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Just a quickie

April 20th, 2007 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

The article is online but not visible yet. I’m waiting for Joe to get back to me on a new title name I suggested. I really should have worked out the title name earlier in the week so I apologize. I’m heading out for the day now so I won’t be able to actually “post” the article until late tonight. If I hear back from Joe you’ll see it Sat morning.

Ciao for now

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My 5 Minutes (or so) of Fame

April 18th, 2007 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

So I went to check on my GGE page and upon loading the home page I glanced at the Top Developers spot and noticed this

Weird, I dunno how the heck I ended up there but hey, I’ll take it right? I’d like to know what gets you on that list, since it seems to change everyday I look at it. I snapped this screen shot at 7:30pm and it’s now 4:30am and checking the site I’m down to the bottom of the list, #5. I guess it’s some derivative of this page, tho looking at it now it has me listed as the most popular for today. although wait, today is now tomorrow from when I took the screenshot… woah… *head ‘splode*

Anyways I just found it rather interesting and to give me further excuse to make a journal post. The other reason I’m posting, and the one I’m not so proud about is the fact that the front page has no new review up. However I’m still looking to get a new article up on Friday. I’ll even go so far as to tease – it’s another article from Joe Lieberman, who last wrote What A Portal Wants. You guys get to string me up if there’s no article posted Friday without a good excuse from me 😛 Please note that “Friday” could mean different things for different people depending on where you live, so please wait until you wake up Saturday and check the site again before coming after me with the rope, mmk?

Gawds I need to wake up early tomorrow, what the hell am I still doing here? Bye.

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GDnet Content and GI Seminars

April 16th, 2007 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Just two quick announcements. First of all, is slowly but surely coming back to life as we get further and further along with our back-end improvements. Although site response has slowed down a bit again, it was blazingly fast for quite a while and we’ll definetly have it back into shape like that soon once again. We had a bit of snafu with PayPal payments for GDnet+ members, but that’s been cleared up as well. The password resets that have plagued many people since the attempted server incursion are also dwindling, and those that have had issues have had their problems resolved quickly and efficiently. Most recently we’ve rebuilt our publishing interface, so we can finally start posting articles and reviews again – yey new content!! We hope to have a new review up on Wednesday and a new article up on Friday, but if not then I apologize in advance and beg you to pester me 🙂 There’s lots of other small things going on behind the scenes I’m itching to talk about soon as well.

In other news, I’m happy to finally bring the seminar Debugging in Visual Studio to the masses. I’ve been excited about this seminar from the day it was proposed to me – who doesn’t see debugging at first as intimidating? Digging through all that code, breakpoints, watch windows, memory leaks… ahhhh!!! 😛 Well Steve Jones has put together a fabulous presentation covering all the angles:

When writing software even the most experienced coder will create errors in the program. You want to be able to find and fix errors as quickly as possible. It would even be beneficial to do it during the development phase rather than waiting until later. Code syntax errors are easy to find because most of the time the compiler tells you what and where they are so you can fix them easily. But what about logical errors? How do you track down and fix errors that compile but aren’t apparent yet until you run your program? Is there a better way to do it instead of using just log files and printfs all over your program? Well there is and we will explore what the latest versions of Visual Studio provide for us.

Intended Audience
Any developer with little or no experience working with the Visual Studio debugger.

Running Length
1 hour

This seminar debuts this Thursday at 8pm EDT. Visit the Event page for scheduling info and to subscribe to receive further event notifications!

These events are completely free for GI students, and if you’re not enrolled you can still register a free account and join in!

And let’s not also forget our already existing offerings:

Using IBModeler
Good Coding Practices
Team Building Tips
Production Best Practices
Game Cinematics Case Studies

Okay that’s all from me for right now. Peace out!

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Dude who the hell is this guy?

April 8th, 2007 ·, Personal, Production

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

The past four weeks or so have been a roller coaster ride – many loops, twists and all that nonsense. I came back from GDC with my head on backwards while walking sideways. I remember telling people that I would have more free time after the conference was over – pfssshh yea right! But it’s all good. The busy-ness of these past few weeks has been refreshing actually, and since things in my life were different in several ways after the conference (tho not all of them in respect to the conference) it’s taken me a while to smooth out and get back on track.

