks into every turn. If I were to do that now I wouldn’t just tip over, I’d freakin flip over. It’s so responsive again, I can actually just lean into turns and let the bike steer itself around corners once more. Ahhhh feels good to be riding properly again

Anyways tonight I started working on the map editor GUI. This went a lot faster now that I’ve gotten the hang of things a bit more with regards to the T2D GUI editor, controls and properties. I also had to convert another 20 or so button assets to the T2D button image format (breaking the templates used for my engine into 4 separate images), but again my experience from the past few days made that process take only about 45mins tops (cut, paste, save – cut, paste, save – cut, paste, save – ughhhh :P) However I got the entire GUI set up control-wise with one exception: In my engine I was using a text object to caption the buttons to cut down on art assets. Well if I do a bitmap button in T2D and try to put a text object over it, you can’t click on the button. DOH! So I have to ask over at the GG boards how to go about getting around this. That’s why you don’t see any text on any of those buttons in the screeshot at the bottom.

I also discovered and squashed two minor bugs. The Return button in the settings menu was calling the load function for the main menu rather than the unload function for itself, and so the volume and mute sprite objects were appearing when the Min Conquest menu was loaded afterwards since they weren’t deleted. And then I made a small typo when creating the eval() statement to delete the player planet sprites when the Mini Conquest menu is unloaded – so those weren’t getting deleted either 😛 But it’s all better now. Everything DELETED!!!

Lastly, I got an answer from Matt “King Tut” Langley for my question about getting the size of records in a TorqueDB database

function TorqueDB::getPropertyCount(%className)
   %class = TorqueDB.returnClass(%className);
   %num = $subTagCount[%class];

   return %num;

function TorqueDB::getRecordCount(%className)
   %class = TorqueDB.returnClass(%className);
   %num = $mainValueArray.contents[%class];

   return %num;

So if you’re using TorqueDB, there you go. Now I’ve set the Mini Conquest menu up to dynamically check the size of records so that I can add/remove records in the database and not have to edit any code in order to keep the menus from breaking by going over bounds in record queries. Yay I feel a lot better now.

Okay it’s getting early erm… I mean late again. I should probably get to bed soon. Here are some new screenshots to keep you all happy. I realized in the main menu that the buttons were a few pixels too high – they should center on that black strip and Credits button was cutting off the bottom of that red planet.

k, night gdnetland

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Whee all done

November 29th, 2005 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Sweet, I finished coding the Settings menu in under an hour tonight, which is really good cause tonight is supposed to be my night out at the gym hangin with the boys and here I am still sitting at my comp. Doh! But I can get outta here now and enjoy the fine nite… well it would be better if it weren’t freakin raining out since the temp is close to 60. But you take what you can get these days.

I tend to keep things rather formalized when I code, and therefore I was pretty much able to directly port over the Settings menu code I used previously in Blitz Blox to Galaxy Conquest with little changes. The only real changes I made were to consolidate the four button functions into just two, as I learned to do with the Mini Conquest menu I worked on into the weee hours of this morning.

Hot tamale! Three days into hardcore development and I’m all done with GC’s menus, database and game framework. Tomorrow I’m going to start playing around with T2D’s tile editor and work out how I’m going to use the tile map functionality of the engine to build game maps. Here’s a rough outline of my development from thereon:

  1. Load a game map
  2. Save a game map
  3. Create in-game map editor
  4. Integrate maps into the database so they can be selected from the Mini Conquest menu

I had to think about whether to make the in-game editor first or go for gameplay first. In the end I decided that I would want a variety of maps to develop the gameplay around, and also working on the editor would help flesh out the architecture of the game more in terms of systems and player peices, territory, special systems and all that good stuff. In other words, all this will already then be placeable and functional in the game, so that adding the game play modes will be like filling in the gaps.

But okay that’s all for now, I have to get out of here and enjoy my nite out!! See you tomorrow with more thoughts on the maps…

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One menu down, one to go

November 28th, 2005 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Aye caramba, another marathon coding session. I’ve been at it since close to midnight, so I think I can safely log 5 hours tonight. I was hoping to get the Mini Conquest menu and the Game Settings menu working, but I’ve only managed to get the Mini Conquest menu done, though that was the bigger task of the two. Much bigger.

