Blade Edge

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Delay!! Oh teh Nos!!11!!

October 31st, 2006 · Production

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Auurrgh! I had to delay the release of Torch! because for some reason Vegas seems to be missing some of the footage I’m using and so in the latest render there are three black spots in the video lasting 1-2 seconds! When I look in Vegas they show up in the time line as red areas of footage. Very weird and very frustrating seeing as I was so on-track for release. I hope I just need to re-import the video files and that they are not actually corrupted because then I’d have to re-rip them from DVD. *sigh*

Still, it wasn’t a total loss. The highest-quality render I had was in perfect shape, and so I was able to take my laptop over to Greg’s house where he had a Sony external DVD burner so I was able to author a DVD that we then took to the halloween party being thrown by a bunch of Six Flags entertainment people and showed it off to everyone. I got nothing but compliments all around and most people telling me that if they ever need some editing work done they’ll get in touch with me. Not bad for my first full production. Once I get the video up online I’ll post a full postmortem.

Doing this video production work and even game devving with the Torque engine is going to require more muscle than my laptop can muster however, which is why I’ll soon be purchasing my new desktop computer. Yup, merry Christmas to me, hahaha. I’ll reveal the specs when I purchase it sometime in the next week or two.

Okay that’s it for now, still have a shitload of work to get to – I mean I just archived my emails from last week, which was something I was supposed to do on Saturday, for cripes sake. So I’m still a bit behind but hopefull by next week things will have calmed down a bit.

But probably not

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One Day Left!

October 30th, 2006 · Production, Stuntwork

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Well it was quite a crazy weekend! As I said in my last entry, Friday was almost a total washout thanks to the rain. I did get a few good shots to add to the short personal segments at the end of the video, but that was it. The park was open on Saturday but it was hella windy, gusting close to 40mph. So while we did the shows a lot of the shots were compromised thanks to the wind. That and although I tried directing the rest of the cast by telling them what I wanted to capture, we didn’t have time to really rehearse anything so some shots were lost because one of the cast forgot something, like Nolan didn’t remember to take down the hood to his cloak for one shot, which broke the continuity of the segment. So I was biting my nails a bit Sat night when I got home and started breaking down the footage. I didn’t get much work done though because I had told a friend I would go to his halloween party. So I went in my Torch! makeup and one of the girls there recognized me and told me she and her friend had seen the show at the park. Turns out she was a CS major in college and although she was Chinese she loves Japanese stuff – so we had plenty to chat about.

Sunday rolled around and it was still windy – the entire park lost power twice for a few seconds during the day. Luckily it calmed down later that evening and by showtime the wind was barely blowing at all. So I spent the last two shows of the season reshooting several shots, although the final show I participated in the finale and did a high fall off the museum with my baton. After the last show I set up a cast picture and also did two real quick pick-up shots to complete my takes.

Afterwards we all went to the local bar to PARTAY! Lots of dancing, lots of hanging out with friends I won’t see for a few months. We even put on a mini-show for everyone and got free drinks . I also had some business cards on me and was passing them out with the backs containing info on how to see the Torch! movie. One of the cast, Nolan, is even considering using the video to pitch the show to someone running this huge convention down in D.C. in Jan, and one of the brothers that created the show wants to try to book stuff at ski resorts over the winter.

So now I’m just trying to get this video file size down below 100MB so I can upload it to MySpace. I can upload .divx movies and the DivX converter scrunched my 250MB AVI file down to 125MB, so I think I’ll just drop the rendering quality down two notches from the maxed out 10 to 8 and I should be able to squeeze by. It takes up to 3 hours for the video to render tho so I only have a few tries, haha. I’ll get it tho.

Aiighty, back to it I guess. Here are the two cast pictures I took.

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“Torch!” in just a few more days!!

October 27th, 2006 · Personal, Production

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Just popping by real quick to remind everyone of the release of my first full production, Torch!, a show I was involved in again this year at Six Flags Great Adventure. I’ll post more about the experience I gained creating it on Tues when it’s released. I’ll also be launching my Blade Edge Productions website Tuesday as well. I hope to do some production work on the side – along with everything else, haha! I showed the first rough copy to the rest of the cast tonight and they loved it – two girls who hadn’t seen the show yet watched it and once commented on how it was just like they had actually seen the show for real. So that made me feel good.

Also, stay tuned for some exciting news from Game Institute I’ve been waiting for weeks to announce. Oh yea and I also forgot to mention that we opened a GI Cafe Press store. Check it out!

