Blade Edge

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Entries Tagged as 'Gaming'

Flight Log – Long Island Loop

September 19th, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

Wow, awesome flight today! It happened in two parts. First part was lifting off from KMMU to fly into the city. I got lost leaving the airport and couldn’t find Route 10 to take me to Route 280 (Heli chart for reference) so I had to turn around, go back to the airport and upon […]



Flight Log – Crashing Around Manhattan

September 16th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Gaming

Today was Jet Ranger vs. Manhattan, and the final score ended up being 8-2, meaning 8 landings and 2 crashes. Let’s go to the play-by-play. The trip began at Morristown Municipal (KMMU) and I flew into the city along Routes 10 and 280 – you can reference the NYC Heli chart here. My first stop […]



Flight Log – KBLM to KMMU

September 15th, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

Such beautiful weather this evening, couldn’t resist seeing the sun setting from the air. I also wanted to take the Jet Ranger into Manhattan tomorrow, so I had to get back to an airport that gave me access to helicopter services. I originally planned to head back to Teterboro (KTEB) but I realized that another […]



Flight Log – Fixed Wing and Rotor Wing

September 14th, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

So today I decided not to wait for good weather to fly and just go out in whatever conditions presented. Turned out that things were a bit crummy around where I was flying, but not horribly so. I began at Martha’s Vinyard (KMVY), where I last flew this past weekend. Such a beautiful place – […]



Flight Log – KTEB to KMVY

September 12th, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

Today I took my longest flight yet – almost three hours in the air. I wanted to go to Martha’s Vinyard (KMVY) because it is a destination I’ve flown to many times before in past iterations of Flight Simulator, but I didn’t want to take just a simple direct flight there. I have VFR scenery […]



Flight Log – Midnight Manhattan Shenanigans

September 11th, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

I decided to take one more flight around Manhattan (for now) – the only problem was that my plans to do so during sunset were ruined when I got called in to coach at the gym, and by the time I was able to fly it was just past midnight. Obviously there are sound abatement […]



Flight Log – Manhattan Heli – Success!

September 6th, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

After my last attempt to pilot a helicopter around Manhattan ended with me in the Hudson due to an engine failure, I decided it was time to try again. That, and it was a beautiful day out and I had some time where I knew I (probably, most likely) wouldn’t be interrupted. So I got […]



Flight Log – Messing with scenery

September 1st, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

I’ve been spending all my spare hours these past two days painstakingly re-creating KEWR to match my photo-realistic ground scenery textures, using a program called FSX Planner. It’s the first scenery manipulation I’ve ever done in Flight Simulator and I know there are a couple options out there to use when mucking about with airport […]



Flight Log – VATSIM is a go

August 30th, 2010 · 2 Comments · Gaming

My helicopter flight around Manhattan was done without the built-in simulator ATC because it wasn’t properly recognizing that I was in a helicopter. I said at the time I didn’t want to bother with VATSIM, but I quickly changed my mind when I realized I would end up using it sooner or later – so […]



Flight Log – Manhattan Heli… Splash!

August 29th, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

This morning I was up early again and had some time to kill before the day’s planned activities, so I decided to hop into the Cessna 172 to fly up north to an airport that could give me a chopper to take over Manhattan later on in the day. Consulting Sky Vector, I found that […]