Before I get into the menu I should note that I updated the database. Here’s the new file. This isn’t a significant update, I made some minor changes to help improve the readability of my code. You’ll notice that now every record has the fields in the same order. This is because I now have enums defined in script


I use these when accessing data from a TorqueDB record. Beforehand I would do

%tempData = TorqueDB.searchByInstanceWithClass("class name", "field", %fieldValue);
$ = %tempData.contents[2];

Now I do

%tempData = TorqueDB.searchByInstanceWithClass("class name", "field", %fieldValue);
$ = %tempData.contents[$DATA_FIELD];

It’s a minor change but it greatly improves code readability. Now I can come back to it and not have to wonder which field I was extracting data from. Working the other way, I don’t have to remember the index number of each field when I’m programming it.

So onto the menu. I made a lot of improvements in code from the menus I built for our other title Blitz Blox (which I halted work on since it needs real-time networking and T2D currently only has support for turn-based networking. BB is a real-time game, GC is a turn-based game). There are three main areas to note.

No more disabled buttons

In the BB menus, when you reached the end of the available options for that menu item the button would disable itslef, and you’d have to click back using the other button (< and > buttons). This was rather tedious because for every button click I had to check whether I had hit the end, and then disable the button as well as check to see if the other button was disabled, and enable it once the user started clicking back the other way. In GC’s menus when you reach the end of the options it just simply wraps around to the beginning. You can click on just one arrow and cycle through the options as many times as you want, and then go back the other way with the other arrow. It’s also nicer just from a UI perpective, because now to get to the last option from the first one, you can just click once on the left arrow and be there rather than click 4 or 6 or more times on the right arrow to get there.

No more functions for each button

In BB’s menus, each button’s command field would point to an individual function, like targetScoreLeft(); and targetScoreRight(); I started doing this for GC but quickly came to my senses after the first button pair. Why have two functions when you can just have one? I think my decision to not disable buttons also led towards this insight, since it removed some code from each function and let me better see how to combine the two. Now each button pair has a single function with a parameter to determine which button was pressed

So here is a single function used by the buttons that cycle through the game music selection. The left button calls gameMusic($BUTTON_LEFT); and the right button calls gameMusic($BUTTON_RIGHT);. Here also at the end you can see the practical application of TorqueDB for GUI use, where I use it to update text labels.

eval() is my friend

Another thing that saved me an umpteen amount time and equal lines of code is the eval() function. This handy-dandy little feller takes a mix of variables and expressions and evealuates it as a single line of code. I dunno if that explains it all that well so here’s a fitting example

This is the function that changes the labels and values for each player controller. That’s right, this one function is called by eight buttons from four players. The left button from player 1 would call it playerController($BUTTON_LEFT, 1); whereas the right button from player 3 would call it playerController($BUTTON_RIGHT, 3);. This means I have three functions that control the player menu options instead of twelve. hell if I hadn’t decided to combine each button pair into a single function it would have been TWENTY-FOUR. Well holy crap, when you put it that way…

The one thing I didn’t do right… yet

Despite all my wonderful accomplishments for the night there is one thing I have yet to fix. If you’ll look back up at the gameMusic() function and check the code for where I wrap from one end to the other, you’ll notice I’m using static integers. *shudder*. I tried for half an hour to figure out how to get the size of a record so that I can dynamically check for the end of available options. So right now if I were to add a music track to the database I would have to edit this function to have it pick up that new entry. I’ll be posting a question about that on the GG boards before bed tho.

Coming up next

Well like I said, I was hoping to get the Settings menu done as well but I still haven’t hit my stride programming in TorqueScript/T2D. I find myself referencing the documentation for both quite often still, but I’m getting better. So tomorrow I hope to get the Settings menu done. After that my next step will be planning out how to use T2D’s tile editor as a base for GC’s map editor and to start building maps I can use to play a game on.

Ah well, I suppose I can indulge myself with a few hours of sleep now. Till next time….

Oh yea I had told myself earlier that I was going to read other ppl’s journals tonight before posting mine but… yea… kinda too late for that so sorry 😛 Hope to catch up with some of you next time!

