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Blade Edge Software Source Release

November 9th, 2009 · Software

The miss raising the Peace signs got the “Best Listener” award for the day

So today I had the pleasure of visiting a local high school in Spotswood to talk about games development. It was the first time I’d stepped into an actual classroom (lectures and stuff at conferences and IGDA meetings held in classrooms don’t count) while class was in session since I said “See yaaaa” to college back in 2003. Of course (of course) the periods that most mattered were in the morning – like, early in the morning – like, when I go to bed early. So that sort of didn’t happen – I woke up after sleeping through my 6:30am alarm at 7:30 and quick hopped in the chariot and zoomed up north through traffic to arrive at the school just as first period was ending. God how I remember my hatred for school.

I had time this weekend to throw together something resembling a slide show in PowerPoint. It had pictars and text and… that’s about it – but it got my points across and that’s key. I can’t tell you how many lectures I’ve sat through with pretty slides that tell you absolutely nothing. Or worse, just a ton of bullet points the speaker then skips over or reads in two second and then advances to the next slide. But I digress – the classes that came through from morning to early afternoon were all great audiences. I saw a fair share of dead eyes out there (don’t deny it! I’ve been there!!) but a couple got hooked, and I hope those teetering on the edge between games and web/software were tipped one way or another. I advocated games of course, but I don’t think I sugarcoated it too much – the games industry is a tough industry, no ifs ands or buts about it. Hopefully now these kids have a better idea of how to get started so by the time they’re ready for jobs they’ll actually be ready.

One of the more interesting things was the fact that two students were using SDL to build a game engine. This struck a chord in me as it was the exact same thing I did back in high school – and I keep forgetting (what with all these fancy engines we have available these days) that people would still actually want to go through all the trouble of designing and building their own engine. I had also not heard much about SDL in a while, so I didn’t think it was used much anymore – shows just how woefully out of touch I am on the programming scene. Anyways these two students were on the right track, but they weren’t quite wrapping their heads around the entirety of a game engine – fortunately I had something to help visualize it for them.

Hopefully they’re not the only ones with such ambitions, because it’s nice to finally have found a use for this code that’s been sitting around untouched for the better part of 5 years now:

Blade Edge Software Source package

Included in this download are:

  • The Katana Engine – this was my SDL engine, developed over the course of about 2-3 years. It utilizes SDL for core stuff like graphics, text and input, FMOD for sound and RakNet for networking. It has it’s own GUI (not entirely functional I don’t think, but essential elements are there). A messaging system allows components to interface with each other and pass commands to game objects to perform autonomous tasks or responses to the game environment/player input. A logger tracks any events you want and outputs into a custom format for review on crashes (or for just general performance tweaking). An in-engine console allows you to create any commands you can think of and then use them to directly apply changes to game data at run time (you have no idea how much I geeked out over this when I got it working). All told it’s a pretty powerful piece of tech – however it’s far from fully realized or optimized. I also do not claim that everything I do within it is “best practice” (i.e. singletons). The documentation for the engine (slightly outdated to the version included in the source package) is available here. You can learn more about Katana’s development via my blog tag #katana. I have no idea what sort of state the code is in compile-wise.
  • Galaxy Conquest – this was the closest I came to completing a game with the Katana engine and provides an example of a practical application of the engine. The latest source is hard-coded to a specific game state as I was testing some feature, but included backups might show the proper flow of the game code. The game utilizes all aspects of the Katana engine (it was developed in parallel to the engine). Some documentation for the game can be found here, and more information on its development can be learned via my blog tag #galaxy-conquest. This code may compile, but obviously the assets are not included to actually play it.
  • Tanto Profiler – the Tanto project was slated to replace an earlier profiler I constructed back when the Katana engine was still the Blade Edge Framework. It would read the log file generated by the engine (sometimes a HUGE file) and allow you to sift through the data via a graphical interface to determine if objects were slowing down performance or when frame rates would take a hit, etc. The project didn’t progress far past mock-up and basic groundwork before I set the entire engine aside around 2005. There is no documentation but you can learn more about its design and concept via my blog tag #tanto.

Hopefully this will help out more people – the source is entirely free for you to use however you like so go to town on it. I’ll take a thank you, either personally or in the credits somewhere, that’s all.

Also, the slides to my “presentation” are available here as well – kinda useless without notes I suppose but at least there are websites of interest for you to check out. Oh and lots of pictures of course.

I’m thinking of contacting my old high school and seeing what’s become if the Computer Science AP program I terrorized back when I was in school. I might pay them a visit as well.

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City Journal: Fozburg (1900 – 1930)

November 6th, 2009 · Gaming

Fozburg is a large city founded in 1900, with a starting treasury of §50,000. It’s situated on a peninsula, with ocean surrounding the lower left and lower right sides of the map and a large central lake that is the sunken caldera of an extinct, extremely ancient volcano. This is my first large city map and also my first map connected to land. In my previous cities, I’ve used islands to help constrict my options by not having room for any serious sprawl. Here I have much, much more room to consider. I decided right away that the lake formed a nice circle to ring with residential areas. People like waterfront property, after all. That left me all the edges to build out industry, which is an old SimCity trick that pushes a good percentage of the air/water pollution off the map (if neighboring cities were supported, this wouldn’t affect them either).

About the name – I have no idea why Fozzie Bear happened to pop into my head at the time, but I figured it was as good a name as any to base the city off of. Wocka Wocka Wocka!