Talked to the guy who wanted me to do some contract programming work – he says he still hasn’t really heard back from the publisher regarding work on the title, so at least the project isn’t dead… yet. There’s still hope!

Okay that’s it for now. I must go pray to the Rain God so that they don’t close the park tomorrow and I lose another day of shooting (tonight was rain too). I have about a dozen shots, half of which I need to get in order to complete this movie. ‘Course on the flipside it would be nice to not have work cause then I could spend some time with someone special. Auurrghh the agony! 😛

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Torch! Teaser and GDnet updates

October 20th, 2006 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Haven’t been around in a while, so just posting up a quickie.

First bit of news is that my teaser video for Torch!, the show I’m working in at Six Flags, is now up in my MySpace profile in my video space – just scroll down a bit. Production on the full show version is going well also. Get ready to check it out in full on Halloween!

Secondly I just want to announce that article updates will be on Mondays only for the forseeable future, instead of Mondays and Thursdays. While we work on getting our new article back-end complete so we can start receiving submissions again I need to start stretching out our current queue of articles so we don’t run dry before then.

Other than that, life’s been hectic as always. Stupid insurance company towed my car to a fre storage lot before I could get some stuff out of it, now it’s a little over an hour away – makes getting to it a bit rough before work. Yesterday morning I was at the park with my Torch! buddies doing promo spots for the ch11 morning news with some other Fright Fest characters. Fright Fest is already half-over, gee time does fly.

Okay that’s about it for now… more stuff to do… busy busy busy 😛

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Random Musings

October 11th, 2006 ·, Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So I just finished spending 4 hours (not consecutively) slaving over the latest article to appear on the front page. Still sticking to the Mon/Thurs update sched and proud of it. Kudos to John, who posted his first article on Monday. So why’d it take me 4 hours? Well, it actually took me longer if you count the extra hour or so I spent a few days ago trying to figure out how to get the math equations out of Word as an image file. They just weren’t displaying properly. Finally I realized they were Open Office figures. So then I had to download Open Office, which displayed them properly but still wouldn’t export them as images, and of course I couldn’t copy them straight into HTML. So today I screen capped every equation and cropped em out of the document. All 22 of em. Then there’s the esoteric article upload process that John was complaining about (and rightly so). No wonder Dave was having so much trouble! Luckily we’re working on a back-end that will greatly simplify the article submission and editing process, but we still need to upgrade the software that manages the posting of articles and such. But anyways it’s up there so enjoy it. Or else.

*power goes out*

Dammit!!!! WTF??? *sigh*

an hour later…

*grumbles* Where was I? Oh yes. So last Thursday while driving home late at night on Route 18 I happened across a deer. Yes, yea I know you’re supposed to hit them, but my instinct is to not hit anything and so I swerved. It was raining lightly so the road was slick and I spun around, went off the road backwards, tore through a sign and hit a guardrail, which spun me sideways into some saplings and brush on my side. It didn’t happen fast, I was sliding for a good few seconds so I knew I was going to hit something. So I was out of the passenger door in a few seconds, cursing fate and all that but happy that I only had a barely-noticable throb on the top-left side of my head where I guess I bumped the window. Today the insurance company assessed the car and declared it totalled, which didn’t surprise me. I ripped my rear bumper clean off, the backseat was jarred loose and the hatchback was slightly off-kilter. My rear-left tire was bent 45-degrees under the car and I couldn’t open my passenger door all the way so I deduced that the frame was bent. Still, it’s quite salvageable as far as parts are concerned – heck the airbags didn’t even go off – so I’m prob gonna buy it back and part it out then junk it and save some of the stuff for my new Tibby.

Shows at Great Adventure are going very well. This past Sunday we were missing two of our main guys (we knew in advance they’d be gone that day) so I had to edit the soundtrack and shorten/delete some parts to bring it from a 16min show down to a 9min show cause there was only three of us instead of five. I got to do the fire staff, which made me happy cause that let me do the hardest stunt in the show – a 23′ face-off high-fall with the fire staff where you breathe fire at the audience as you fall. I had to practice that about 20 times during the day to get it right. The second show I almost burned my cheek – but at least I never dropped the staff! I’ll be bringing my camcorder in this weekend to record the show and post it on MySpace – stay tuned!!

Still no word on that contracting job, which kinda bums me out. I’ll prob poke the guy this Fri if I don’t hear anything. He says he’s still waiting to hear back from the publisher on the initial design. That was almost two weeks ago, and a week after he said the publisher was supposed to get back to him. Shucks.