So I guess first thing is my long-overdue annual GDC Postmortem!

The Good

San Fran felt a lot more familiar now having been around the block (so the saying goes) a few times back in 2005. Our hotel was pretty much across the street from the one we stayed in back in 05 so walking to Moscone was the same as well.

GDnet Gum FTW!! The gum was a great success at the conference (pats on the back, hugs and applause to Melissa). Coincidentally, included little Jelly Belly packets with their logo on it as well in the conference bags. So it became a battle of Gum vs. Jellybeans. I was running a tally based on asking people around the conference but lost track later on in the week, still I know that Gum was the winner.

Since we just had a kiosk this year instead of actual booth space, I threw together this video highlighting the features of It was originally supposed to be a slideshow (like PowerPoint) but when I started it I realized it would be better suited to a movie. Of course I had to realize this like, one week prior to the conference!! 😛 With input from Seyi and Kevin I was editing to the 11th hour and my laptop has heat issues and would switch off halfway during render of this thing (even with a chill pad on under it). So I threw a towel over the keyboard, wrapped ice in a plastic bag and sat it atop the laptop to let it render overnight on Tuesday! I woke up and the video was done, the towel was soaked but it managed to hold enough of the water that I just flipped my laptop upside-down to dry and I haven’t had a single issue with it yet *phew* (BTW the video you’ll download will have some small tracking issues – black lines – because the resolution it’s rendered in for this smaller size isn’t a proper pull-down of the original 1280×1024 resolution. Ooops :P)

Getting to use Lissa’s Canon Digital Rebel XT was amazing. I so love that camera and it’s too bad Lissa had her eye on it closely or it would have so come home with me Since we finally had some awesome photos from the entire conference (not to forget DavidRM’s wonderful photography at the GDCA’s last year) I chose to take the time to organize them all into groups based upon who was in the photo and send them out to each individual person/group. I had around 60 people/groups to send pictures too!! But it was so worth it, I got emails back from everyone thanking me for the pics and promising to credit and link back to GDNet when they use them.

The conference as a whole this year was made so much better by being able to book the entire Moscone Center. Whereas we were jammed into just the West hall in 2005, this year we had the run of West, North and even South (tho just the massive Esplanade Ballroom for keynotes and the GDCAs). The walk between West and North/South is equitable to the walk from the San Jose convention center to the Fairmont Hotel, in fact probably a bit shorter, so it felt right at home.

One more special mention for the GDCAs, because they did a fantabulous job with the ceremony this year – great venue, great production values, great show overall.

Oh and kudos to The Senshi (Ian Overgard) and Washu (Sean Kent) and Rafael Baptista for coming out and helping us with the coverage this year!

The Bad

I realized this year that, sadly, my days as a hardcore GDC reporter are finally over. I’ve always been looked to as the high bar in terms of posting articles and pictures covering the conference the same day I wrote them, but this year I wasn’t able to do that, and it’s thanks to my new duties as Executive Producer. I’ve realized that I can’t hole myself up in the Press Lounge or even at a table out in the concourse (tho that is better since I can still see people) anymore because I need to be out walking around and meeting people and reforging relationships that I can leverage for the betterment of GDNet. In fact, next year I’m probably going to propose that the only GDC coverage we post during the conference itself are pictures and blogs, and the actual session coverage (since that’s the hardest part of it all) will come in the week following the conference.

Although having the Rebel XT was a blessing, it was also a bit of a curse. I have never used an SLR camera before and even with Seyi’s expert tips (he owned a Rebel XT himself) I still managed to fuzz up a lot of shots thanks to my inexperience. Worst of it is the fact that it’s impossible to see on that tiny screen whether or not an image is fuzzy (unless it’s horribly out of focus). At the GDCAs especially I lost a lot of shots to focus issues because the animated backdrop behind the speakers/recipients caused the auto-focus to have fits. I should have thought to set it to manual but like I said – inexperience.

The Ugly

The only thing I can really call Ugly this year was the blasted internet, as usual. For crying out loud press people need good connections to do our jobs! Give us our own link with a WEP key so that we aren’t bogged down by general conference attendees. I don’t mean to sound elitist but if you want your conference covered let us be able to do our jobs huh?