Fozburg founded (March 6th, 1901) – pop. 1,644

An oil power was constructed at the far corner of the map to provide the initial 7,000 MW-h that the city would be built upon. Light industry was seeded nearby for additional jobs and a highway was constructed to lead off to the residential areas by the lake shore. Along the access road a small commercial center has sprung up to cater to commuters on their way to work. A water pump just at the right edge of the image provides as much as 1,500 tons of water per month – way more than the city needs at the moment, but better than having to just replace cheaper water towers later. I have a huge budget – I can throw money around a bit.

Fiiiirreeee!!!! (October 1st, 1904) – pop. 11,220

Things were going great in Fozburg as the years went by – the residential demand continued to remain extremely high and infrastructure was booming. Already a school was servicing children and a hospital was taking care of the sick and elderly. However fire protection remained non-existent. Citizens seemed to be conducting themselves in a safe manner, and water was being piped to every building in the city. What could go wrong? Well the people of Fozburg found out as a conflagration swept through a residential neighborhood in 1904. Fire breaks were immediately constructed as depicted above, but the flames still spread out to neighboring homes and even businesses!

The conflagration spreads out of control (October 1st, 1904)

Finally a fire house was constructed and firemen dispatched to hopefully douse the flames before they engulfed the entire town. Already you can see the wrecked homes and how far the fire has spread to neighboring developments and businesses.

The aftermath (October 1st, 1904)

Fortunately the flames were quickly brought under control and quenched, but an entire neighborhood was practically lost. The fire house was torn down after the blaze, but quickly reconstructed in the open square closer to the center of town. The residents recovered very quickly and felt safer knowing they now had experienced firemen watching over them should another disaster strike. Fozburg continued its rapid growth around the top end of the lake side towards the opposite edge of the map, where new industry was slated to be constructed.

You can also see the shining Mayor’s Mansion that houses myself, King Emperor Drew, in the upper right corner next to my small private lake.

Boutiques and commercial offices arrive (December 8th, 1906) – pop. 18,448

The good times just kept rolling on for Fozburg as the years tacked on the calendar. Small businesses, boutiques and commercial offices began to set up shop in 1906, giving the commercial sector a nice boost and offering up a wider range of jobs for the citizens. This and the continued growth of residential population led to the construction of both a town hall and courthouse. Income was well enough into the black that a police building and library were also constructed to add safety to the townsfolk and provide a better education for the growing sims. In addition, the capabilities of the PDF editor are available from a web browser, so you can access them at any time and from anywhere. The residential expansion had reached the point where the second industrial sector could begin construction, and an additional water pump was brought online to continue to match the growing demand.

Fozburg decade city portrait (1910) – pop. 28,156

When 1910 rolled around, Fozburg was still holding on to §22,310, had a positive income, 6%/5%/6% (RCI) tax rates, no business deals and no parking fines or gambling. People were flocking to the small city in droves! The second industrial sector was being very successful, and both industrial area’s heavier air pollution did not reach the residential sectors. There was, however a new worry, and that was the growing smell of garbage quickly piling up in the streets. A small landfill was constructed near the power plant out by the water, but it wasn’t enough, and over the years the garbage problem only grew worse due to the rapid expansion

A widespread build-up of garbage hits Fozburg (April 22nd, 1917) – pop. 58,252

The landfill eventually had to be increased three times its size to begin handling the amount of garbage it was taking in. I apparently didn’t learn my lesson from the fire – waiting until you need something isn’t enough!

By this time the entire upper half of Caldera Lake had been settled. A healthy interspersal of commercial zones throughout the residential neighborhoods kept business flowing past their doors and gave residents shops and jobs close to home. A small ballpark and marina have greatly upped the quality of life for the citizens, and two more water pumps have been added to the system.

In November 1918 another fire broke out, this time in the industrial sector to the right – but it was quickly doused by the fire department before it could either spread or destroy the building it has started in.

Fozburg decade city portrait (1920) – pop. 69,168 (click for full panorama)

When 1920 rolled around, Fozburg was reaching both the limits of its growth and bank account. With only §1,727 left in the coffers, spending was done carefully and more thought had to be put into what to start saving money towards. Luckily the city was still bringing in a surplus of §168/mo – which may not be a lot but it was a surplus – and taxes were still low, no business deals had been accepted, no income was coming from ordinances (parking fines, gambling) and services were at 100% funding across the board. In short, life was pretty damn good even for the average Fozburg citizen – especially considering a new city zoo had been constructed.

Some run-down and abandoned houses (November 4th, 1921) – pop. 70,804

It wasn’t paradise for everyone though. Certainly those only a small distance from the landfill did not appreciate the smell wafting their way on the breeze, as evidenced by poor neighborhoods and abandoned houses. Luckily the solution to that problem had just arrived in the form of a garbage incinerator, invented in 1920. The only problem is that it was §7,500. Not only that, but the landfill problem wouldn’t immediately go away. Landfills take many, many, many years to decompose so they can finally be re-zoned for other purposes. I’m unsure exactly how long it will take, even.