Uhmmmm… okay I guess that’s it for now. Just wanted to post stuff so that this journal doesn’t grow massive cobwebs again.

Oh yea, anyone have any good techniques for reading journals here at GDnet? I wanna read everyone’s journal so bad but never have the time! Lemme know what you guys do.

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Quick EaW Strategic Musings

October 3rd, 2006 · Gaming

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So-so night of Empire at War. I beat my first opponent in 11 minutes, but he was ranked #13587 so it was hardly a challenge. Next I fought against Jabba-Juice, who’s ranked #214. I beat him last nite but he got me back today – just barely though. We played the Kashyykk map and as the Empire I did a good job at establishing control of the major minesites and then bashing his mines to dust. However I forgot (yet again!) to prepare my space station to ward off a bombing rush, so he seriously incapacitated it with 6-7 squads of Y-wings and some Nebulon-B frigates. I fought him off and denied him every mine on the map but he still managed to destroy my station. So that left him with a trickle income and me with no further production capabilities. If I had been able to pay more attention to building units while my station was under attack I prob could have salvaged the game, as it was he managed to upgrade his station just as I was finishing it off, giving it added defense and allowing it to wipe out the rest of my units. Note to self: don’t forget to have reinforcments ready to defend your space station!!

The next game I played was a chance at a serious rankage boost, as CosmicButtHead is ranked #8. It was the Bothawui map and I made a few serious tactical errors in the start of the game that made me quit after only 2 minutes cause I knew I was lost. However I realize my errors now. You have to go straight for the two center mines and build them to deny them to the enemy. Then you harrass the other two centeral mines guarded by turret posts to distract the enemy into defending those mines for control, costing him money he could be using to upgrade, while at the same time denying him the merchant dock in the center. Can’t wait to test out the new strategy.

Then my last game was on one of my fav maps – Tatooine. Haven’t lost on that map in a long time, especially when playing as the Empire thanks to the TIE Scout’s ability to sensor scan an area of map and let me hyperspace units in since the entire center of the map is Nebula, which you can’t hyperspace ships into. I played again against newbie tho, so it wasn’t that difficult.

So, 2-2 for the night and a slight rankage boost to #324. Not too shabby.

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A thought on RTS gaming

October 2nd, 2006 · Gaming

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So I finally found some time to play some more Empire at War tonight. Haven’t played since last Tues but haven’t lost my edge, won both games I played and improved my ranking a few tens of points to place me at #342 – too bad this ladder is so borked it doesn’t really mean anything to be placed much of anywhere within the top 500. But when the new expansion pack comes out hopefully they’ll reset the ladder and fix some of the problems inherent with the Gamespy system. I also clinched another 5 wins in a row trophy.

But I digress. I just wanted to quickly post an idea I had. It occured to me how in EaW space skirmish (that’s all I play) teching up to the second level is usually as far as a game goes. The first player to reach Tech 2 usually has an advantage (so long as the resource infrastructure is there) and once at Tech 2 both players are pounding each other so mercilessly that there’s no pause to tech up to level 3 (since you can’t build units while upgrading). The only times I’ve ever reached Tech 5 is when I’ve dominated or denied my enemy’s mines and can upgrade at leisure and then have the pleasure of pommeling my opponent with capital ships. I don’t think I’ve ever had a capital ship battle before.

This is rather depressing, because I like capital ship battles. Now the idea I had was to have the game level you up automatically, thus letting the players advance into more complex battles. however I just realized that’s really just a crutch. The flaw is inherent in the gameplay; the developers shouldn’t have made level 2 tech so versatile and cut off production during station upgrades. Oh well… still a fun game tho.

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Whole lotta shakin goin on

October 1st, 2006 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So here’s the scoop. Like I said in one of my previous entries, months ago, this was a lazy summer for me. It was a nice summer, working like 9-11 hours a week and just chilling and playing video games… man it’s been a while since I could actually play video games, haha. Even got to go on a few road trips to PA. All in all good times. Time for relaxation’s over tho – summer’s definetly on its way out, as my dual layers of clothing at nite on the bike will attest. So here’s what’s happening.

Executive Producer –

in case you missed the press release, I am now the new EP here at the fabulous GDnet. Dave and Kevin’s jobs have become more demanding of late, not to mention personal life, and so their ability to manage and maintain the site has slackened over the last few months. They remain dedicated however, and I’m here now too in greater capacity to help carry out tasks they once performed in order to lighten their load and make it easier for them to contribute more significantly to this website they helped to create. I just want to make it absolutely clear that I am replacing nobody.

