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First Time for Everything…

March 21st, 2006 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

ah, so today was the first time in my GDC history that I managed to sleep in late. My roomate left his cell phone on vibrate, and although I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I did something with my phone just before going to sleep last nite, it obviously wasn’t setting the alarm like I thought it was. We woke up at 9:30 and I got this Twighlight Zone feeling because I couldn’t comprehend how we had both managed to sleep right through two alarms.

So I got to the convention center around 10:20, and now I’m just schmutzing around in the Press Lounge. I have no clue what I want to do today, none of the tutorials are of any interest to me. I may check out the MS Dev Day just to see if I can snare me some cool swag. Last year they gave out the portfolios, the year before were the backpacks and both are awesome. So we’ll see. I’ll prob do some tutorial hoppage and hang out at the IGDA member lounge now that it’s all set up.

Oh well. I guess I might as well get off my ass and make myself useful or something 😛 Still can’t believe I slept in late, haha. It’s always something…

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The Press Swag Bag

March 21st, 2006 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

I took out most of the crap, added my Red Storm badge holder, and the result issss

Yes, for the first time in GDC history we have socks. Socks, people! I’m so wearing them tomorrow. Wish I had shorts to wear with them but alas… ok yea so maybe it’s for the better but whatever 😛 So that’s the haul until Wednesday, when the real crap grab begins!

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A Day of Many Meetings

March 21st, 2006 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

It never ceases to amaze me. Over 12,000 game developers attend the conference each year and yet it’s crazy how many times you’ll bump into someone you know throughout the course of the week. I supposed the chances are higher when you’re all in such a close proximity, and not all 12,000+ people will be here until Wednesday, but still – it’s certainly hard to remember there are that many other people wandering around that you don’t know.

So today was a great first day. I mainly attended the IGDA chapter workshop from 1-6, which I’ll report on later once they post the official meeting notes to go with my own perceptions. Other than that I hung out in the Press Lounge and walked the convention center, then went to some parties/events later in the evening.

Along the way I ran into many people, most old, some new. Here’s a pictography.

Nick Smolney (Xbox Exclusive), Sande Chen (WomenInGames) and Coray Seifert (THQ|Kaos Studios) have a chat in the Press Lounge

Ben Serviss (Creoludus) chats it up with Eric Lamendola (Slingo, Inc.)

Bumped into Neil Kirby (Lucent) on his way to lunch

Ran into Steve “ferretman” Woodcock for the second time on my way out of the IGDA session

Bill Crosby (Rutgers U.) along with John Black and Chuck Kinzer (Columbia U.) talk afterwards about the Serious Games Summit

Robin, GDC’s official photographer, caught in the act

Mike Sweeney (Slingo, Inc.) and Ben Serviss talk shop with a fellow SGS attendee

DaveRM ( and Sande Chen are also engaged in conversation

Habib Loew, a student at DigiPen and an avid GDNet enthusiast, talks mobile gaming with Schematic’s Karthik Swamithian

Back to San Jose… back to Johny Rockets!! Clockwise from left: Kenneth Johnson, Nick Smolney, Jeff Ward, Ben Serviss, Coray Seifert, Roger Pederson, Mike Sweeney, Karthik Swamithian, Eric Lamendola

Eric and Kenny chat with latecomer Kristoffer Schalchter (Nickelodeon)

Mark DeLoura (Sony), well known for the Gems series of books, stopped by JR as well to grab a bite to eat

Dave Weinstein (Microsoft), speaker extraordinaire, caught in his natural habitat. Or… maybe just habit

Wade Tinney and Josh Welber from Large Animal Games were kind enough to give me a lift back to my hotel in their taxi. Thanks guys!

Damn that’s a lot of people! There were also a few I didn’t manage to get on camera yet, like Rudy Geronimo and Jason Della ROcca from the IGDA, John Fiel, Dustin Clingman (tho technically he’s in this shot)… it was great being able to catch up with all these guys (and gals) on the very first day of the conference. Looking forward to further discussions and meetings tomorrow!

