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Entries Tagged as 'Gaming'

Flight Log – Ferry Services

January 22nd, 2011 · No Comments · Gaming

So the conundrum with today’s flight was – how do I get my Cessna back? I left it up at 4N1 when I took the helicopter down to Manhattan. I suppose I could just chopper it back up there and grab it, but that’s not really exciting. Instead I decided to do a good deed […]



Flight Log – Pure VFR

January 15th, 2011 · No Comments · Gaming

So today I took my first flight of 2011! I got to mix a little bit of business with pleasure as well, plotting a flight that was completely VFR while also checking out one of my airports and that of an associate for whom I am beta testing. To get an idea of just how […]



Flight Log – Airport Hopping 2

November 27th, 2010 · 2 Comments · Gaming

After spending several more weeks designing some new airports it was time to hop back in the cockpit and actually fly to them. I’ve been pretty productive since my last flight, and now have 37 airports up on AVSIM – that means I only have about 100 more to go, hahaha. Oh boy, I wish […]



Flight Log – Airport Hopping

October 18th, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

For this flight I decided I was going to fly in and out of some of the airports I’ve been designing recently to get some use out of them. I also decided I was going to finally start paying attention to check lists. FSX has a “kneeboard” you can call up in flight to see […]



Flight Log – H43 to KFRG

October 16th, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

Although the winds were pretty rough today, I decided it was otherwise to beautiful to past up a chance to get some flight time in. Thanks to a Nor’easter that just passed through the previous day, winds were pretty wicked – we’re receiving gusts of up to 40mph – sometimes even 50! I’m looking out […]



Flight Log – Down and Up the Hudson

October 13th, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

  So I’ve been spending the majority of my free time these past few weeks designing scenery rather than flying. Although the satellite scenery I’m using for the NJ/NY/MA/RI area is awesome, it’s a bit of a double-edged sword when it comes to airports. See, the default FSX airports are not designed to match the […]



Flight Log – KWRI to KFMH

September 26th, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

  I decided to go for it and plot a flight up to Massachusetts in the MV-22, there’s a Coast Guard base up there on the Cape that I could justify a military flight to. While it’s listed on the sectional as Cape Cod Coast Guard Air Station (KFMH), it actually services Otis Air National […]



Flight Log – Military Maneuvers 2

September 24th, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

  It was back in the cockpit of military aircraft today, starting with the AgustaWestland AW101 chopper and then moving back to the MV-22 Osprey. Weather at McGuire AFB (KWRI) wasn’t the best, extremely low ceiling prevented VFR conditions from being in effect, so ATC denied my request to take off without an IFR plan […]



Flight Log – Military Maneuvers

September 23rd, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

  It was always my plan, once I reached McGuire AFB (KWRI), to hop into the cockpit of the F/A-18 for a joyride, however the other weekend PC Aviator had a 24-hour sale that dropped the price of one of their store items way down – it was the Virtavia MV-22 Osprey, the military version […]



Flight Log – Bumpy Ride

September 21st, 2010 · No Comments · Gaming

  Man, Igor may have missed us, but you could feel his wrath in the air today that’s for sure! Never had to deal with so much damn turbulence while flying – it got to the point of being just plain annoying, especially in the helicopter which is already difficult enough to manage. But I […]