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Database stuff

November 27th, 2005 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll


Hoookay. So. I got the database done, that took me about 3 hours mainly because I’m so wiped out it was hard to concentrate and keep my thoughts in order. Especially when your editing a plain text file in Notepad 😛 Ugh. Another issue was remembering the various menu options and whatnot, luckily tho we have a very nice design document (which I will be updating) so I was able to reference it. Anyways here is the full database so far. I’ll prob be adding more entries as development progresses but this is all I need for what I have right now. I’ll cover it bit by bit mainly for my own reference – but if you wanna follow along be my guest. I’ll be referencing this image throughout, as well as the page I linked to above:

The Database

opponent Table

This record is for the Controller menu text and game setting. The text field is what is displayed on the menu, while the value field matches up with a numeric value in the game data. This way when a button is clicked the game data value is incremented/decremented and the text is updated accordingly. This is how all menu text works.

player count Table

Here’s basically the same setup as before for the Player option on the menu. The value field tells the game how many players are chosen (I know 2 players isn’t 0 but that’s just an enumeration) while the text field displays that amount for the user to see.

music Table

Moving along we have here the record for the ingame music. The text and value fields play their normal roles, but this record has a unique field, profile. This field is the name of the AudioProfile datablock that was created for each game music, so that the game can control the selected music.

turn timer Table

The Turn Timer is a mechanism to make the games move faster. If you don’t make a move in the allotted time, you lose your turn to the next player. In game modes where you only have a certain amount of peices to place (Domination and Equilibrium), you end up losing that peice as well! These are the various settings for the timer, from Off to 45 seconds. The data field is used by the game so it knows how many seconds to set the clock to. I use the data field elsewhere too, it’s basically a version of the text field the computer can understand easier. I mean why bother parse the string “45 Sec” when you can just have another field with the value already there?

board size Table

Board Size can also determine the length of a game. The smaller the board and the more the players, the shorter the game. And vice-a-versa. We have the usual text/value duo at work here but instead of data we have desc field. This field serves a dual purpose: For the developer, it describes what this setting does in the database file. For the user, I use this field as help text.

game type Table

This record defines the various game types available. You can look at the desc field to see what each type is like. The only one to note is the last one, Blitzkreig. When this is selected the turn timer is locked at 5 seconds.

Here also is where I’ve started to deviate from the design doc. In the doc, it lists these under Victory Conditions instead of Game Types in the documentation for the setup menu, which isn’t quite correct. They are victory conditions, but each game type is supposed to have tweakable conditions for victory. So where were they supposed to go? So I came up with the idea that the Victory Conditions options would change based on the Game Type that was selected. Here they are:

conquest victory condition Table

In a Conquest game, the object is to try and take over all the other player’s peices (planets). No points, no territory counts. Just pure conquest. Even though that’s a single objective, in this game that can sometimes take quite a while. So I’ve created a game timer victory condition as a way to allow users control over how long they want to play, if they want that control at all. If nobody conquers the rest of the players by game end? The game ends in a draw.

planet victory condition Table

These victory conditions apply to the Equilibrium (most points) and Domination (most territory) game types. Here instead of a game clock to limit play length we have a planet cap. Players each start with a set amount of planets and each turn they place one until everyone has run out. At that point the game is over and the winner is announced.

blitzkreig victory condition Table

The Blitzkreig game type threw me for a bit, because it’s not really a game type in itself but rather a game constraint masquerading as a game type. So I decided to assign the game type through the victory condition. Now you know how the game will be played and by what rules the victor will be decided. Note also that the value fields here match the value fields for the game type record.

imperialism victory condition Table

Imperialism mode is my favorite, and it was inspired by Big Huge Game’s Rise of Nations. In any other game you’re allowed to place your peices anywhere you want on the board. However in this mode you can only place peices in squares that are shaded your color, which is your territory. This opens up a whole new strategy to playing the game.

game data Table

These are the values that are saved from game to game. These are the menu options that don’t change a lot. The ‘null’ value for board type is a placeholder until I program in map loading. Then this field will hold the name of the last game map played.


So there it is. All done. Yey. Now I can go to bed. Egads I’m so tired, it’s crazy! Tho I was up rather early today to hang up xmas lights. Oh boy don’t even get me started there. I HATE hanging up lights. Luckily they’re white lights so I don’t have to take them back down till like, March when it’s a bit warmer again.