Hopefully you’ve already noticed some improvements. There are two new reviews on the front page, and we’ve added an extra column with which to feature articles. Three new books have also been added to the Resources section. We’ll also be posting new articles regularily every Monday and Thursday, and actively adding new books as well as they are released. We also have many other projects in the works, like a revamp of the Articles & Resources section – adding new article links, culling outdated articles, etc. I’m always open to suggestions, so please feel free to email me, PM me or post something the Suggestions forum!

Merchandise and Live Events at Game Institute

Now that we’ve finally released the new Video Game Console Design course, we can return our attention to the suspended Live Events program over at Game Institute. The hold up is a result of some back-end development that was put on hold to push out the new course – hopefully this month we’ll once again be able to offer up free 30-90 minute online live seminars for registered users and enrolled students.

To keep me occupied while the Live Events program was suspended, I’ve been working on a Cafe Press store for GI. It will be opening shortly as well.

Contracting and Partnering at Blade Edge Software

I do beleive I’ve found a nice chap to work with on Galaxy Conquest. Besides the fact that lately I’ve felt stagnant working alone, having another programmer will help motivate me better and let me offset some tasks now that I’m doing so many other things. We’re still just talking – he’s a professional CPP software developer and familiar with scripting languages, but he still has to become aquanted with Torque Game Builder and TorqueScript. Hopefully we’ll be able to start working together on code soon.

Last month I was contacted by a local developer who had heard of my work with TGB from a fellow developer. Just another example of how it’s not what you know but who you know, and it’s not who you know, but who knows you. He’s interested in using TGB for a 2D casual game based on a licensed property, one that I’ve been interested in since childhood, so that’s really cool! We’re still waiting to hear back from the publisher on the initial design, but if all goes well he’s interested in a long-term relationship for after this game and finally I’ll have some much-needed funding for Blade Edge.

Fire Breathing and Technical Work at Six Flags Great Adventure Fright Fest

One of my fellow cast members from the Batman show at Great Adventure re-worked his fire show from last year’s Fright Fest and made it into a bigger production, with 4 cast members now instead of 2 and while it’s still performed mainly for people waiting in the stadium queue line for the Hayride, we now are able to have people sitting in the stands watching as well. It’s also about 7 minutes longer. Offically I’m just the show technician – I take care of the set and manage the show’s audio and lighting. But I’m getting paid as a performer, so every now and then I like to jump into a show and breathe a bit of fire. It’s also an excuse to get under makeup, which is something I didn’t do when I teched the show last year. It’s great being able to walk around the park at night and scare the shit out of people. Girls and even some guys’ll see you walking towards them and scream and run away, but the best are the people who aren’t really paying attention, and they don’t see you until you’re just walking past them, and they jump like 5 feet in the air and grab their chest and go “ohmygod!”

Besides having fun at the fire show, earlier in the day on Sundays I’m going to be a technician for a kiddie pirate show. I just have to, again, look after the set and manage the audio and sound effects on the 360 effects board (same kind we used and I operated occassionally for the Batman show). Looking to be a fun month of fright.

Coaching and… Coaching

So I got a substantial raise this year as well as health benefits, which is nice because I did have a one-year gap in coverage after my parent’s plan dropped me last year because I was too old. My hours are pretty much the same, although I have started teaching a few private classes, which pay more. I’m also probably going to help re-start our trampoline team, which has slowly shrunk over the past two years as our kids grew up and moved on. I need to remember to type up a flyer to pass out to classes so we can start recruiting some talented 6-7 years olds. My fellow coach Ed and I are lookin to send more kids to Nationals. more gold, baby

Commercials and Stuntwork

It’s been quiet on the stuntwork/commercial front since that SpikeTV job I did back in February (which never aired, unfortunately – but I still got paid). But this past month I’ve gotten two calls, though neither panned out. The second one was interesting though in that it was direct from SpikeTV, not from the NYC agency that landed me my first gig with them. I hope to get more calls direct from them, it would take out the agency’s 20% cut they get on jobs they book me. I haven’t been too active in getting my name out and stuff for stuntwork, mainly because of all the other stuff I’m doing. The good thing about stuntwork though is that it pays real real well, so it would be better to be able to take jobs that happen by every few weeks or 2-3 months or so rather than keep turning people away every week and start to no longer get calls because of it. So I’m not complaining about the lack of activity.