Incinerator is built & landfill decommissioned (April 16th, 1922) – pop. 70,316

After two years the city finally had just enough money to build the incinerator (across the street from the power plant) and demolish the roads leading to landfills, effectively decommissioning them from active use, which would start the long decomposition process. The garbage incinerator has more than enough capacity to handle the city’s needs well into the future, which is great. Its massive air pollution doesn’t add much more to the equally massive pollution generated by the oil power plant either

A seaport brings in outside commerce (November 12th, 1922) – pop. 70,820

Immediately after the incinerator was constructed, it was decided that the city’s commerce and industry needed a good kick in the pants to match the crazy insane residential demand that was still pummeling the city. The best way to do this is to reach outside the city to the SimNation at large. Airplanes have yet to be invented, but ships are of course already a well-established form of transportation. A §10,000 loan was taken out (at a cost of §100/mo for 5 years), which was almost entirely used to construct the seaport, leaving barely §3,000 behind to continue development elsewhere in the city.

While the successful development of the port was a great boon to industry and commerce in Fozburg, it also had the unforeseen effect of sucking a massive amount of energy – to the point where the city’s Utilities adviser was thrown into a panic over the demand on the power plant, which was approaching dangerous levels.

Fozburg decade city portrait (1930) – pop. 74,560 (click for full panorama)

Fozburg entered into 1930 with only §976 in the bank, but it was still profitable – albeit barely with only §38/mo income. Both residential and industrial taxes had to be raised 1%, and the city was taking in fines for parking. However gambling was still outlawed, the maximum security prison and casino had been turned down numerous times, and all services remained at 100% funding, even with the addition of a museum and a second school and library.

Also, a new industrial sector has been started within the residential areas. The lack of pollution and easy access by residents is hoped to spur on growth of clean industries. So far a lot of dirty industry tends to pop up, but new ordinances are coming out that helps control such aspects of industry.

The second school and library mark the location of a new city that will hopefully grow to be the major commercial sector of Fozburg, given its proximity to the seaport.

The power demands remain a consistent and very serious problem. Brownouts are plaguing the city and the citizens are not happy about it. Currently the power plant is generating at 98% percent capacity, which is very high on the danger chart. It could actually explode, and is already halfway through its lifespan, to make matters worse. For now, expansion of Fozburg has ground to a halt, at least until some power-reduction ordinances can be put into action – and even then perhaps not even until the plant can be replaced.

A closeup of Old Fozburg city center – circa 1925

There’s a lot in store for Fozburg in the years to come!

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Orionids blazing through this week

October 20th, 2009 · Personal

Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s an Orionid meteor! Yep, it’s time once again to look to the heavens for a great night-time show. Seeing as I was robbed from seeing the last shower in August due to overcast skies, I look forward to more favorable weather this week in order to enjoy one of the more reliable showers during the year. This shower is being reported by multiple sources to be quite spectacular, and is one of the last showers you can catch in still-reasonably-warm temperatures (at least in the northern latitudes like New Jersey). The Taurids peak on Nov 4th, but it can only get colder from here so get on out and enjoy it!

Given that experts are expecting a good showing, don’t worry about missing tonight if you can’t make it out – Wed nite and Thurs nite should be good as well. I do plan to check out all three starting tonight. I’ll update this post with my findings.

In the meantime, and as always, don’t forget to refresh your meteor shower watching knowledge with my 10 invaluable tips.

Wednesday Morning

Pretty decent showing this morning from 5:45 – 6:15. Saw 11 meteors, maybe 15-16 counting the dim ones I might have seen out of the corner of my eye. That is, actually, not too bad of a count for only half an hour of viewing and in my semi-light-polluted area. About 3-4 of them were either big enough to light up and/or entering the atmosphere shallow enough to streak across the sky dramatically. One even flared up! Those are the coolest. I also tracked 3 satellites across the sky. Will probably get out earlier and stay out longer tomorrow morning.

Thursday Morning

Overcast skies prevented me from catching anything. Some slight breakage was happening around 5ish, but as long as the cloud cover stays to the north, lights from the denser-populated areas in that direction reflect off them and just drown out the sky to a good degree.

I’ll be driving out to Philly tonight so I won’t be watching Friday morning either. Oh well.

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Flight Log – 4N1 to KBLM

October 16th, 2009 · Gaming

Today’s flight was completing the loop I started two weeks ago when I took off from KBLM and traveled south down the New Jersey coast to Cape May for an arrival at KWWD. Now that I’m way up in north Jersey right by the New York border, I needed to get back to KBLM but had to make full use of my available VFR scenery, which extended out east onto Long Island.

So the plan called for a departure from 4N1 on Runway 6, turning SSE to intercept the Hudson River, following that south until I hit the tip of Manhattan. From there I would catch the 270° radial inbound to the Deer Park VOR, which would take me straight between KLGA and KJFK and out to KFRG, which is at the far east of my current VFR scenery. After a touch and go at KFRG, I would turn south to the Long Island coast and then track that back east until I picked up the 30° radial inbound to the Colts Neck VOR. After crossing over Colts Neck I would track outbound on the 190° radial to set me up for a direct approach to Runway 14 at KBLM.

I was back in the Cessna 172 for this flight. The Mooney Bravo was fun but had too much speed for VFR flight – I just wanted to cruise nice and slow this time out. I’m also way more comfortable in the Cessna having logged the most hours in it. Once I start taking on farther flights, the Mooney and other aircraft will become more suitable.