Aiight I’m about to pass out in front of the comp so I better be going. I was hoping to actually code in the functionality tonight too but no way in hell that’s gunna happen. Tomorrow then. Yes… tomorrow…

*passes out*

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Man the GUI stuff is a lot of work….

November 26th, 2005 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Woah, is it really 4am already?? Yeesh where did the time go? Tonight I downloaded the new Alpha release of T2D v1.1 as well as the CodeWeaver development environment and got crackin. In case you missed it, I started working again on Galaxy Conquest a month or so ago, but stopped shortly thereafter in anticipation of this new T2D release. Well, now it’s finally here and so I’m back at the development once more. Tonight I finished up the GUI skeleton. I have all the menus/controls laid out and you can navigate through them all, even though none of the other buttons do anything yet. But everything’s placed, named and spec’d out so I can start writing in the functionality tomorrow. My next step also is to create the game database using the TorqueDB resource. I use this database to store all the menu options as well as the saved game data. Once that’s set up I can use it to display the menu options in the game.

So that’s it. The game’s essential GUI menus/controls are all set, and it took me 5 hours. Oh well that’s right – I had to convert a lot of the original artwork into T2D’s button format. See with my old engine I had buttons in a template image, whereas T2D has a seperate image file for each button state. So I had to use Photoshop to take each button template (about 10 over the course of the night) and break it into four seperate files. Rather tedious, yes, but I got into a routine that made it go by faster after the first two or three. Still, this GUI stuff is pretty heavy; I can see having a dedicated programmer (at least in the initial development phase) for GUI programming. *phew*

Okay, I better get some sleep seeing as that I’m going to be receiving a wake up call in…. wheee 5 hours Sweeeeet, feels good to be developing into the weeee hours of the morning once again. But before I leave here are some more screen shots. If you checked the previous entry I linked to earlier you’ll notice I fixed the alpha in the quit button PNG. yey.

k nite!

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Lots of stuff

November 20th, 2005 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

IGDA Meeting Stuff

So I attended my first IGDA chapter meeting in… ooohhhh six months?? Something like that. The chapter met this month up in Bloomfield College. This was a location we had met at previously last year (or maybe the year before?) before we started hopping around a bit, mainly staying at Raritan Valley Community College but making sojourns to other schools like the New Jersey Institute of Technology. That actually wasn’t so bad, tho it’s in Newark and not many people are fond of that city.

We had a great turn out – around 30-40 people I would think. It was awesome seeing so many new faces as well as seeing the regulars and old-timers. There were two great presentations by Nick Smolney and Mark Grob on mobile gaming and virtual reality respectfully. Nick’s been in the mobile industry for 2 years and had a lot of insights to share, while Mark has been pursuing serious games and brought in a monoscopic headset with a motion tracker and a demo built off Garage Game’s Torque engine that let you run around and look with your head motion. We’ll be making these presentations available to the public on our website in the near future. If you live in New Jersey and you still haven’t made it out to one of our gatherings then shake a leg dammit! Bloomfield even gets us pizza and soda!! Thanks guys!!

Torque 2D Stuff

Well they’ve been stringing us out a lot over at GG for the past few months with promises of this new release to the T2D Early Adopter, v1.1 (from v1.02). Enough people have finally got up in arms for the lead developer, Melv May, to post a .plan update. If you’re using or thinking of using T2D then be sure to check it out right away! The stuff Melv has been working on is blowing my mind. I’m all excited about T2D again. Of course, now enough people have whined that they’re putting out a beta version of the v1.1 release (v1.1b). I can see how people are anxious to dig in to the new code, but come on – making them release a beta only further delays them from pushing out the actual release. Anyways I hope they get it out by Jan, because after this whole hectic holiday season is over I’m looking to dig in and get some work done.

Personal Stuff

It’s amazing how technology has affected our lives. I remember growing up and going through high school and never wanting to have a girlfriend because I was afraid that she or I or us both would go away to college, be separated for long periods of time, and sort of drift apart. You know, the whole long-distance stigmata. But even tho I find myself in that situation now (minus the hooking up during high school part) it’s not so bad because we can talk to each other all the time through a variety of means, online, email, myspace, cell phone, etc. Of course I’m not the first to realize this, but if any of you are still kind of thrown off by the whole long-distance thing (I live in Jersey, she goes to school in Vermont), I can at least assure you that it’s certainly a viable option these days. It’s still not as easy as being closer together all the time but hey, sometimes you gotta work at it. And they’re usually worth it too

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Done for the day!

