Blade Edge

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March 10th, 2006 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Well, adding wall detection for the missile attacks wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. In fact I still haven’t finished it. I’m having the missile collide with the edge of the system tile so that I can use the callback function to check for any walls in the way. If there are none then I just restart the missile’s movement towards the planet. Sounds simple, but I’m doing something wrong, because the missile refuses to budge towards the planet after colliding with the tile!! Arrgghh! I finally caved in after two hours straight trying to figure it out and posted on the GG forums. We’ll see what happens. *sigh*

So tomorrow’s a busy day for me. I have to wake up around 4:45am (yes, AM) in order to drive up to Staten Island for the SpikeTV commercial shoot at 6:30. I wasn’t picked to be one of the stunt guys but they did offer me some extra work so what the heck? So I’m doing that until like 10 or so and then heading back to NJ to go to the IGDA chapter meeting and give my presentation on GDC. Afterwards I might go out with some of the chapter members to talk shop and then I’m hitting the road once again to travel to north-eastern PA to hang with some friends for the rest of the weekend. Play RISK, GameCube, shoot pellet guns – all that fun stuff

Be back on Monday – you all behave while I’m gone!

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Missile Attack and Defense Walls

March 10th, 2006 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Last night I spent about 6 hours working on getting the special actions implemented. I was heading into some new territory with TGB (Torque Game Builder, previously known as T2D) code-wise so it was slow going in some spots, but I pushed through. By the end of the nite I had two actions implemented, and these were the biggest of the 5 in terms of making them happen. The other three are relatively easy.

Here’s the gallery. Enjoy! Tonight I’m going to be staying home and working on some more actions (among lots of other stuff on my plate right now!)

This Red planet has been targeted for destruction! Dum dum dummmm!

And she’s away! Awwooooga! Awooooga! Incoming!


Now the Red planet has lost a ring but the Blue planet the attack was launched from also lost a ring as payment for carrying out the special action

We’re about to place a defense wall. Upon clicking on the system you move the mouse around the system to position the arrow. Another click annnnd…

Presto! A wall is erected. Now we’re going to test its defense capabilities by exploding the Red planet beneath it

Behold, the Blue planet remains unaffected. Red’s hostile takeover is thwarted.

Now lets test the walls up against a supernova

As you can see, only a few planets survived the onslaught of a tidal shockwave. Flipping back to the earlier image, only the adjacent systems (up, left, down, right) with walls pointed at the star survived, and for systems on a diagonal if they did not have two walls erected in the corner towards the star the shockwave got through and wiped them out.

Whoops, I forgot to code in that walls also thwart missile attacks as well. I’ll take care of that real quick. Walls also block players from expanding onto their own planets. I debated for a while whether to allow planets of the same type to pass through walls and decided to leave it as it is – walls block any and all planets – to make players think twice about just throwing up a wall.

More updates coming later today!

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Stuntwork and Special Actions Work

March 9th, 2006 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Today I woke up at 8am (somehow) and went up to NYC to audition for a stunt job. They were looking for stuntmen to do a commercial for a SpikeTV documentary. The management firm I’m associated with called me up yesterday and set me up with the audition. It went pretty well, I had to pretend I was a hardcore gamer (not hard) and be playing a portable device (like a PSP) and so there was some acting involved with the facial expressions. Then they had me act all happy and jumping around like I just won. Next I had to pretend to hug an old lady standing behind me and then react to a slap in the face with a handbag. Then they had me to a frantic sprint as if I were running from the cops she had just called – across a 7 foot room mind you 😛 Yea I couldn’t stop before sorta running up against the walls a bit, next to the sign posted saying “Stay away from the walls” yea okay whatever 😛 Finally I had to pretend to hurdle over a park bench and catch my foot and fall flat on my face. The only problem is that they had no mats, so I had to do my best faceplant on a tile floor. Oh yea that was fun Scraped up my left arm just a bit – seriously just a bit, no sarcasm intended – but gave them a good show, they looked extremely pleased. We’ll see if I get a phone call tomorrow – the shoot day is either Fri or Sat.