The flight was largely uneventful. I hit a couple of bumps transitioning from land to water in several areas, but I was able to stay within +/- 200 feet of my cruise altitude of 2500 feet despite some nasty updrafts. Approaching KFRG for my touch and go, the controller cleared me for a right traffic entry to the pattern for Runway 1 – but I had already unconsciously set myself up for left traffic since that’s all I’ve flown so far. Checking the airport information on my laptop I saw that Runway 1 is indeed a right traffic runway, so I had to circle out of the left pattern I was in to re-enter in a right pattern and then land and go.

For both airports this time I checked the traffic pattern altitude and descended to that prior to entering the pattern as well.

The next flight won’t happen for a while as I return to the classroom to work on my Instrument Rating. After that I’ll most likely chart a long flight up north to one of my favorite places – Martha’s Vineyard.

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Uncharted 2 Review

October 15th, 2009 · Gaming

Here’s my quick take on Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Overall, the game delivers just as much if not more than the original Uncharted. It also does well as a stand-alone title in the franchise – as they’ve said in many interviews, you really don’t need to have played Uncharted 1 to play Uncharted 2. However, having played the first game does let you understand more about the characters and their interactions during the story – namely Drake and Elena of course. It also raises a fair amount of questions that, for some reason or other, do not get answered. But more on that later.

I have not read any reviews of the game yet – this is my personal view after playing through the entire game on Normal. ***There are spoilers in this review*** so if you haven’t played through yet I suggest doing so before reading any further.

The Awesome, the great, the good and the bad

Awesome. One of the things I love about Uncharted is that it’s all very well scripted. I mean the game – the story has great scripting too but I’m talking about the pace at which things happen. The great thing is that it’s totally up to you how fast the game moves, and they manage to pull this off even with Uncharted 2’s very demanding environments – the train ride would be the very best example. While the train is obviously on its way somewhere, there’s no timer or any other indication as to when you will get there, because the game moves along depending on where you are on the train. You pass through a forest, riverside, tunnel and finally snowy mountains, and each segment will stick around until you’ve moved to a certain length of the train – however fast or slow that  is. Despite your supporting characters telling you to “Hurry up!” or that “We haven’t got much time!” you can dilly dally all you want and the end result will still be the same. Some people will say this isn’t very realistic, and I’ll say this is a damn video game, so shut up.

Awesome. Another of my favorite game aspects that is similar to not worrying about a ticking clock is not having to worry about your supporting characters all the freaking time. There are very, very few instances overall in which a supporting character can die, and it’s usually a result of your inaction rather than enemy soldiers shooting the crap out of them during a regular firefight. I can’t imagine how frustrating this game would be if I had to worry about killing people, staying alive and making sure my friends (sometimes numbering as many as 3 onscreen at a time) don’t go and get themselves killed. AI is expensive, and the game creators worked around this by not bothering to give the supporting cast enough brains to think about survival, they simply find suitable cover and shoot. They don’t do even half as much damage as you do so their invincibility isn’t advantageous to the player beyond simple freedom from an extra burden.

Awesome. Naughty Dog said they completely filled up the Blu-ray disc for this game, and I believe it. They also said they’re running the Cell processor at 100% of capability. I believe that too. The visuals are simply stunning. And it’s not just the detail that goes into the close-in environments, but the times were you’re able to get a glimpse of the expansive views the game is capable of delivering: Scaling the top of the museum in Turkey, you get to look out over a bay and small city at night lit up by the moon. Right before you enter the tomb in Borneo, you can’t help but look out over the island and water, to a distant peak, all lush with green vegetation swaying in the breeze. Reaching the roof of the hotel in Nepal, you see hundreds of buildings spread out at the foot of the mighty Himalayas, with smoke rising and distant flashes of battle. Up in the mountain village, you look out over a broad valley with a river winding it’s way down below. And this is all rendered – it’s not static imagery. The results are, I’ll say again, stunning.

Great. I like how they used a more dynamic method of storytelling this time around, opening at the train crash and through a series of flash backs setting the stage for the story and the character dynamics. You learn how Drake got started on this quest and what his ultimate goal is, and you learn who Chloe is and that she and Drake already had a history together. From there the story returns to its linear form like Uncharted 1, but even from a gameplay perspective the opening chapter was very well used to teach the player a lot of the basic moves they will need to use in the more action-paced parts of the game – way better than having the player learn while also defending himself from sea pirates.

Great. Melee fighting is very enjoyable as well, especially since they simplified the melee controls. Instead of button combos all you have to do is tap the square button, with the triangle button used as a dodge. The dodges are obvious because the fight goes into slo-mo. After dodging you can return to tapping square to deliver a crushing finishing blow or just disengage from the fight and return to shooting or running away. The fights are dynamic, which means Drake and his opponent can throw a variety of moves to keep it all looking fresh if you go hand to hand against multiple opponents in a row. And it looks good. They did some great mocap on the fighting moves. My favorite finishing blow is when Drake spins around and drops a chop on the back of the guy’s neck. Owch!

Great. The sound design was phenomenal. I’ll admit it was mainly the sound of bullets hitting the water in Borneo that cause me to compliment this entire aspect of the game, but certainly everything else is imbued with a very accurate soundscape. I have a Cockatiel that simply would not shut up as I played through the jungle areas of the game, because he was constantly trying to talk back to the birds he heard in the game. Out in the streets of Nepal you’d hear distant explosions and gun fire as you wandered around the city. Up in the mountain village getting shot at by the tank, the cannon rounds and minigun and the resulting impacts of the shells was staggering. Anyone in an apartment complex playing with the sound up is going to get a visit not from the cops but from the fucking National Guard because neighbors are going to think a war zone has erupted next door.

