Blade Edge

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Entries Tagged as 'Gaming'

New Controversial Game? The C Word

August 14th, 2008 · No Comments · Gaming

Warning! NSFW! Warning! NSFW! Okay, now that I have your attention – I got home earlier tonight to an IM left for me by my buddy Edmund McMillen (Gish, Tri-achnid) about the new game he worked on with Florian Himsl (his partner on Tri-achnid). Let’s just say this is one of those games that is […]



Guitar Hero pwnage

August 3rd, 2008 · 1 Comment · Gaming

So tonight I was supposed to run through the fight scene with Dizzle and prep it for a reference filming, however Mack wanted to swing by in the afternoon so I could help him with a computer problem. He ended up picking up Dizzle (who’s car is still in the shop) and bringing him along. […]



A look at Multiwinia

July 22nd, 2008 · No Comments · Gaming

So the good folks over at Introversion sent me a preview build of their latest title, a multiplayer take on their original hit Darwinia, with enhancements added as well of course. Having never played Darwinia before (yes, I am shamed) I was abel to approach this with a fresh set of eyes and get my […]



Why I love Uncharted

July 19th, 2008 · No Comments · Gaming

I’ve probably spent around 20 hours the past 4 days playing Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune on the PS3. I first downloaded the demo a few months ago when I finally bought the console because I had rememebred reading about it when it had first come out – though what stuck in my head were the stunning […]



The cheap cash cow that is GH III PC

July 13th, 2008 · No Comments · Gaming

It’s not often that I get fed up with a game based on its technical qualities. Usually if I end up hating a game it’s simply because it’s not fun to play at all. Guitar Hero is fun to play. What’s not fun is trying to connect online to another player through the most assinine […]



GTA4 Shootout Playground

May 1st, 2008 · No Comments · Gaming

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll What’s this all about?? Getting all the best weapons in GTA4 Using them in a 6-star shootout with cops Doing so in a location that will only get you killed if you kill yourself or act stupid Step 1: Getting the Weaponry Alright, if you have GTA4 and you want to […]



Me and the PS3

April 16th, 2008 · No Comments · Gaming

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll So I’ll be picking up a PS3 between now and the 29th, when GTA IV is scheduled to be released. While I’m not getting a PS3 solely for GTA IV, the release of the latest iteration of one of my favorite franchises is indeed a major motivating factor. If it were […]



I am a Rockstar

February 17th, 2008 · No Comments · Gaming

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll I jammed through Institutionalized, Miserlov, Hangar 18 and Freebird – the remaining 4 songs on Expert that had stumped me Monday night – in just over 3 hours. hot damn. And then I went back and started working through Hard again to bring up my stars. Now I have 5 stars […]



IGF, IGDA GDC Scholarships, Contracting…

December 12th, 2007 · No Comments ·, Gaming, Personal, Software

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll IGF Interviews Going very well, just got another batch of responses through today. It’s been less than a week and have already heard from over half of the finalists and nearly half of them are already into the second round of questioning. I have yet to decide how best to post […]



Kicking off the work week

December 11th, 2007 · No Comments · Gaming, Personal

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll Guitar Hero: Me vs. Agafaba So Agafaba and I battled in GH III earlier tonight. Our first round of best of 7 games was cut short – Agafaba said the game told him he won but the record was only at 3-2 (in favor of him) and on my side the […]