What I Did Right

Well I realized that sitting on my ass writing up coverage was costing me the ability to meet new people and reforge old relationships with regards to my new position at GDnet. Once I got the hang of that I was running all over the place bumping into people I knew and meeting for the first time with people I didn’t.

I also like my idea of sending out images to people, it’s something I plan to continue doing in the future

What I Did Wrong

I didn’t take the time to prepare my coverage pages (like the IGF and GDCA coverage) prior to coming out to the conference, which is a mistake I’ve made before, and so as such my IGF coverage wasn’t posted until like the last day of the conference and I was forced to separate my GDCA coverage into two parts, the article and a separate photo gallery, which is a first for me and at first made me feel like I was falling off on my coverage until I realized the point I made above.

What I Want To Do Next Year

Like I said, move focus away from real-time full coverage so that the staff here is less stressed and more able to relax and enjoy the conference while still getting enough cool stuff online to keep you all happy until the session coverage the following week. I am actually considering a hemp extract to help them relax, Synchronicity hemp oil tincture is a refreshing and invigorating alternative to traditional medicine. Essential for those who need relief of pain, depression or anxiety symptoms without any negative side-effects from prescription drugs that can have serious repercussions on our health over time such as dependency issues with Morphine derived substances – this product will work wonders in calming you down before bedtime so rest easy. Read more about Synchronicity here.

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Year

Well, GDC is in February next year, so that by itself is going to be interesting, especially since if the IGF doesn’t move up it’s submission and announcement deadlines I’m going to have significantly less time to complete all the IGF finalist interviews before the conference.

Next subject to write about is the progress of GDnet from the editorial front. Well I’m happy to say that although you guys are suffering now from lack of articles and content thanks to our ongoing server maintenance, that I’m stacking up quite a queue of interviews, articles , event coverage and reviews to give us a nice lead time as we search for more content after things start getting posted up again. I have people from several big studios interested in writing articles on all aspects of game development, I’ll continue to work these contacts to produce some quality content for you all to enjoy. Good stuff I tell you, good stuff. Stay tuned!!

And now a bit of the personal life. Got a new hobby, rock climbing. Well it’s not really a new hobby but it’s now one I’m able to be much more active in thanks to my friend Angela, who works at a rock gym and has been instructing me in climbing. I’ve been at it every Friday (sometimes Saturdays too) for the past month or so and I’m already starting to work on 5.10 routes. For reference, the routes start off at 5.5 and progress up to 5.12. Being a gymnast has granted me a great head start, but I still have to get my hand/finger strength caught up with the rest of my body. It’s a ton of fun, if there are any fellow climbers out there chime it, I’d love to hear from you.

Still progressing on Guitar Hero II. Have 4 songs left on Medium to complete at 100%, and I’m slowly getting more stars on several Expert songs that I still need to overcome. I’ve also started getting back hardcore into Flight Simulator, just ordered some Saitek rudder pedals to go with my Saitek x52 Flight Control System and I’m also purchasing a bunch of add-on software over the next 2 months to add more value to the sim. I’m starting to think once again about getting my Private Pilots license.

And that’s all for this catch-up folks. I can’t say for sure whether I’m back to my regular almost-if-not-daily posting habits, but I’m certainly trying now that things are starting to finally smooth out once again. This past week off from coaching for Spring Break really helped me to pause and slow back down. Be seein you around!

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GDC Post-Coverage – Days 2 & 3

March 14th, 2007 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Man I don’t know what the hell it is, but writing up coverage on this year’s sessions and posting up pictures felt like such a drag this year. My theory though is that I’m just not used to having to do all this when I’m home. Usually I have like, just Friday’s coverage to post up when I get home, not Wed-Fri! So because of this I may just be getting stressed out feeling that I’m like, slacking off in my coverage or something, which really isn’t the case (as I’ll explain tomorrow in my usual GDC postmortem) but I guess I couldn’t keep that from creeping into my head.

Regardless, I’m finally done now, although I am still a bit disappointed in some things, namely the fact that I had to post the GDCA pics as a gallery this year rather than as part of the coverage article, but I’m not going to bother ranting specifically as to why – I’m too tired at this point. Hurrah for 8 hours sleep the past two days.