So on the way to and from the city I got to sit on the train with my laptop and get some work done. I implemented a new way of indicating to the player whether they can place a planet or carry out an action over a certain system. Instead of having the cursor change to a crossed-out red circle, the system gets highlighted along the edges a green or red color to indicate okay and not okay. This made things a lot easier code-wise too.

After that I worked on how players go about using special actions. The steps are

  1. The player right-clicks on a system – if the planet there has 1 ring or more the highlight turns orange and the system stays highlighted to designate it as selected. The range overlay also appears
  2. The player then selects an available special action – not all will be available if there is less that 2 or 3 rings around the planet
  3. When the cursor is back over the map it will be a crosshair and the player then selects the target for the action, red and green highlights will let them know what planets they can and cannot use the action on

In order to cancel a special action the user just right-clicks anywhere on the map and they can place a planet again.

Finally I coded in all the special actions’ usage rules, so that when you select a system and select a special action the crosshair appears and the systems are highlighted green or red accordingly. The final step is to have the action carried out at the click of the mouse button. That will come tomorrow.

So here are those screens I promised yesterday, and then some!

(yesterday)The new completed game panel with special action buttons and timers

(yesterday)The timers when activated

(yesterday)Some disabled buttons

The system is green, which means you can carry out the action here, whether it’s placing a planet or applying a special action

Uh oh – red system means no-no

Here’s a system that’s been selected. With only one ring its range doesn’t extend very far

There we go – add another ring and we can reach one of our enemy’s planets. Note we also have another special action option

Here’s the full range of a planet – 3 rings is maximum range and gives you all 5 special actions to choose from

So wait a minute… I fell asleep last nite at ~5… I woke up at 8…. and I’m going to bed at… 4? Wow. Something’s wrong with me And I love it!!


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Gameplay Additions

March 7th, 2006 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

A few weeks ago I was thinking about other turn-based games and Worms popped into my head. I always loved shooting missiles and watching the enemy worms go flying into the air. Then I asked myself, why can’t we shoot missiles in GC? That opened my mind up to a whole new side of the gameplay – ranged attacks. Right now you have one central focus in the game, to take over other players planets. That’s the main focus, but how about some spice? If you can’t take over anyone during a turn why not launch a missile at them instead? Over time the idea evolved into what I now call Special Actions. These actions can be carried out in lieu of placing a planet on the board and cost the player rings from the planet selected to carry out the action. The more rings a planet has, the farther the range of the action from that planet. There are 5 special actions:

  • Missile Attack – (1 ring) Launches a missile at a planet in range and blows a ring off. If the planet has no rings than you can’t attack it.
  • Defense Wall – (1 ring) Puts up a wall to one side of the system that blocks a single missile attack/nova/takeover. The wall remains up until it is used to repel something or the planet in the system explodes. Only one wall can be erected per turn but a system can be completely walled in.
  • Planetary Shield – (2 rings) Places a shield around a planet that prevents the player from using it for a turn, but also protects it from all actions/events for that turn.
  • Star Buster – (3 rings) Forces any Solar Body in range to go supernova regardless of its current life stage
  • Reinforcement – (1-3 rings) The selected planet can distribute its rings to any other planets in range, but cannot add a ring to a planet that would cause it to overload and explode.

Another benefit to these actions is that it gives players a reason to occupy the center of the map. Currently the best strategy is to stick to any sides and corners because it’s easier to overload and explode planets, thus taking over other players, but you can’t get a planet with three rings unless it’s on the inside of the map and not the edges.

So last night I drew up the new ingame panel where these special action buttons will reside, which also gave me a good place to put the game and turn timers. Only thing left to do now is code in the functionality, hopefully I’ll get some up and running by the end of the week. I have some screens but for some reason FireFTP seems to want to keep crashing on me when I try and upload them so screw it for now. Post them later hopefully.