Good. Stealth was also a nice improvement to the game. Stealth actions were well crafted and executed, and the decision of whether to sneak around or not was always optional – with one exception. However, the player generally benefits from a good deal of sneaking around to help even the odds during the inevitable firefight – especially on Hard and Crushing modes where you do not want a lot of people shooting at you. This brings up one of my few gripes though, which is that sooner or later everything devolves into a gun fight. This wouldn’t be so bad except for sometimes the game doesn’t make it obvious when this will happen. In at least two instances in the game, no matter what you do to sneak up to a certain soldier after silently removing several before, you are spotted. The problem is that these soldiers are positioned in a way that strongly suggests a sneak attack – you can pull it off, but always being spotted in the process kind of defeats the purpose, and that’s annoying. Despite this though I spent a great deal of time sneaking up and using my stealth moves on opponents, restarting often to see if I can take down just a few more before being spotted.

Good. Hunting down treasure this time around is even more of a challenge, since they’ve not only hidden treasure on the ground, but on objects in the world and even in places you can’t reach without, for example, swinging on a rope. I spent a great deal of time on my first playthrough searching for treasure and only came away with just over half the 100 treasures hidden in the game. Many you have to shoot down from an object or high location. As with Uncharted 1, a lot of times it’s knowing where to look, as they flash every few seconds, even from far in the distance and during cut scenes (but not the cinematics). I had to use a strategy guide to find one treasure location in Uncharted 1 (that, embarrassingly, wasn’t even that well-hidden) and I’m thinking I might need one again to uncover all of the ones in this game.

Bad. They sort of failed on the “monster” aspect of the game again, but not initially. The “Demon Sasquatch” (as Drake calls it in his notebook) was pretty cool and suitably freaky. The one cutscene where Drake and Tenzin are climbing up a cliff as the camera pans upwards and all of the sudden a shadow in foreground bears fangs and growls – that honestly made me exclaim “oh shit!” and jump in my seat. Fighting the beasts was as hectic as the undead Spaniards from Uncharted 1, running and gunning all over the place while escaping from their clutches whenever they managed to grab you. Later in the game they’re revealed to be mutated humans guarding Shangri-La, but here they’re even harder to kill, and their shooting at you with what appears to be a machine gun set to burst fire, but what actually turns out to be a crossbow that you can only shoot one arrow at a time with. It’s also golden in color, so I guess that’s why it functions as a golden gun and kills the Shangri-La guardians with one shot whereas it requires like two full clips at least from an AK-47 to do the job. However, you don’t encounter them much and at least the last few times you do it’s with a fucking Gatling gun.

Could have been bad. I was so happy when Drake didn’t come back with a sample of the magical tree sap to apply to Elena’s wounds, you have no idea. As soon as she became injured in Shangri-La I groaned inside and pleaded that she would either die or just make it to the end wounded. They did a great job writing her “death” however, so this possible let-down was avoided.

Bring on Uncharted 3!

They’ve said since the first Uncharted that they wanted a franchise, and they’ve got one. So, where will Drake’s next adventure take him? As happily as this one ended, I hope that means they’ll back track a bit to the time between Uncharted 1 and 2. Despite Elena’s flippant remark of being “last year’s model”, it’s obviously been longer than a year since they’ve seen each other. There were multiple opportunities during the game’s story for either Drake and Elena to talk about their past or for Drake to explain to Chloe about what happened between the two of them, or even for Drake to explain to Elena what he’s been up to with Chloe. On one hand, the writers did a good job cutting out that stuff, as it’s not relevant to the story of this game in any way other than satisfying the rabid curiosity of fans like myself. Still, it leaves you wondering if there’s anything worth telling during that time. The only killjoy to this theory is Flynn, who says during the museum raid “C’mon, you missed this stuff”, which implies that the reason the he and Chloe had to track Nate down is because he dropped out of the business entirely, perhaps still sulking after his failed relationship with Elena (who apparently walked out on him). But then where does bad girl Chloe come in, having met him before he hooked up with Flynn?

While I’d love an answer to all these questions, I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing Drake go off on an adventure with Elena in a sequel set after these current events. I would mind a little less mutated monsters and grabbing of hands at the edge of cliffs, but overall I’ll be spending lots more time playing through on Hard and Crushing, collecting all the medals and the treasures, and playing co-op and multiplayer with my friends.

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October 12th, 2009 · Gaming

I’ve really enjoyed the iPhone version of SimCity, they did a great job of simplifying the gameplay for a much easier experience in building and managing your city. The touch controls are also well done, making placing buildings, roads, zones, etc. very easy to do without lots of cursing and bulldozing. Obviously there’s not a lot of computing power at the hands of the game, so the mechanics are very simplified compared to its latest PC counterpart, SimCity 4. There’s much less budgeting that needs to be done, roads and pipes, for example, don’t incur a monthly maintenance charge – which is nice because you can lay them with abandon. Especially nice for pipes because they’re a bit of a nuisance to delete, having to switch to underground view and then bulldoze.