Now that my coverage is all done, I can finally turn to this stack of business cards I collected and start working my way towards the bottom. I’ve already handled some people, but I still have about 40-50 people to send emails too – a lot of whom I’ll be sending pics to as well. I like idea of handing out the pics I took of people at the conference for them to use on their web pages. Of course I ask that they include a (c) caption, and before I send out any more I’m actually going to include a small GDNet watermark in one of the lower image corners as well. Just another way to get our name out there.

So here’s the final wrap-up:

I should probably go to sleep – but I can rest when I’m dead. Or this weekend…

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GDC Post-Coverage – Day 1

March 12th, 2007 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Okay so I arrived at Newark today at 6:30 and got home around 8. I spent the morning unpacking and getting all my stuff set back up here in my room before I passed out for a nap. Woke up, went to coach two classes came home and my cousin was over (he and my Aunt are out here from Nebraska until Thursday). So I entertained him with some Guitar Hero (of course) and then I had to eat dinner and get caught up with all my emails and such, so I didn’t actually get to start working on my coverage till like… 4am or so. Yikes.

So now it’s almost 9am and I’ve managed to post up two articles and bunch of pictures. The pictures were the hardest because the FTP service seems to be down once again so I have to use the form-based image upload, which only lets me do 5 at a time (ugh). Here’s what I have up that’s new:

IGDA VIP Luncheon
Xbox LIVE Arcade Game Development

In addition to that I added a bunch of new pics to the Photo Gallery

If FTP is back tomorrow I can finally post up the GDCA pics and the IGF booth shots. If not then I still have plenty of session coverages to post!

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All Done

March 9th, 2007 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

And that’s all folks. GDC 2007 has officially come to a close. It was a good time – nay, a great time. The industry is heading in directions that are very very exciting for indies, professionals and hobbyists alike developing for all fields (core, casual, serious, etc) and platforms (pc, console, mobile, etc). For the first time I’m seeing technology that makes it even easier to create games without knowing all the nuts and bolts of programming (XNA, TGB, etc). Sure this technology has been developing for some time but it’s finally starting to reach its stride. Sure, there are already game makers out there today, but how many of them can get you straight to XBox LIVE Arcade, or distributed through GarageGames? It’s an exciting time indeed. As Jon Mak put it in my interview with him:


I think that the technical barriers to creating video games have lowered each year. Although it still requires quite a bit of technical know-how to create a game, I think that in a few short years, we will see more games made by less-technically minded people. As a result, we’ll see non-traditional ideas not rooted in what we now think of as a game. I can’t wait for that time.

That time is certainly coming quick Jon, and I agree with you.

The barriers that once separated the developer from the distribution channels have been broken down more and more each year. Now publishers are being forced to re-think their roles in the industry or end up being left in the dust. Digital distribution was preached so much and so often this year, and many talks centered around publishing to console – namely LIVE Arcade. Publishers are quickly losing ground as more and more reasons are created for developers to not deal with them at all. You know how once every few hundred thousand years the Earth’s magnetic field can just flip-flip completely? Well the games industry is quickly moving towards the point where it will be on its head as well – and much sooner than that 😛

There’s never been a better time to start making games, so if you haven’t already – get to it!!

Ok so that was my little editorial for the week I feel inspired once again as always walking away from this conference. The future is looking very bright – although we as an industry still have many problems to solve, every year they are looking more possible to overcome.

So quick recap of the day. First was the fact that I didn’t have a session in the morning, so I slept in. I had too, otherwise I would have died. Attended three sessions in the early afternoon – game saving, game sketching (very interesting) and indie bootstrapping by my friend Charlie Cleveland. I also hit up Expo North in the afternoon and completed my IGF booth coverage, meeting the Bit Blot guys finally and just hanging out with the finalists, a great crowd. I also got to meet up with GI’s president Joe Meenaghan, who was out to scope the Expo this year. We don’t get a chance to meet up often since he moved from NYC down to Florida. Oh yea I also said good bye to Sibel Sunar, the GDC’s press manager – she’s awesome. Luv ya Sibel!! And I said good bye as well to IGDA’s community manager Rudy Geronimo, who’s moving on to “greener pastures”. Best of luck to you Rudy! Finally I had a business meeting and was able to attend this year’s AI Dinner at Jillian’s in the Metreon – mmmm them ribs were just as delicious as they were in 2005. Then Rafael came back to the room before his flight and Charlie was with him, so we got a chance to catch up since I hadn’t seen him all week and I had to leave for a meeting right after his talk. Funny how things work out like that huh?

