Blade Edge

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I want seminar ideas

July 20th, 2007 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

I’ve been talking to a few people interested in the GI Live Events program, and I want to solicit more ideas on topics they could speak about. I’m not saying I’ll be able to find a speaker for every topic, but I’m certainly going to try! You can either post your topic idea to this thread, email me, PM me or comment me in this journal. If you can’t take advantage of these free events cause they don’t have anything to offer you, here’s your chance to change that.

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August Publishing Schedule – GI Live Events – Small Correction

July 11th, 2007 ·, Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

And I’m back with an update on the content scene. Today I took a stab at August’s schedule, which you can view up above. Mind you, this is in a very volatile state right now and it could get totally rearranged before the end of the month, especially if our Special Event week doesn’t get pulled off. But we’re hoping it will cause that would be sweet and I’m sure you all would enjoy it. So keep your fingers crossed eh? I’ll reveal what it is as soon as I can. Are you excited yet? Well, I never said I was good at marketing so there you go. I tried.

Anyways, we’re moving ever closer to being able to secure some exclusive content. That means certain high-profile developers conjuring up articles just for us to make available to all of you. I’m talking good stuff here, so we’re working hard to get that all said and done. Hopefully by October at the latest we’ll start seeing some cool stuff. Don’t hold me to that tho, but I will try my best to even shoot for September.

So John and I have to determine what book reviews will be featured next month, and we have to update the product reviews listed with descriptions as well.

Don’t forget to contact me through if you have an article you want featured! if it’s already on another site that’s okay, I can link to it straight from the resources section.

I didn’t make any serious announcements this month, usually I post a news item here at GDNet as well as elsewhere and several forums. It’s looking to be a slow month for GI Live Events, but I encourage people to check em out and attend if they find them interesting. If you cant make an event because of the time – email me! if I get enough requests for a certain time of day I’ll do my best to schedule something and try my best to get other speakers to do the same (although we have no power to make them do so). If you’re a developer with experience we’d love to have you share that knowledge (whatever it is) with others through our program. C’mon, what other way is there that’s easier to earn $50 for sitting at your comp for 30 minutes and speaking into a microphone??

Okay, done ranting about that.

Yea so, regarding my last post it turns out that Vista SP1 will be released in the 2nd half of this year after all. However that still doesn’t change my stance, I still have absolutely no need or desire to upgrade to Vista. I just thought I’d mention to correct myself.

I’m still gunning for that third monitor/second graphics card, but I’ve been put off until next month at least thanks to maintenance expenses on my motorcycle. But when you have to decide between a shiny new monitor and falling off your bike when your back tire blows out or your engine seizes – well the bike wins I suppose. True, I could still afford to buy the monitor/card anyways, but I don’t like to spend too much money in one month. I’m patient.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading.

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I have come to my senses (somewhat)

July 2nd, 2007 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Howdy folks. I’ve kinda been in hibernation the past week and a half or so. I had a week vacation from coaching and since that’s the most time restricting occupation I have (GDnet and GI for the most part can be done whenever I like so long as it gets done ya know?) I decided to make it more like a real vacation and just slack off. Well, okay I didn’t really slack… sure I slept in a bit later but other than that I was out of the house doing stuff – barely on the computer at all if you can imagine that.

No, I didn’t think you could. But that’s ok. I got out for some fresh air – something I need every now and then. I came back today, but then I’m going away again tomorrow and of course on the 4th – then I’ll be back for good for a while.

So what’s cookin?? Well, before anyone jumps ship because there’s no picture…

Okay it’s not a dev shot. Sue me, I promise I’ll have some of those soon. No folks, this is my new 20″ widescreen monitor. Back in the beginning of March I made a post about getting a new monitor to hook up to a DX10 card sometime this fall because that’s when I would be upgrading to Vista since that’s when they were supposed to be releasing Service Pack 1.