November 17th, 2005 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Sweet, a solid 5 hours of work and I’ve completed all the tasks I listed in my previous entry. The three bugs and the first three tasks took me only an hour to get through. I was right about the first bug – the code I was using to determine if the mouse had been clicked on the map was buggy. I was doing

%tile = $$TILE_SYSTEMS_LAYER).pickTile(%worldPosition);
	$gameMap.addPlanet(%tile, %type);

Therefore if %tile were to equal “0 0” or “0 1”, which is the first column of the map, the statement would evaluate to false. Henceforth

%tile = $$TILE_SYSTEMS_LAYER).pickTile(%worldPosition);
if(%tile !$= "")
	$gameMap.addPlanet(%tile, %type);

This is the way it should be done to properly evaluate a bad return to %tile.

The second bug was also a stupid n00b mistake. When I went to store the ring count I did

setWord(%tileInfo, $TILE_INFO_RING_COUNT, %ringCount);

BZZZZZZTTTT!!! Wrong-o. I assumed that setWord would take %tileInfo and modify it within the function. Stupid me never realized that – hey, this is a local variable I’m passing in. How the hell is it supposed to be modified? It wasn’t until I looked it up in the docs and saw it used in an example that I slapped my head and groaned. Here’s the way it should be done

%tileInfo = setWord(%tileInfo, $TILE_INFO_RING_COUNT, %ringCount);

Simple fix, stupid bug. But such is the case with most bugs…

The third bug took a bit longer to track down than the other two but it was a simple fix as well. I was just passing the wrong variable to a function. That’s what you get when you name variables %type and %tileType and keep forgetting which is which.

After running through the first two tasks (as I thought, task #3 was solved with the bug fixes) working out how I was going to do the territory shading and implementing it took up the majority of my time today. I had already set up the map with a layer beneath the systems for setting shaded tiles, so it was just a matter of adding the tiles and the interface with which to do it. I managed to keep it all in a single function, GameMap::setTileTerritory. The sole purpose of this function is to add a shade of the proper color beneath a planet or special system. Here are the results:

Placing a planet on the map creates a territory shade beneath the planet as well as the 4 adjacent squares. This is what happens in -game, which is why the extra territories don’t have any systems automatically created for them

Here we’ve selected the empty system brush and filled in the territory. If we hadn’t done this, upon loading the map in the game those territories would have existed, but since no empty systems were created, they wouldn’t have been shown

Holding the Ctrl key you can left-click to add more territories of a selected planet color, or right-click to remove territories of any color. You can’t, however, remove a territory if a planet still occupies that system. The empty systems were also added manually, Ctrl-left-click only adds the shade, you’ll see why later

Pretty! Here’s a map with all 5 planets placed and their territories defined. Since there are only 4 players per game, any fifth planet is treated as a neutral player. Also, not all the tiles in the map need to be assigned a territory as they are here

Finally, here’s some special systems thrown on for some spice. Notice how the territory shade remains? Yes, players can control special systems in their territory, which is why Ctrl-click only adds and removes the shade.

Well, that does it for me today. My ToDo list for tomorrow:

  1. Implement the Clear Map and Fill Map buttons
  2. Implement brush shapes
  3. Modify bottom editor panel – shrink it width-wise to remove all that empty space between Map Sizes and Map Name from some removed features
  4. Remove the New Map button. New maps are now created by selecting a new map size
  5. Implement map saves
  6. Implement map loads
  7. Implement help text

If I can get that all done tomorrow I will have finished the map editor!!

Until tomorrow…

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BES – Blade Edge…. Slumber?

November 13th, 2005 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Well, I finally got around to cleaning up the Blade Edge server space and replacing the website with a message letting everyone know what the current status of Blade Edge is. We’re not dead, just…. hibernating. Yea I’m putting all my focus behind getting my stunt career rolling. I just finished my demo reel last week and have joined up with a listings site that posts jobs for the tri-state area. I’ve submitted a bunch of stuff. I still have Marvel lined up, and I’m waiting to hear bout that industrial with the helicopter. Still I’ve sent in my application for representation from that management agency so I’m on file with them if they need e for anything else. Once I got jobs lined up and I’m making some money, I can throttle back down and turn back to game development.

k, that’s all for now I guess….