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No battling superheroes this summer

March 1st, 2006 · Stuntwork

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So I got a call tonight from a friend of mine – the friend actually who got me the job at Six Flags in the first place. He calls me up cause he ran into our lead pyro technician and set director Mooch. Mooch was wearing one of the Batman fleeces and my buddy J struck up a conversation with him and I was mentioned and J didn’t believe Mooch knew me so he called me up.

Long story short I got to talk to Mooch – which was good cause I haven’t spoken to him since the end of the season last year. Seems he’s heading back onto the road – traveling with the Rolling Stones doing pyro for their show and whatnot. But I digress.

The sweet and skinny of it all is that I finally got confirmation that there is no Catfight this year. I’d heard a rumor last week that the show may be toast but now I know for sure. Six Flags got sold last year, and the new management basically wants to head in a different direction… or something like that. I think if they would have put on the show it would have been a half-assed deal budget wise, which makes me glad they decided not to. Now supposedly they’re saying they want to start a Batman Begins show like the one in LA the year after. I’d honestly rate the chance of that happening as 1 out of 5, but it certainly would be cool.

So where does that leave me? Well certainly not high and dry fortunately. I doubt I’ll be working at the park at all now – I don’t think there’s anything they could offer me that would pay better than coaching, tho I could be surprised. Plus I have a friend willing to get me a job with Grucci doing fireworks, and Mooch has contacts in that field too that could land me some pyro work. And then of course there’s always the unexpected that could turn up. Hell certainly happened that way two years ago.

I’ll still miss the show though. There’s nothing quite like giving a performance like that in front of a live audience. It’d be cool to do movies and stuff but being live is so much different from “cut! okay let’s try that again!”. There’s no “cut!” in live performances, there’s “holy shit! The bike stalled! Quick! Kick me in the head!!”

Yup…. gunna miss it…

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Starting the comeback

February 26th, 2006 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Well I finally logged some more hours today working on GC. I spent a little time on it Thurs too but didn’t really accomplish much. I never get any work done on Friday nights (come on, it’s Friday night!) and Sat I was skiing all day for the first time this entire season. My Dad got me a 3-use discount card to Mt. Creek, where we always go. I doubt I’ll be able to use it again Hopefully it will carry over to next year, or hopefully I’ll find another free weekend before the mountain closes.

So since I took a few steps backwards, I’m still playing catch-up. But I managed to get Imperialism back to snuff, as well as Blitzkreig mode, and pretty much all the bugs I fixed as well. All in all I think the re-additions so far came out better than the originals. I still have to re-implement the special system density selection, the missing map detection/handling, and exposing the image map creation through the DB. I also want to add an in-game DB editor. I was originally going to have it function via console commands but with T2D’s GUI editor on hand I might as well make it more user-friendly than that.

Still have a month left until GDC so I’m not worried about getting the AI implemented in time. Hopefully tomorrow or Tues I can finish up what I outlined above so I can start March off fresh. ‘Course Mon and Tues are not among my most productive sooo… we’ll see.

But that’s all for now… I think it’s about time I started catching up on my SG-1/Atlantis/Battlestar episodes. I’m already more than half a season behind!! Ack!

Oh yea, and I also backed-up my code to the BES server, which I will do after every coding session. Not making that mistake ever again, but better safe than sorry…

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The next rank

February 22nd, 2006 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Soooo I got my orange belt presented to me today, I had tested on Sunday. I’ve been a yellow belt for the past (dare I say it) 5 years, due to the fact that I’ve missed tests due to scheduling conflicts, taken hiatuses from the dojo months at a time, and just not being consistent in my training. However the past few months I’ve gotten back into the regimen, and finally made it to a testing last Sunday. Now I can finally retire my yellow belt.

In our system orange belt is the third belt, or 6th Kyu. You start at white, then move up to 7th Kyu yellow. 5th kyu is green, 4th kyu is purple, 3rd kyu is brown, 2nd kyu is brown with a white stripe, 1st kyu is brown with a black stripe, and then comes shodan, which is a 1st dan black belt, which also entitles you to be called “mister” or “missus”. Nidan is a 2nd dan black belt (denoted by two red tips on the end of the belt), which gives you the honorific of Sempai. Sandan is a 3rd dan black belt (three red tips) and carries the honorific of Sensei. I forget the “dan” names after that but for 4th and 5th dan call people of that rank Master. 6th dan is Renshi, 7th dan is Kyoshi, 8th and 9th dan is Hanshi and 10th dan is Shihan (Grand Master).