Well, besides the fact that now they’re saying SP1 for Vista might not be here until early ’08 [bit-tech], I’ve come to the realization that not only have I no need or desire to upgrade to Vista in the first place, I have no need for a DX10 card either. Seriously. Why the hell am I going to drop a big chunk of change for a DX10 card when I barely play any games (besides FSX) that give my DX9 card a run for it’s money. And I don’t even play FSX enough to warrant the purchase either. Heck I won’t even be developing for the card.

So while I’ve realized I don’t need Vista or DX10, I haven’t convinced myself yet that I don’t need a third monitor. (hence the somewhat coming to my senses part). It’s gotta be a personality thing. I just love the idea of being surrounded by monitors. Kevin Smith’s “command center” in Die Hard 4 (awesome movie, btw) was so awesome. The link in the previous post I linked to earlier? Wow. Heavenly.

Now, since I’m just getting a cheap card to help run this setup, I was hoping to splurge on a bigger monitor, but I did the measurements and a 22″ widescreen won’t fit in between my two 17 inchers pushed all the way apart. The 20″ (image above) barely does. The end result is that the new card I’m buying is going to power the two 17 inchers while my high-end card I currently have will support the 20″ alone, since that’s the one I’ll be using for all my gaming and video watching anyways.

This is the cheapest card I could find that has 2 DVI ports. not bad for $70. That brings my grand total to around $340. Plus tax and shipping – prob closer to $380. Not bad, considering the first 17″ Samsung monitor I bought back in like ’03 cost me nearly $600. There’s dropping prices for you! I think this will have to be my birthday gift to myself this year

Sweet. I’ll have to order it quick so I can take advantage of the $15 rebate for the video card as well. But I got a few days to ponder this latest decision first. Well, I’m going back into my hole for two more days. Laterz.

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I has pictar!

June 20th, 2007 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll


Journal comment by Deyja
We click it. We don’t see pictures. We leave.


How right you are!! Well, here’s a fix for you all. Feast your eyes on my latest piece of work:

Ta da!! Everyone look at the pretty pictar! And now go check it out, because apparently this whole Flex thing is getting lots of people excited so why not see why? Don’t forget to include your comments!

In other news, I still am struck speechless at the difficulty in finding lecturers for my Live Events program over at GI. I mean I can understand full teaching positions being hard to fill but come-as-you-please lecturers? Is there really an easier way out there to make $50 in thirty minutes (or $150 in 90!) by sitting in your chair and talking into a microphone?

I suppose I’m just not doing a good enough job getting the word out about the program. I’ve relied mainly on word-of-mouth to get things done, supposedly that’s a powerful tool but it seems I’m not using it properly. I emailed everyone on my contact list, around 150 actual developers, and got like two responses.

I guess game developers are busier than I thought, and I thought I was busy! Tho to be honest, whether or not I’m technically yet a game developer is open for debate. But I digress.

Anyways, I’m open for suggestions. I really want to get this program rolling with lots more content because every event I give and every event other speakers give comes back with high ratings from our attendee surveys. People want more. More!! And I can’t give it to them. How frustrating is that??

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The 100k club

June 18th, 2007 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Wow. Over 100,000 journal views. 100,476 at the time of this writing to be exact. I have a lot of trouble believing that these are real people. Don’t you all have a life?? Why are you so interested in mine?!? Geeez

No no! Wait! Come back!

Oh well. Anyways I felt I should at least mark the occasion in some form for future reference. Let’s take a gander at the journals page to see who else is in this fairly exclusive club… Hrm…. well only the Hattenator is listed with over 100k – but he’s all in a league of his own anyways. Uhm, I know Dan Green has over 100k as well he damn should that guy is amazing. Yea you heard it from me. There has to be at least one or two more journals.. oh yea, I missed Jolly Jeffers. And I believe there’s one more – the guy with all the cool space pictures whose name always escapes me. Dammit.

Anyways, like I said – just something to mark the occasion. Now it’s back to work! Hey I think I managed to solicit one more comment over on the game industry article and I’ve notified the author of the feedback. Let the games begin!

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Comments are good!