And of course it was also very nice to have met Ian Overgard (The Senshi) and Sean Kent (Washu) in person. They were great sports and I’m sure they have plenty to share from their trip out to GDC (otherwise they get… punished). Also, even tho Rafael Baptista and I shared a room, we didn’t get to talk much but it was nice to meet him as well and I can see us having many interesting conversations in the future. Dan Marchant (Obscure) however stayed MIA throughout the week, which was too bad but I hope he still had a good time.

So, I’m chilling with family and relaxing all this week. I’ll be back home Monday, and from then until Wednesday I will be dedicating myself to posting up all my photos and session coverage. I took a lot away from sessions I attended this year that I can’t wait to share with all of you – this is exciting stuff!! I’ll be posting a summary of my updates in my journal each night.

To all of you I saw at GDC, best wishes and a safe trip home.

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End of an Era?

March 8th, 2007 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Holy crap is the conference kicking my butt this year. Usually I’m like, the Master of GDC and I’m posting mad crazy event coverage every single day. Well, not this year it seems. I mean, here I was in the hotel room tonight propped up in bed trying to handle a reset password support email. First of all I have to re-check the email three times to remember what I was about to do, because I go to do it and sorta space out for a min or two. And then all of the sudden I wake up and Rafael Baptista is just getting back into the room we’re sharing. When the hell did I even fall asleep?!?

Yea so this is pretty much all I’m doing tonight. I dunno, I guess I really am a lot busier this year than ever before. I never really realized it but, I just never get a chance (or, more accurately, never want to take the chance) to just sit down and relax because I know that instead I could be up and about meeting people and reforging relationships with people I only see this time of year. On the upside though I feel like I’ve really reconnected with a lot of my old contacts, which is what I want in order to move GDNet forward. I’ve been talking to a lot of my friends about writing for the site, and a lot of people are interested.

Geez I just started nodding off again, holy crap this is insane. I suppose I’ve also done a lot more walking, since it’s about 5-6 blocks to the convention center, and today alone I had to travel between Moscone North and West 3 times, not to mention going up and down Moscone West since the lectures are all on the third floor and the Expo is on the first. Then of course there was walking around the Expo, standing around at a press meeting with AMD, hanging at the GarageGames booth (also standing, leaning wherever possible).

Crazy. I dunno, but I’m definetly going to not be posting up anything major until next Monday. It’s unfortunate and it pains me deep inside but, there it is. I could stash myself away in the press room half the day and write reports, but then I’d never see anyone, like Mark Morris (Introversion) and I had a good talk this afternoon out at one of the tables in the concourse. I’m all about meeting people and getting them to write stuff and add value to GDNet, so it’s not like I’m doing it for myself here. Could the era of daily reporting be over for me? Quite possibly.

However as I said, it’s still for the better. I met a lot of new people today and strengthened my relationship with many others as well. This could be said of the past week too. All of this I’m doing my best to leverage back into GDNet, letting everyone know that we’re hopping back on the bike and pedaling like mofos. Hopefully we’ll have some exciting developments to reveal soon.

But anyways, like I said today was a long day again. Three sessions in the morning: Chris Taylor’s Supreme Commander, Microsoft’s XNA Game Studio Express and Introversion’s 1yr after IGF assessment; Then the IGDA Annual Meeting, hanging out in Expo North to get some more IGF booth shots, and Expo West for a press meeting and talking to the fine folk over at GarageGames (I’m getting a new hat – yeys!). Finally the Thomson/Course author appreciation reception and suite night at the W hotel. Suite night, I should mention real quick, wasn’t that bad this year compared to last. I’ll post a full report when I’m not about to pass out and drool all over myself.