My style, Beikoku Karate-Do Goyukai (BKG), was founded by my uncle’s father, Grand Master Issac Henry, Jr. and George Chalian at Governer’s Island (NY) in 1959. As founder, Issac Henry is also entitled “Soke”. The style is derived from WADO (Way of Peace and Harmony – developed by Grand Master Gichin Funakoshi) blended with Japanese jui jitsu with great emphasis on combat. This system was passed down through Funakoshi’s pupil Grand Master Hironori Otsuka, his pupil Grand Master Michio Nozumi to his pupil Grand Master Issac Henry.

So there’s something for my fellow martial arts buffs out there. Who else trains? I know you’re out there – seen you in martial arts threads in the forums

I’m going to test for green as soon as the next testing rolls around and then take my time getting to purple.

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Galaxy Conquest Video

February 20th, 2006 · Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Well, I downloaded Fraps and tooks some captures of Galaxy Conquest in action. I figured it was the best I could do considering I can’t release a public demo just yet. It’s not the best quality since I needed to keep the filesize down in order to squeeze it onto what space is left on the BES server, but at least you get to see the game editor, menus and some game play action including regular conquest and imperialism conquest. You also get to hear the main theme track as well as 2 of the 4 ingame tracks. Let me know what you think!

Galaxy Conquest Video Demo (10MB)

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Picking up the pieces

February 18th, 2006 · Blade Edge, Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Well today I showed off Galaxy Conquest to a highly-receptive audience. Everyone at the chapter meeting agreed that it looked like a really cool game and couldn’t wait to play it and see what it’s like. So that makes me feel good, having an indication of how the game is coming across to people. I didn’t get to give my GDC presentation because we were running short on time, but that’s okay because our next meeting is the week before GDC so it’ll actually be better since the information will still be fresh in people’s minds. So a bit of a delay in that, I know you all just can’t wait to get your hands on the slides

As far as the little oopsie a few days ago with deleting a bunch of my source files… yea that’s not anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be. I thought my last backup had been after the first alpha release 3 weeks ago, when in fact I had backed up the Sunday before last as part of my monthly backups (first sunday of each month). Then I didn’t actually have time to work on the game until the following Sat (last Sat). So pretty much the work lost is detailed in my journal entries from the 11th and the 13th, which is a working Imperialism model, special system densities and blitzkreig mode. *phew*. That’s way better a situation than I thought I was in!!!

So things are lookin pretty good again. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be able to recoup on my losses.

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Geared up and ready to go

February 17th, 2006 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

I finished my presentation last night for the IGDA chapter meeting tomorrow. Been working on it the past two days. Man it’s been so long since I used PowerPoint… I think the last time I used it before doing my GI presentation a few weeks ago was back in sophomore year in high school for a chemistry project. Yeepers!

Doing the GI presentation helped a lot to get me back into the flow though. I really like the design I came up with for my GI slides

So I took that and applied it to the slides for the chapter presentation as well. I had originally planned to just make it about networking, but then I realized that the GDC is pretty much one big networking event, so I might as well talk more about the conference itself as well. I had to cut a few things from my original outline in order to make it concise and ensure I’d finish within 30 minutes. I’ve had to sit through my fair share of droners (including one time someone actually played audio narration off their slides – aauugh!!) so I don’t wanna drag out anything. It was great to be able to dig through 4 years of GDC photographs to accompany the slides – I even found a 1989 CGDC logo using Google Images!

So I’m excited about giving this presentation for people new and old to the GDC. It’ll be available on the IGDA NJ website after the meeting, so keep an eye out for it if you’re going to be heading to GDC! I’ll also post a notice up in the Lounge when it goes online.

In the meantime here’s a preview

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