June 16th, 2007 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

I invite everyone to check out our latest featured article, An Overview to Game Development by Nathan Madsen. Please do give it a read and post your comments! Everyone’s views on the industry are subjective and although Nathan has many years of experience backing him up, he hasn’t seen it all or done it all. Everything in that article is rock-solid truth that should be taken to heart, but there are still other views that people may see. If there’s anything in the article you disagree with or would like to expand upon with some experience of your own, please do so!! We have the ability to comment articles for a reason, and that reason is to further enrich the content of the article itself through debate and additional anecdotes.

So while I’d love some comments on my journal, I actually care more if you’d head over and post some feedback on our recent (and future) articles. Remember – this is a community and a community must interact to achieve the full benefit of being surrounded by so many peers.

Have at it! (and happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there)

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New schedule for July/end of June

June 14th, 2007 ·, Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Check out the publishing the schedule, I did some shuffling around in order to fill out the month of July as well as keep June rolling along. Submissions have faltered over the last week or so, but I’m working on something right now that will hopefully help rectify the problem and bring in some more very high-quality articles. In the meantime if you have that itch to write just let me know and I’ll bug you till you actually pen something or tell me to shut up and leave you alone!

Back to the schedule, just want to point out the Book Reviews. Yes, I’m featuring book reviews. Why? Because I said so!! Ahem. Sorry. The reason is because we don’t have any other way of telling you when a new book review is posted by a member of our staff (usually the illustrious Mr. Hattan). The Books resource page lists the most recently added books, but it doesn’t list the most recently added reviews. Maybe Richard can add that at some point, but for now our best reporting system is to utilize the featured content box on the main page. So I won’t be featuring every book review that’s posted, John’ll be helping me choose reviews to feature.

One of the cool things about the book reviews is that (currently, anyways) they’re already posted. So if you see them on the schedule you can check em out now in the Books section. Those not in the know will get the info when they’re featured.

Thoughts? Comments?

On a personal note, I went skydiving last Saturday. It’s one of those things I’ve wanted to do for years and finally got around to doing, thanks to some much-needed external motivation. Yea she knows who she is . If you got a MySpace you can check the pics here.

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Laugh at my stupidity

June 12th, 2007 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Ok so there’s a review posted today. Why is there a review posted today? Reviews are supposed to be posted once every-other week on Wednesdays. Well it’s posted because I’m a retard and John has unquestioning faith in my abilities. Silly Hattan.

So last night I posted up the two articles. Now I post the articles as if it were still a Monday, cause that’s when they were scheduled, however by then the clock has rolled way past midnight so of course they appear as being posted on Tuesday. Sleep-addled as I am, I then think that when I go to sleep and wake up, it will then be Wednesday. Hence I IM John and remind him that a review needs to be posted. Cause it’s a Wednesday.


‘Scuse me while I go jump off my roof and die until tomorrow.

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I Be Bettar

June 11th, 2007 ·

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

I got done being sick in time for the weekend, which saw me out of the house pretty much the entire time. So I spent all night tonight getting caught up on things, like article posting. I’m really disappointed with my OGDC coverage. I wanted to cover more sessions but I’ve had the most difficult time securing slide decks from presenters. I’ve even not heard back from the event organizer in regards to getting slide decks made available to you all. I have like 3 more sessions I have notes on but my notes are useless without the slides to reference. From now on I’m just going to stick with my method of shooting a pic of each slide – beats relying on other people.

Anyways now you all have two article updates in one day. So enjoy.

Oh and I’ve also decided to kill the HTML version of the newsletter – at least for the time being. For one thing it needs (Err… has needed) a face-lift so I need to get on that, and I also don’t have time anymore to compile both versions by hand. Once I get the redesign finished and we have a means to generate the HTML, it will be back.

I think I had more to say but at this point all I can think about is going to bed, so I think I will.

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I Be Sick

June 7th, 2007 · Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

I don’t know what I’m fighting but it’s leaving me drained with a constant pressure in my head. not really a headache, just… pressure. I dunno. Anyways staring at a computer screen does not help so I goes back to lie down. Yes there was supposed to be some event coverage posted today and no, it’s not going up. Luckily the schedule is clear until Monday so I has time to recover. Wish me bettar.

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