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March 20th, 2006 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

I forgot to mention that GDC is moving back to San Fran next year. The convention center was booked solid this year, which is why we’re back in San Jose. Personally, I prefer SJ over SF. True, SF offers more to do outside the conference, but seriously – don’t we come out for the conference in the first place? Sure it’s a bonus to be in SF but it’s hard to keep focus on the conference when you’re tantilized by the SF area and nightlife. People have no reason to come to SJ other than the conference, which to me makes it all the better and more focused. But that’s just me…

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Ready to rock and roll

March 20th, 2006 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So it’s all set. We’re meeting up in the Press Lounge tomorrow at 9am. Tonight we sat down to eat at the Denny’s up the street from the hotel and talk over what we want to do for the conference coverage this year. I’m going to be writing up a Preview Report tonight that will go up first thing tomorrow morning that will detail our coverage for the coming week and kick things off for us.

So sit back and enjoy the show!!

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And so it begins…

March 19th, 2006 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

The flight out was nice – tho I was stuck sitting next to a 9-something year-old kid and his mom. Wasn’t so bad tho. In fact I had to keep from laughing when I flipped through DirectTV and settled on FX, watching Arnie blast through this hacienda Rambo-style with a BFG and the kid’s sitting next to me watching Sponge Bob Squarepants. Sorry kiddo, don’t think mom will let you watch this too. Mwahaha. But after that I watched a movie on my lappie called Zu Warriors – it had Ziyi Zhang in it, which is all I needed but the movie itself was pretty damn cool. Then I managed a little shut-eye before touching down in San Jose.

Last time I was in San Jose I ran into Francois Dominic Laramee at the baggage claim. This time around I spotted Eric Zimmerman, he must have been on the same flight. Then at the waitstop for the cabs I ran into Dave Weinstein (formerly of Red Storm) and John Fiel (of if I remember correctly, which I may not).

So I checked in the Days Inn Airport, the same joint we stayed in two years ago. Then I called up my buds from Jersey who had gotten out here yesterday and hopped the light rail downtown to meet up for lunch. I stopped off at the convention center along the way and snapped some pics

The San Jose Convention Center – minus the huge GDC banner that crane and crew is undoubtly putting up now

The Civic Auditorium, across the street. Hey they got that banner up tho

On the way to meet up for lunch I passed the Statue of Poo and neglected to take a picture – I figured I’d leave something for the other GDNet guys to have – tho with Hattan not attending this year… I dunno maybe Dave’ll get it. Someone will, even if it’s me after all.

So yea met up with the gang for SUSHI!! Yums.

Mike Sweeney from Slingo, Jeff Ward from Bethesda Soft and Coray Seifert from THQ|Kaos Studios on the left, Ben Serviss from Creo Ludus on the right

Okay I’m going to take a nap now – the GDNet crew’s meeting up at 9pm to go over some final stuff before the kickoff tomorrow morning. Prob post once more before bed – see you then!

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JetBlue rocks my socks!!!

March 19th, 2006 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Well, here I am, sitting in the terminal waiting for my two slices of pizza to cool down a bit so I can eat em without getting melted cheese all over the place, haha. My flight is scheduled to depart at 8:05, so I have a little time to relax and grab a bite to eat.

I must say flying with Jet Blue is awesome – and I haven’t even left the ground yet! I flew with them two years ago to get out to San Jose and the experience was memorable enough for me to book with them again. Would you believe it took me less than twenty minutes from curbside to terminal? They have an online baggage check that lets you check your bags and print out your boarding pass. My dad dropped me off at the curbside and I handed the skycap my bag, he scanned my pass, looked at my ID, and I was off to the security checkpoint! Then it was about a 15 minute wait in line and I was in. And now I find free (yes, free) wireless in the terminals?? Heaavvveeenn. And what’s this? *listens to announcement over PA system* My flight just got changed from Gate 4 to Gate 9? Oh gee – that happens to be the gate right in freakin front of me at this moment. I don’t care if it’s a hassle to get to JFK – I’m flying JetBlue every damn chance I get!!