Speaking of passing out, that sounds like a good plan…

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Crap it’s almost three o’ clock again

March 7th, 2007 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Damn what a busy day. Lets run through it shall we?

So I attended the Game Publishers Rant at 9 this morning after waking up at just after 8am. Great session, great rants – including another awesome quick break in rant by Chris Hecker. I’ll preview his rant here with this quote: “the wii’s a peice of shit”. Yea, Nintendo got bashed pretty damn hard by publishers and developers alike. Full coverage forthcoming.

Next was off to Moscone North (all my sessions today were in West) to take as many booth photos I could at the IGF pavilion. I managed to get 7 teams photographed, so I should be able to get em all by the end of the week. This is when I ran into Dave Perry.

Came back over to West, checked up on Lissa at the kiosk and then headed up to the Business keynote, but got there and the room was already at capacity. However I ran into my friend Nick Smolney later on and he said to check out So instead I camped out in the concourse to check email and whatnot and flagged down Eric Lamendola from Slingo for a chat.

Little while later (bout 12:30) I real quick went down to the main Expo Hall in West to check out the Garage Games booth. Ran into Josh Williams as I was leaving, good to see him once again.

Next I had to head over to the Argent hotel about 2 blocks away for the annual IGDA VIP Luncheon. Bunch of people there of course, most notably Jay Moore because I hadn’t seen him yet. Got to chat a bit with him about his new venture, The Strategery Group before sitting down to a bountiful lunch (of which I only had one serving and no dessert – why???). Full report here coming soon too.

Then I had to hoof it back over to West to catch the LIVE Arcade game submission guidelines session, which was very informative. Anyone looking to submit a proposal to LIVE Arcade will do well to read my coverage of the session when I post it up tomorrow (hopefully) because these are all insider tips from one of the founding LIVE Arcade team members.

I was at the Press Room afterwards (around 4) uploading images and about to post a journal update when I got called away to a business meeting for GDNet. After that there wasn’t much time other than to confirm the staff dinner for tonight and head over to Moscone South for the IGF and GDCAs. Did the usual pre-show schmoozing, went around taking pictures of the finalists at their tables and the presenters up milling around. Ran into Mark Morris and Tom Arundel from Introversion as they were going to be handing out this year’s Seamus McNally awards. The boys were decked out for their presentation of the awards. I also got to meet Tom’s sister Vicky (who was bringing out the awards and escorting recipients off the stage during the IGF Awards). She was very sweet and I got another metal Introversion card to add to my collection 😛 I showed em Dave Perry’s card and they all laughed at the trend they may have started – tho they did comment on the fact that Dave’s card was flimsier than theirs. I also got to say hi to Mark DeLoura, who’s over at UbiSoft now – he was at Sony when I talked to him last year.

After the awards ceremony (of which I ended up with 237 pictures!!) it was off to dinner with the rest of the GDNet crew at the Cheesecake Factory atop the Macy’s building in Union Square. All I have to say is, poor Michalson. He called Lissa fat. Well okay, he implied Lissa was fat – and he couldn’t shut up about not actually saying Lissa was fat – like it makes a difference when you’re dealing with women . Good times tho – I’ve never seen Lissa laugh so hard at watching Michalson attempt to redeem himself, I swear if Richard had poked her she would have peed herself.

Crap okay it’s finally three am, and I need some sleep – I was nodding off towards the end of dinner. At least I managed to get the IGF and GDCA review and results posted, I’ll get the pictures up as soon as possible. You know like – whenever I have free time.


P.S. – is Ravuya like, boycotting my journal or something? 😛

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Thanks Dave for the bullet protection…

March 7th, 2007 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Cause, you know, you never know when someone’s out gunning for you.

I ran into Dave Perry at the IGF pavilion just a little while ago. Unfortunately that’s prob all I’m going to see of him since he’s leaving after tonight for another conference (he is, after all, a busy guy). But we got to talk for a little bit about his new Top Secret project. Afterwards I got his business card, which was all metallic and shiny, like the Introversion cards last year. While not as thick, it could still be used effectively as shuriken should the need arise. Dave told me perhaps it’d catch a bullet for me. Saved from a gut shot? Works for me.

Whoops, gonna be late for a session. See ya later

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