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Yep, Still Alive and Kicking

November 6th, 2005 · Personal, Stuntwork

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

I figured it was time to put up a quick blurb to let everyone know I was still around. I haven’t done much game development lately and so I haven’t been posting much. I know it doesn’t have to be just a game development journal, but I do know that there are a lot of ppl here with good development content in their journals and I’d rather they have a slot on top of the list than me. So lemme just bump you guys down for a bit here

Anyways Great Adventure is over, Fright Fest ended on Halloween at 10pm. It was a good run this season. Made more money than last year and yet still have no money now. Tough times this summer, especially with the gas prices and having to put new brakes/rotors and tires on my car. owieeeeee. My stunt for Fright Fest came off great by the end, see the post below for details. We had people pointing and saying how cool it was (morbid bastards :P) and in some cases people would hang around and wait to see it again, or see me or my buddy being winched back down and wait to see us go up. Hopefully they’ll let us do it again next year with makeup as well to have it look even more realistic.

I’m talking with Marvel right now to do character appearances. It’s a sweet gig, hopefully they’ll have some work for me. I also got a call from a talent management service up in north Jersey about stuntmen needed to hop out of a helicopter. I dunno if we have to rappel or if we’re hopping out as it touches down, but they need stunt people so it’s gotta be something they don’t want their main actors doing. I don’t know yet if I’ll be doing that since I may not match any of the actors to serve as a double. In the meantime tho I started work today on an indie martial arts film in Brooklyn. So far I get shot in the shoulder I get back into the fight at a later time with one bad arm (can’t wait to choreograph that) but we didn’t get that far today. Maybe next Sunday.

I’ve also joined up at NaNoWriMo in attempt to finally write the novel that’s been gestating in my head the past few years. I finished chapter one last night at 7 pages, 3,780 words after about 5 hours. I still have to open the valve and let my ideas flow onto the pages more easily, I’m sure it’ll come as I flesh out the story some more as I write. If you’re participating too, add me to your buddies list. Otherwise wish me luck!

Finally, on the game dev front I’ve been, as I said, pretty quiet. I’m still interested in Torque2D but haven’t had the time to dedicate to learning it. Hopefully they’ll have a book out for it soon, although it probably won’t be until next year. Still, once they launch the T2D Developers Network I think it’ll be a lot easier to find resources without having to ask on the forums a lot, although the community is great. So I haven’t given up on game development yet, it’s just still on the back burner right now.

So that’s me in a nutshell for now. I suppose I’ll be back in another month or so. I am working on my demo reel for stuntwork so I’ll probably post that soon. Otherwise happy game devving to you all. See you ’round

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October 10th, 2005 · Stuntwork

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Finally! The east coast has been hit with rain (finally) for the past few days and the park was closed Sat and fire shows were canceled on Fri. Last night I finally got a chance to do some fire breathing and boy oh boy! It was cool as hell! They started me off spitting out water to practice getting the fine spray you need. You don’t want the droplets to be too big because then the flame will chase back to you too fast and possibly enter your mouth (a Very Bad Thing(tm) ). You have to compress your lips into a flat line, take a deep breath through your nose and blow out really hard. After a few minutes I got the hang of it, and we lit up a torch. I took a swig of the lighter fluid (being careful not to swallow any of course), held the torch about a foot or so from my face, elbow cocked out to the side out of the way, took in a deep breath and…. FWWHHHOOOOOOM!! WOW! Then a did a bunch more short bursts, like three or four small ones with one swig of fluid, and I also blew a couple up into the air. The coolest though is when they had me blow onto the torch, and then take the torch away and keep up a steady stream of fluid – then it really looked like I was breathing fire! I also did some patterns with flaming wicks on the end of chains. I put together a short video with MovieMaker – nothing special, just the highlights I spoke about above. Check it out!


Breathing Fire! (:45 – via MySpace Video)

Updated: 11.6.05 – Added some music

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