As in SimCity proper, the best way to get the hang of it is to build small, and that doesn’t just mean a small map, but an island. Both my cities built so far have been done on islands to keep me from just sprawling all over a map. My first city, Awesometopia (above), currently has a population of 55,784, with a surplus of §98,269 in my coffers. It was founded in 1900 and is now 85 years old. The main mistake I made with this city was the landfills. I placed them too close to roads so that when I was ready to get rid of them in favor of other means of disposal, they would not decompose. That left an eyesore in areas I was hoping to develop further, as you can see below and to the right of the power plant across the bay. While it won’t be growing much from here on out, it’s still a bustling, positive income city with plenty of RCI demand.

My second city, creatively named New Awesometopia, was a slightly bigger endeavor. I specifically created separate distinct island landmasses (not easy to do since you can only auto-generate terrain) so that I could separate various elements, like industry and residential. To get an idea of what I did, here’s a very early shot of the city, which was also founded in 1900 and is 82 years old:

This was 1904, and the horribly polluting oil power plant was far away to the edge of the map (another old SimCity tactic). The island in the lower left was ceded for garbage disposal. Over the years the town grew out from this point – it’s now 82 years old with a population of 243,812 sims and a large surplus of §186,269 and lots of RCI demand. However, it’s the large surplus that’s most interesting about this city. See, it’s actually in budget deficit to the tune of almost §1,000 – yet it still takes in ~§2,000 per month. Why? I have no idea! I simply accepted to build a Defense Contractor in my city and, although I didn’t build it, I started getting money I assumed was for having one in my city. When I finally constructed it, my budget showed no increase from Monthly Contracts, and yet the money kept pouring in! I’ll have to see if I can recreate this bug. Why did I leave it this way? Well it didn’t make things totally easier – having money to spend all the time made me, at times, expand New Awesometopia faster than its rate of growth, tanking demand. It was very hard to be patient and wait until the demand was ready for me to expand – normally this waiting would be easier because I would also be waiting to build up money for the expansion.

This isn’t the only time I’ve blabbed about some SimCity game – I’ve also blogged a bit about my SimCity region Timbuktu. I’m thinking about getting back into SimCity4 again, and starting up a city journal here. It’s something I’ve always wanted to really get into – it’s a bit like gardening or landscaping. You mend and tend a little bit at a time and slowly grow things out. My city journal would capture the growth and evolution of not only a city, but the entire region. Some great examples of city journals are here – truly stunning stuff!! But in the meantime, at least I have a great option for city building when I’m on the go 🙂

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Flight Log – KPHL to 4N1

October 10th, 2009 · Gaming

This time out I hopped into a Mooney Bravo because I had a lot of ground to cover, and the Mooney cruises at 160 kts while the Cessna 172 cruises at only 100 kts. The flight plan called for a departure from KPHL (where I arrived yesterday), then I would follow the Delaware River Northeast until I intercepted the 115° radial inbound to the Robbinsville VOR, which would let me skirt around the restricted airspace surrounding McGuire AFB. This would put me in line with KBLM, where I would enter the pattern, do a touch and go, then depart Northeast to fly over my house and out to the tip of Sandy Hook. Turning East at Sandy Hook, I would track the 110° radial inbound to the Solberg VOR, then track out on the 30° radial which points me straight at VOR Sparta. Upon hitting Sparta, I track the 90° radial outbound until I establish visual on Runway 6 at 4N1, then take it straight in for a landing.

Starting off at KPHL, my first impression of the Bravo was that I couldn’t see over my nose very well, and this bothered me a lot initially. I jacked up the seat, which made things better, but damn that thing has a snout. The views out the side and rear quarter windows though are fantastic. Remembering how I was unable to comply with taxi instructions upon landing yesterday because I hadn’t pulled up an APD beforehand, I had it all set to go this time, with a notepad and pen ready to jot down instructions. After checking out the layout of the instrument panel, setting up my NAV radios, and performing the pre-flight checklist, I contacted Ground and requested taxi for takeoff. Ironically, they tell me to taxi to Runway 8 via Delta… and that’s it. It’s the small runway right next to the GA parking, so I didn’t even need the damn APD! 😛

So I taxied up to Runway 8 and held short as per my instructions from Ground. Tuning to the tower and requesting clearance, I was told to continue to hold as a C172 completed its final approach and landed. Once it was clear of the runway and got its taxi directions the tower gave me clearance for my takeoff and departure. After leaving the ground and turning upriver, my climb kept my speed below 105 ktas, which was good because I totally forgot until like 17oo feet that I needed to retract my gear! I leveled off at 2500 (for reals this time) and trimmed for level flight, setting the throttle to cruise at 160 ktas. The Bravo is definitely more responsive than the Skyhawk, which is both good and bad of course, but I like how she handles.

I got handed off to Philly Departure who tracked me out of the airspace and then handed me back over to the general frequency. I passed Trenton and then turned to intercept my 115° radial towards KBLM. Zooming across the state I spotted the airport in the distance and, after announcing my position, started my descent and entry into the pattern, which I did somewhere between the Upwind and Crosswind legs. I meant to do a 45° entry into the Upwind but ended up a little too far up. Turning Downwind and turning Base, I announced my touch and go intentions and started to take her in. This is where the nose came back as an issue, although it was also partly because I was way below glide slope. Regardless, I couldn’t see the damn runway during the last few seconds of my approach, which was scary. Even worse, I was so low I had to pull up, announce a go around and climb back out to fly the pattern again. But, it was my first attempt at landing this bird, so it wasn’t too bad. My second time around was better, I was at least able to touch and go as planned.