Okay well my pizza looks cool now so I’m going to indulge myself… next post coming to ya from sunny California!!

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Three more days…

March 16th, 2006 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Damn I can’t beleive I’ll be in Cali in just three days time. Isn’t it amazing how these things seem to rush up all of the sudden? Two weeks ago it felt like a month away, five days ago it felt like a week away, and now it feels like tomorrow!

So I’m pretty much locked and loaded. My schedule is nailed down, although I’ll probably end up picking up a few product interviews during the Expo. Based on my postmortem from last year I’ve created the IGF coverage page now, so that plugs a big gaping hole I identified in my coverage last year. Picked up my BES biz cards from Kinko’s on Tuesday, using the same GDNet ones from yesteryear and GI is shipping me some new ones – hope they arrive in time, haha. Experience is everything and so I feel more prepared for this conference than ever. As with last year, I’m looking to use the full range of reporting resources to share my experience at the conference. That means linking from my blog to my articles to my gallery pics to news items and to off-site material.

I spent a bit today looking at Gamasutra’s coverage of last year’s conference. I had never viewed their coverage before but it had come up for a short while among us covering this year that Gamasutra was planning a live coverage of the event this year. I’m interested to see how well they pull it off, since that’s pretty much the only advantage they have over us as far as I’m concerned. Their photo gallery had like a measly 30 pics in it, which is about as many as I post per day, not to mention my fellow staffers. They gave good reports on sessions but the coverage was really scattered whereas we have people, like Kelly Murdock with Visual Art, dedicated to a single track or two. I think also that the inclusion of the blogs in last year’s coverage really sparked things up – I know I had a lot of fun and it was great to be able to seperate the official reporting of sessions and events and the personal reporting of parties and every-day conference activities, unlike previous years where it was all jumbled together and so you had to pick through to get to the actual conference material.

So despite Gamasutra’s live coverage attempt, we’re still the #1 spot for GDC coverage, and we’re looking to make this year’s all the better! Our coverage will officially kick off on Monday morning, 7am PST as we ready for the first day of tutorials. But of course I’ll be there early Sunday afternoon, so my coverage begins then. I plan on taking the light rail over to the convention center to check out the changes to the convention center prior to the conference, so expect the pics to start rolling in later that afternoon After that all the staffers are meeting up to wrap up our GDC planning – expect a first-ever GDC Preview report Monday morning detailing our plans for the entire week to kick us off.

This is probably the last you’ll hear of me until Sunday, so see you all when I get to Cali! Get pumped!

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Cruisin’ Right Along…

March 14th, 2006 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Jeez this seemed like such a short day. First off I didn’t haul ass out of bed until around 1, although I had meant to get up around 12. Took care of some email and stuff and went to Kinko’s around 3 to order up my business cards for Blade Edge. Went to work and coached till 7:30 and then went back to Kinko’s to pick up the cards – 250 cards for $40. Not bad I guess. They’ll last me a while anyways. Came home and worked on GC. Cleaned up a few bugs, made sure the audio was working okay for a full demonstration, and cleaned up some code as well.

I just finished reading through my 2005 GDC Postmortem, going to take it all to heart this year. Added a few things to my ToDo list after reading through it to make sure I’m fully prepped for next week.

But anyways it’s time for my night out with the guys at the gym. Getting there later than usual thanks to all this work I gotta do but so it goes right?


P.S. – found out today that the commercial I was in still has to be approved for airing by the SpikeTV network. So it might not even ever get shown. But I still get paid so while it would be nice to see it… Keep you all posted…