My Personal Project

I doubt this will progress very fast as it’s pretty much on the bottom of my priority list, but it is something I’ve been wanting to do for a few years. I’ve been writing short stories since I was a kid, and I’ve always wanted to publish stuff online. At first I wanted to just write and publish a novel, chapter by chapter. Like a chapter at day. But then I dedcided I wanted to do a series, a story I could release episode by episode over a few months and build up a community around. My newest iteration takes into account the fact that the internet can be interactive, so why not make my stories interactive? It’s not a complex interactivity either, well – technically at least. I was a big fan of the Choose Your Own Adventure books when I was a kid, and so I wanted to do something along that line, but different. So I decided to make the choice not directly about plot, but about character, and therefore the choice you make about the character both affects the character and the plot. So there will be times that the reader is asked to choose whether a character will do something Good or Evil. The more times they pick Evil, the more evil the character will become and the more the story will differ from the Good version, and vice-versa. Alternating enough between Evil and Good will lead to a third ending as well.

Yea, it’s complicated, but that’s what makes it fun to do!

In Conclusion

So that’s pretty much it for the highlights of my life right now. In short, life is good. Having a blast. Now that I’m back to being busy for good, expect further updates along the various veins mentioned above.

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A few announcements

July 10th, 2006 · Personal, Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Just a quick post to direct attention to two things:

New BES Website Launched

Well I finally managed to check off one of the many items on my Should Really Do Sometime Soon But Will Most Likely Keep Putting Off list – revamping the Blade Edge website for the umpteenth time, however I’m quite satisfied with my roughly 4 hours worth of work tonight. Finally a site that matches the logo colors. Feedback welcome.

BES Home

Live Events at Game Institute

My Live Events program is finally off, up and running. We’ve already had two live events last week and I’ve rescheduled mine for this week as well (today actually!) Check out the forum post for more (login required) if you can’t view that you can at least check out the live events listed here.

Okay that’s all for now. Still looking for a TGB programmer to collaborate with so if anyone knows someone let me know!

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Hey, if Superman can return – why not me?

July 2nd, 2006 · Personal, Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Okay so I haven’t been doing anything nearly as cool as flying through space to visit the distant remains of my dead home planet in the hopes of finding others of my kind, but… whatever. It’s been a Lazy Summer for me so far, so sue me for enjoying it. No Batman show, no summer camp counseling… for the first time in 3 years I get a summer were I don’t work more than… oohh… 15 hours a week? At most?

Yes well I can only sit idle for so long before I go insane, so here I am once again looking to get busy busy busy.

For starters, I’m looking for a second programmer to assist me in finishing up Galaxy Conquest and sticking around for work on other titles. Proficiency in mathematics is key here in order to make up for the void in my brain that would have normally dealt with mathematics higher than algebra. I’m also looking for a fellow hobbyist. It’s become clearer and clearer to me that I’m not going to become a game developer of any serious capacity, in other words sustain myself completely on game development, so I don’t want to pull in someone who expects any sort of big payoff. Will Galaxy Conquest make money? I’m positive it will. A lot of money? Well, the term “a lot” can be relative but in this case I think it’s a universal “not much”. However it’s also a case of “a little is better than nothing”. If anyone reading this is interested or knows someone who may be, drop me a line. Knowledge of Torque Game Builder (and hence, TorqueScript) are also requirements.

Next up we have the Game Institute Live Seminars program launching (finally) this week. We were supposed to launch at the beginning of the month but it would be my luck that the cable line to my house goes bad just then and it takes Comcast almost two weeks to replace it. For anyone who remembers in previous entries I’ve hinted at working on something for GI, and this is it. I’ll be making an official announcement over in the GI forums on Monday so if you’re registered or enrolled there keep your eyes peeled.

Then of course there’s our beloved GDnet. I’m looking to head up a team in charge of refurbishing the Articles and Resources section. Quite the task, considering we have very close to 2000 articles, some of which are outdated, some of which are broken links, etc. There’s also the newsletter, which I want to try and reformat – the HTML edition anyways.

Other than that (not to mention other numerous small side projects many of which I’ll start but not finish – well, not over the summer anyways) it’s pretty much kickin back, watching some Stargate, lazing about, watching some more Stargate, going on weekend trips, hanging out, partying, watching even more Stargate, and enjoying an easy summer.

I’ll be in touch.

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