Heading back Northeast I circled around my home town a few times, looking for my house which I eventually spotted, then flew up the coast to the tip of Sandy Hook, where I picked up the 110° radial that would lead me to Solberg. I also contacted New York Approach for Class B airspace transition. I picked up a few bumps clearing Sandy Hook, but things smoothed out quickly and stayed calm until I hit the mountains around Sparta. At 10nm out from Sparta I slowed to 110kts and descended towards 1500 ft, though I had to level off a bit higher because of the terrain. Updrafts gave me a good buffeting here and there. I switched from NY Approach to 4N1’s traffic frequency and announced my position as I set up for a straight-in approach. A minute later a Piper announced herself three miles behind me on approach, so I didn’t dilly-dally and brought the bird down as quick as I could. The landing went off slightly better, but I’m still too used to seeing over my nose, and to do so in the Mooney means I’ll always set myself way low on the glide path. Just need more practice – I hit the middle of the runway (not center, middle) so I was lucky it was long enough.

Again, a few minor mistakes on this flight. Although I set my NAV radios to frequency prior to taxi, I forgot to set my OBS, so I did that prior to takeoff but after I had received clearance (when I thought about it) so that wasn’t such a great idea. In addition to forgetting to put my gear up I forgot to put them down for my approach to KBLM. Luckily the plane beeps at you if you descend too low without them – but at first I misinterpreted it as the stall warning. Then I forgot and left them down when I flew the pattern the second time 😛 I also mixed up my degree settings a bit once again on the compass.

Next flight is most likely going to take me East to Long Island to KFRG, which is the farthest East my VFR scenery goes. I’ll touch and go there, fly West to Manhattan for a buzz of the city, then head back to home base – KBLM. After that it’s back to the classroom for my IFR rating.

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Flight Log – KWWD to KPHL

October 9th, 2009 · Gaming

Another great flight this morning. The actual weather was, once again, not very preferable so although I used the real-world time for my flight, I simply set the weather to Fair just like last time so that I could enjoy the focus of this flight, which was the VFR scenery. Someday I’ll want to battle my way from one airport to another through a raging snowstorm or torrential thunder shower, but for now I would like to cruise easy and enjoy the scenery. All you hyper realism junkies take a hike.

So you may notice that I started this flight off at the airport I landed at in my last flight. I’m going to continue to do this. Despite having the power to pop up at any airport in the world and take off from there, I’ve decided to make things more interesting – if I want to go someplace, I have to get there by actually flying there. This serves two purposes. First, it means that I can’t go very far right now, since I don’t have much radio navigation experience and I’m stuck in a rather slow aircraft. But this is good, because I still have lots of scenery to explore right here in the tri-state area. Second, it helps motivate me to learn more in order to reach places I can’t get to at this time. I’ll need to get my Instrument Rating so I can handle longer flights in varying conditions, I’ll have to get comfortable flying faster planes so I can travel farther quicker, and I’ll have to gain more flying hours overall to achieve this.

So, for today’s flight I checked out the Southeastern-most limits of my current VFR scenery library in this region, which is the bottom of New Jersey and Northeastern segment of Delaware. Since I’m from Middletown, I decided it would be cool to fly over Middletown, DE. To get there, since I don’t know the land anywhere well enough to fly there by sight, I had to set myself up to bounce from VOR to VOR. The flight plan to get there called for takeoff from KWWD, intercepting the 330° radial outbound from Sea Isle VOR, tracking that to KMIV, turning due West to intercept the 330º radial outbound from the Smyrna VOR, and track that until I intercepted the 30° radial inbound to the Dupont VOR. At the intersection of these last two radials is Middletown, DE.

Once I flew over Middletown, I continued to track the Dupont VOR which brought me to KILG, where I contacted the tower and got clearance to do a touch and go on Runway 1. After the T&G I flew the pattern (thanks, Colin, for the suggestion!) and did another Runway 1 T&G before vectoring out along the Delaware River to head towards KPHL. I contacted Philly Approach to be mindful of traffic until I was closer to the airport then contacted the tower for landing instructions. They slotted me in behind a Learjet 45 and I made a direct approach to Runway 9R. Upon landing and clearing the runway, I switched over to Ground and of course received taxi instructions I couldn’t even begin to remember. Thankfully FSX has a progressive taxi feature which gives me arrows to follow. On VATSIM I would have had Ground do the progressive for me, though they probably wouldn’t have been happy I didn’t do my homework and had an APD of the airport ready.

Couple of minor mistakes on this flight. First, I seem to not know how to read an altimeter, and I belatedly realize (looking at the screenshots) that I was cruising at 1500 feet instead of the 2500 feet I filed in my flight plan. I did ascend to proper altitude after my final departure from KILG though. Second, I set my OBS incorrectly for the Dupont VOR and barely fixed it in time. I was supposed to track in the 30º radial, so I of course set the OBS to “30” on my NAV2 gauge. Ooops. “30” is actually 300º! I should have set it to “3”, which I did just as I was intercepting the radial. Third, on my traffic pattern around KILG, I executed the base turn to final too late and rolled out to the right of the runway and was too high and had to cut throttle to idle in order to descend in time. Oh and I still taxi like a drunk driver.

