Blade Edge

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Entries Tagged as 'Grucci'

Taipei Day Seven

December 23rd, 2010 · No Comments · Grucci

The lovely “green tea green” (as Ian puts it) safety vests they have outfitted us to wear. When did orange go out of style?? Holy crap I’ve been in Taipei a week already? Time just seems to be flying right on by. After last night’s shenanigans, I don’t even remember hitting the snooze on my […]



Taipei Day Six

December 22nd, 2010 · No Comments · Grucci

Morning mist shrouds Taipei 101 as seen from the Dajia site. It cleared and was around 70F again today Despite how great things are going here in Taiwan overall, there is one thing that continues to worry me – weather. It’s been way too nice around here for my liking. It will have to get […]



Taipei Day Five

December 21st, 2010 · No Comments · Grucci

Another silly translation Today was another halfer – that is to say half was spent at the 101 building and the other half at the Dajia site along the river. We cabbed it over to Taipei 101 in the morning after breakfast and split into two groups – half of us ran the rest of […]



Taipei Day Four

December 20th, 2010 · No Comments · Grucci

Some drummers get ready to welcome some VIPs to Taipei 101 this morning – we didn’t stick around to see who they were though Today was the first day I spent completely over at Taipei 101, although it was the less-glamorous side of pyro work that had us climbing through the bowels of the building […]



Taipei Day Three

December 19th, 2010 · No Comments · Grucci

My newest ID badge, this one from Big Show, to get me into Taipei 101 So today was another mish-mosh of activities. Breakfast was, as usual, at 6am although realistically most people don’t show up until closer to 7. At 7:30 we all piled into the big bus and headed down to the river site. […]



Taipei Day Two

December 18th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Grucci

Today started off with breakfast at 6am (hee hee, hash brawns) and then we all piled onto a 40-person bus (which was a nice step up from a dinky 20-person bus) and headed back to the river site, where people began to disperse on various activities for the morning. I ended up at loose ends […]



Taipei Day One

December 17th, 2010 · No Comments · Grucci

Okay first of all I don’t know if I’m going to be blogging every day. I might, I might not. We’ll see. Regardless I will be re-capping everything since the last time I blogged. So since we are waiting for some product to arrive (customs is a bitch) today starting at 7:30am we all lent […]



A Chinese Christmas

December 14th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Grucci

Tomorrow I will be boarding a plane bound for Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan, where I’ll be spending the next three weeks with a crew of fellow Fireworks by Grucci pyrotechnicians setting up for the 100th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 2011 New Year celebration. This double bash will be […]



First Fireworks Display!

June 2nd, 2010 · No Comments · Grucci

This Memorial Day weekend saw me out in the field on Sunday with about 15 other trainees and three experienced chief technicians setting up a small fireworks display for the North Patchogue Fire Dept carnival out on Long Island. This was our first time setting up a show from the ground up – back during […]



License to Blow Shit Up

May 17th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Grucci

So for the past three weeks I’ve been taking Fireworks by Grucci’s annual training class to become a licensed Grucci pyrotechnician, which allows me to accompany crews on shows and get paid to set up and launch fireworks for the amazement of hundreds or thousands. I know, awesome right? My old friend Justin Blaser Bizzle […]