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Begun, the GDC Crunch has

March 13th, 2006 · Personal, Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Well I had a good time in PA. We played original RISK, Clone Wars RISK and LoTR RISK along with Zombies and some Gamecube and shot some bb’s and pellets, watched some movies (Porky’s!!)… damn straight.
Oh and the commercial shoot. That was cool too. I got there early no problem, and we were set up and shooting around 7:30. I got to wear my usual street clothes, the wardrobe lady just picked out one of the sweaters I brought for me to put on, and I had to lose my hat cause of the big G logo for GarageGames. The scene we shot was a line of people standing waiting for an ATM. There’s a woman at the ATM, an old man first after her, then a little old asian lady (reminded me of my obaa-san a bit, tho she looked more philippino), then the principal character – a guy dressed in a suit playing a PSP – then a woman and then me at the back talking on my cellphone. Yea, I got to “talk” on my cellphone. Way cool. So anyways the whole scene is that the dude is playing this PSP and he’s so intense… so intense… all the sudden he starts freaking out cause he won (presumably) and screams and shouts then turns and hugs the old lady, who is like “wtf?” and pushes him back and beans him in the head with her handbag while shouting “police! police!”. Then the principle character dashes out (we were shooting inside a mall in Staten Is btw) and the woman turns to the old man and says “He tried to stab me with a calculator! You saw it!”. We shot it from 3 different angles: the first we just stood in line and the principal character just played with this intense look on his face; the second was shot from a ladder so you could see the PSP screen, tho they had to greenscreen it cause the two games they had sucked for what they wanted ; and then we shot the action scene. That took the longest obviously. probably almost 30 takes even. Still, we wrapped around 9:30. Not a bad day’s work, pretty good pay for 3 hours too It’s a commercial for SpikeTV – I’ll try and get details as to when it will be aired – I’m def taping it and putting it online!! 🙂

After that I gave my GDC presentation for the IGDA NJ chapter meeting. It’s online now here, I’d suggest you have a look if you’re going to GDC this year! Everything you want to know abotu GDC is in it. Check it out!

Link is working now!

But now it’s back to the grindstone and like woah. Yea look at the time. I want to get up in 5 hours 😛 I still have to stop off at Kinko’s to have them whip me up some more biz cards. Plus I’m still scrambling to get stuff ready for GDC – in less than a week now! Holy crap where has the time gone?? So much stuff so much stuff… head is spinning…

Tonight however I focused mainly on GC. In my last entry I stated my frustration with a problem I was having. Well as I was trying to get some sleep the amazingly simple solution struck me so hard I wanted to scream. As I said I was having a missile sprite collide with the edge of a tile to check for walls. Well DUH the walls are sprites too!! So I just had the missiles collide directly with the walls – took me like less than 30 mins to get working. Good lord 😛

So I finished all the special actions on Sat while I was waiting for the chapter meeting to start since I got to the location like 2 hours beforehand because I went straight from the shoot. Tonight I finally got a chance to play a game using them and I was immediately dissapointed. The problem was the fact that you could only place a planet or carry out a special action. So I made a decision and changed things up a bit.

The way special actions work now is that you get the ability to use them by taking over other player’s planets. For each planet you conquer you get one special action pellet, the number of special action pellets you have is shown under your panel. After you place a planet, if you have any special action pellets you can use up to three. So you can do as many as three special actions per turn. You still lose rings on the planets you choose, as well as a pellet for each special action. If you don’t want to use any pellets or less than three, you can manually end your turn with the End Turn button (used to be the Menu button, but the menu has always been accessible from the Esc key).

I think the game plays a lot better now with this change. Another change I made was to not allow the Star Buster special action to blow up a star immediately, rather it blows after the next player places a planet. I think that’s an interesting twist.

Anyways lookin good, I’m pretty sure it’s just spit and polish here on out for GC as far as GDC is concerned. Can’t wait. Here are some new screens

Here are the special action pellets. Right now you can have a maximum of 20. They line up in 5 rows of 5. Note also the End Turn button

Red used one of his special actions to put a Planetary Shield around Blue for a turn. Note he lost rings and a pellet

Blue pays back the favor to Red

Uh huh that’s it – nothing else exciting to take pics of. Oh I also forgot to mention that players lose pellets when a planet goes into a black hole or gets destroyed by a supernova.

Annnnnnd one final note is that I fixed up the screen/gui so that when the board shakes the player panels don’t shake as well. That just irked me cause the text wouldn’t move while the panels shook. So now the board shakes when a planet explodes or a star blows up.

Righty then. I’m off for a few winks…

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