I will, however, pat myself on the back for making three successful visual approaches without the help of any glide slope indicators. Both runways I landed on (landed on one twice) didn’t sport any fancy VASI or PAPI indicators, which was a first for me. I almost, almost came down short of the runway at KPHL and I’m pretty sure I was below the slope on all three approaches, but I didn’t crash. I’ll give myself another pat for successful use of Navaids on this flight to get me where I wanted to go.

Next flight will be back up into Central Jersey. I’ll touch and go at Trenton and then fly back out to KBLM. I might be in a different plane as well.

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Flight Log – KBLM to KWWD

October 3rd, 2009 · Gaming

It was cloudy, dreary and rainy outside today, but the best thing about a flight simulator is that you can choose to ignore the real weather if you want to. Certainly you can set FSX to pull down and then update current meteorological conditions, but then who wants to fly in rainy weather when they don’t have to? So after setting up a trusty Cessna 172 trainer (in yellow!) with my tail number N727DS, I changed the weather to fair conditions – no wind, partly cloudy skies, >20mi visibility. Well, where’s the fun in that?? But this trip I’m not out to battle against the forces of nature, but to take a nice leisurely VFR cruise down the Jersey Shore.

So I filed the flight plan in FSX, allowing it to chart me out VOR waypoints that would vector me from Monmouth Executive airport (KBLM) down to Cape May County Airport (KWWD). But I don’t have my instrument rating yet and even if I do have rudimentary knowledge of VOR navigation from previous FSX flight lessons and experience, this isn’t an instrument flight. But it at least let me get an idea of how long the trip would take and how much fuel I would burn. I effectively doubled both figures since I knew I was taking a roundabout course down the shoreline.

After going through the pre-flight checklist and doing an exterior check of control surfaces I turned over the engine and taxiied off the apron, radioing to local traffic my intent to take off from Runway 14 departing to the South. Airspace was clear in the area, so I was able to taxi straight on to the runway and take off immediately. After climbing to my cruise altitude of 2,500ft, I contacted McGuire to get on their radar and find out if there was any traffic in my area. I freaked the controller out because I hadn’t finished trimming for cruise and ended up ascending to 2,800ft without realizing it, and a Mooney Bravo buzzed by me relatively close, so she was screaming at me to eyeball the traffic that was right on top of me. That’s what I get for spending too much time looking out the windows.

The rest of the flight was uneventful. I stuck to the coast and flew over Atlantic City, Ocean City and Wildwood before finally circling around the very tip of New Jersey at Cape May. The sun was just kissing the horizon and I had to make it to ground before it got too dark and I broke VFR rules. Tuning into Cape May traffic, I announce position and intent to land on Runway 1. Getting no response and checking around to make sure there was no traffic, I took her straight in, picking up the PAPI glidepath and touching down just left of the centerline. Taxiing off and announcing clear of runway, I pulled onto the nearest apron and parked, shutting down.

Great cruise, and gave me a chance to check out some more of the MegaEarth scenery I bought for the NJ region. Excellent VFR quality (as you will see in the gallery), I look forward to continuing my tour – I think my next hop will be across the Delaware Bay to the Middletown area over there.

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Natal – the next Machinima tool

September 8th, 2009 · Gaming, Production

I literally minutes ago was thinking of Machinima production – I’ve been trying to plot out some sort of Sims3 series for a while now. My problem with Sims3 though is that it has a lot of restrictions when it comes to filming. Sims3 is a very closed environment, although it’s a lot better now than it was in Sims2 since you can travel about the neighborhood in real time. It’s still rather small tho (the new expansion pack with fix that a little). It’s also very hard to get the characters to act the way you would like them to, as demonstrated by The Strangerhood.

Then I started thinking about maybe purchasing Grand Theft Auto 4 for the PC, even though I have the PS3 version, since it comes with a full suite of filming and editing tools. However while the world is much more open and flexible than Sims3, there are still restrictions involving character movement and voicing. There are more ways in GTA4 through creative camera angles however to solve this problem, but it’s still there.

Next we move on to Uncharted 2, which was recently revealed to have a very powerful set of machinima tools. The most awesome would be the fact that you can hook a headset up to your PS3 and as you talk into the game, the character’s mouth with lip-sync with you in real time. It’s not as good as hand-made animation of course but it’s extremely passable – just think of the singer’s mouth movements in games like Guitar Hero. Also you won’t get accurate facial expressions to go with your lip-syncing (or will you? That’s still unclear) but still, this will be a very powerful tool. The downside is that Uncharted 2 is also a very restricted environment, however several tools (like the green screen ability) will greatly ease this.

So what’s the next step? You have open environments, you have expressive characters – what’s missing? Body movement. This is where Microsoft’s Natal could be a boon for machinima producers. With the cooperation of game developers, the tech could be used to map your movements onto a game actor just as motion capture is collected in pre-production. Natal is in itself already an advanced mocap device, assigning points to the player’s body that the camera then tracks to determine movement. While I won’t say that mapping this to a game character would be simple, in essence the data is already there.

Whether or not Sony’s motion controller software could accomplish the same feat is another open question. It most likely couldn’t replicate Natal without a person still attaching glowing dots to themselves in certain locations.

All I can say is a game like GTA4, with the voice syncing tools of Uncharted 2, combined with the mocap from Natal, would be a machinima producers dream sandbox. I’d even say wet dream sandbox (messy, I know).

Please let it be, someday!!

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